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CHAPTER 13 - Personality

personality an individual's unique, relatively consistent pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving
id in Freud's theory, the part of the personality that contains inborn biological drives and that seeks immediate gratification
pleasure principle the process by which the id seeks immediate gratification of its impulses
ego in frued's theory, the part of the personality that helps the individual adapt to external reality by making compromises between the id, the superego, and the environment
reality principle the process by which the ego directs the individual to express sexual and aggresive impulses in socially acceptable ways
superego in freud's theory, the part of the personality that acts as a moral guide telling us what we should and should not do
defense mechanism in freud's theory, a process that distorts reality to prevent the individual from being overwhelmed by anxiety
libido freud's term for the sexual energy of the id
oral stage in freud's theory, the stage of personality development between birth and age 1 year, during which the infant gains pleasure from oral activities and faces a conflict over weaning
anal stage in freud's theory, the stage of personality development between ages 1 and 3, during which the child gains pleasure from defecation and faces a conflict over toilet training
phallic stage in freud's thoery, the stage of personality development between ages 3 and 5, during which the child gains pleasure from the genitals and must resolve the Oedipus complex
Oedipus complex in freud's theory, a conflict, during the phallic stage, between the child's sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex and fear of punishment from the same-sex parent
electra complex a term used by some psychoanalysts, but not by freud, to refer to the oedipus complex in girls
latency stage in freud's theory, the state between age 5 and puberty, during which there is little psychosexual development
genital stage in freud's theory, the last stage of personality development, associated with puberty, during which the individual develops erotic attachments to others
personal unconscious in jung's theory, the individual's own unconscious mind, which contains repressed memories
collective unconscious in jung's theory, the unconscious mind that is shared by all human beings and that contains archetypal images passed down from our prehistoric ancestors
archetypes in jung's theory, inherited images that are passed down from our prehistoric ancestors and that reveal themselves as universal symbols in art, dreams, and religion
extravert a person who is socially outgoing and prefers to pay attention to the external environment
introvert a person who is socially reserved and refers to pay attention to his or her private mental experiences
projective test a freudian personality test based on the assumption that individuals project their unconscious feelings when responding to ambiguous stimuli
trait a relatively enduring, cross-situationally consistent personality characteristic that is inferred from a person's behavior
self-efficacy in bandura's theory, a person's belief that she or he cna perform behaviors that are necessary to bring about a desired outcome
collective efficacy people's perception that with collaborative effort the group will obtain its desired outcome
self-schema in schema theory, specialized cognitve structures about the self
self-actualization in Maslow's theory, the individuals predisposition to try to fulfill her or his potentials
temperament a person's characteristic emotional state, first apparent in early infancy and possibly inborn
somatotype in sheldon's theory, a physique associated with a particular temperament
Created by: Jessica C
Popular Psychology sets




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