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Abnormal- Chapter 7

Mood Disorders and Suicide

Types of DSM-IV-TR Depressive Disorders Major depressive disorder, Dysthymic disorder, Double depression
Types of DSM-IV-TR Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I disorder, Bipolar II disorder, Cyclothymic disorder
Major Depression Major depressive episode is most commonly diagnosed and most severe form of depression
Features of Major Depression Cognitive symptoms (e.g., feeling worthless or indecisive), Disturbed physical functioning (e.g., altered sleep patterns, changes in appetite/weight, loss of energy), Anhedonia – Loss of pleasure/interest in usual activities
Average duration of an untreated major depressive episode is ________ months. 9
Major Depressive Disorder: single episode highly unusual
Major Depressive Disorder: recurrent episode more common
Features of Mania Exaggerated joy, or euphoria, Hyperactivity, Decreased need for sleep, May include grandiose plans
Speech is typically ________ and may become __________ during mania. rapid, incoherent
People in mania may try to express ___________________. all their thoughts at once
Symptoms for mania must be present for at least 1 ____ for a diagnosis. week
How long does a untreated manic episode usually last? 6 months
Features of Hypomania less severe version of a manic episode, does not cause unmarked impairment in social or occupational functioning
Major depressive disorder, single episode defined, in part, by the absence of manic or hypomanic episodes before or during the episode
True or false: The occurrence of one isolated depressive episode in a lifetime is rare. true
True or false: Major Depressive Disorder is almost always a chronic condition that comes and goes over time, but seldom disappears true
Major Depressive Disorder, recurrent two or more major depressive episodes occur and are separated by a period of at least 2 months during which the individual is not depressed
Recurrent vs. Single major depressive episode is associated with a ______________________. family history of depression
As many as ____% of single episode cases later have a second episode of major depression 80
Main age of onset for depression 25 but now down to 14
Features of dysthymia Milder symptoms of depression than major depression, Persists for at least 2 years (during this time, the person cannot be symptom free for more than 2 months at a time), Can persist unchanged over long periods –> 20 years
Onset for Dysthymia 21 or younger
People with dysthymia have relatively _______ prognosis. (i.e. poor response to treatment) poor
There is a _________ likelihood that dysthymia runs in the family. strong
The median duration of dysthymic disorder is approximately ___ years in adults and ___ years in children. 5, 4
Patients suffering from dysthymia have a __________ likelihood of attempting suicide than those suffering from major depressive disorder higher
Features of double depression Major depressive episodes and dysthymic disorder, Dysthymic disorder often develops first
What is double depression associated with? a severe psychopathology and a problematic future course
______ recurrence rates when dysthymia is untreated. high
True or false: double depression is common true
____% of people with dysthymia had a major depressive episode at some point in their lives 79
Severe depression following a death of a loved one is _________. quite high
Depression during grief is only considered depression when there are severe symptoms such as ______________________________. psychotic features, suicidal ideation
Grief is usually resolved in a couple of months post loss, but may be exasperated at ____________________. significant anniversaries
If grief lasts longer than ________, then mental health professionals may become concerned. 1 year
Bipolar I: Features alternating full major depressive and manic episodes
Average onset for Bipolar I is _____. 18 years old
True or false: Bipolar I can begin in childhood. true
True or false: Bipolar I tends to be chronic. true (treatment tends to be poor)
True or false: Suicide is a common consequence for bipolar I. true
Bipolar II disorder features alternating major depressive and hypomanic episodes
average age for onset for bipolar II disorder 22 years old
True or false: Bipolar II can begin in childhood true
___ to ___% of cases progress to full bipolar I disorder 10 to 13
Bipolar II tends to be ________. chronic
Features of cyclothymic disorder Manic and major depressive episodes are less severe, Manic or depressive mood states persist for long periods, Pattern must last for at least 2 years for adults, Must last at least 1 year for children and adolescents
avg onset for cyclothymic disorder 12 to 14 years old
cyclothymia tends to be _________ and _________. lifelong, chronic
Most people who have cyclothymia are _________. females
People with cyclothymia run a high risk of developing _________________________. bipolar I or bipolar II disorder
specifiers Symptom specifiers are helpful in determining the most effective treatment
Two types of specifiers those that describe the most recent episode of the disorder, -and- those that describe its course or pattern
Symptom specifier (recent episode) psychotic (hallucinations/delusions)
Course specifiers past history of mood disturbance (for example, one should determine whether dysthymia preceded a major depressive episode or whether cyclothymic disorder preceded bipolar disorder)
Rapid cycling pattern (for bipolar I and II only) at least 4 manic or depressive episodes within a period of 1 year
True or false: Rapid cycling is a more severe form of bipolar disorder that does not respond well to treatment, and appears to be associated with higher rates of suicide true
True or false: Alternative drug treatments are typically utilized with individuals meeting criteria for this specifier true
lifetime prevalence for major depression 16.1%
lifetime prevalence for dysthymia 3.6%
lifetime prevalence for bipolar 1.3%
_________ are more likely to suffer from major depression. females
Bipolar disorders affects ________ and ________ equally. males and females
Dysthymia is _____________ than major depression in children. more prevalent
______________ is more common in adolescence. Major depression
True or false: depression is often misdiagnosed in children. true
In early childhood, ________ are more likely than ________ to be depressed. males, females
adolescent __________ are more likely to be depressed than adolescent __________ and this remains this way until old age. females, males
bipolar is _______ in children. rare
Sex ratio for depression in the elderly is _____________. equal
_______ to _______% of elderly nursing home residents may experience major depressive episodes, which are likely to be ______. 18 to 20%, chronic
It is _________to diagnose an elderly person with depression due to medical illnesses and symptoms of dementia. difficult
_______________ often accompany depression in the elderly. anxiety disorders
anxiety and depression people who are depressed may have an anxiety disorder not everyone who has a anxiety disorder is depressed
Familial and Genetic Influences: family studies Rate is high in relatives, Relatives of bipolar – Risk for unipolar depression
If one identical twin has a mood disorder, the other twin is ___ times more likely than a fraternal twin to have a mood disorder, particularly for bipolar disorder. 3
If one identical twin has Bipolar I, ___% chance the other twin will have some mood disorder. 80
Severe mood disorders may have a _________ genetic contribution than less severe disorders (This is true for most psychological disorders). stronger
heritability rates for depression being higher for _________ compared to _________. females, males
Data from family and twin studies also suggest that the biological vulnerability for mood disorders may reflect a more vulnerability for anxiety disorders as well
Created by: Ellemkay
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