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Psych Ch. 4 UMW

chapter 4 questions and answers

Phrenology got right different parts of brain control different things
EEG electrical activity inside brain
PET scan injects radioactive glucose in brain, which allows scientists to see what’s going on
MRI no radiation, magnetic and makes cells move and takes a picture
Dendrites big arms, connect to other neurons and receive
Axon road the info travels along
Myelin sheath protects axon and speeds up neuron transfer (has nodes)
Myelinazation finishes in mid 20s and gets slowly stronger
How neurons fire neurons fire all or nothing
Acetylcholine if blocked paralyzes, if too much causes spasms
Reuptake when vesicles take in leftover neurotransmitters
Breakdown little pacman eat chemicals
Dopamine party chemical, stimulates release and blocks or reuptake, used to focus activities (cocaine, adherol)
Serotonin Buddhist monk chemical, helps us to relax and improves mood(SSRIs, Prozak)
Spinal cord carries sensory and motor info messages to body, controls reflexes, if breaks then you’re paralyzed
Medulla in charge of autonomic functions if destroyed you die
Pons while you’re sleeping these are active
Reticular formation RAS reticular activating system, controls levels of alertness, if stops working then coma
Cerebellum little brain, controls balance and movement, gracefulness, possibly focus
Thalamus switch board, takes in senses and tells them where to go, if not working can go blind
Hippocampus does memory, can’t create new memories if destroyed
Hypothalamus internal regulation, regulates appetite, pleasure, and hot &cold
Olds and Milner mice would hit lever for pleasure rather than eat
Amygdala involved in emotions: fear and anger
Frontal lobe reasoning and motor cortex at back planning
Parietal lobe special reasoning in the middle of head, at edge, primary sensory cortex, processes senses
Temporal lobe hearing, by ears
Occipital lobe in back of head, sight
Understanding language at top of temporal lobe called Weirnecke’s area, if destroyed can talk but they don’t make sense
Speaking language in bottom of frontal lobe if destroyed can understand, but can’t speak, Brocas Aphasia
Phineas Gage case showed us frontal lobe importance, hole through lobe, but his personality altered, and couldn’t control emotions, make judgments
Corpus callosem connects brains, if cut they can’t communicate with one another
Synapse entire site axon terminal, cleft, and covering membrane
Neurotransmitter tiny molecules of chemical substances released from vesicles
Neurogenesis production of new neurons from immature stem cells
Stem cells immature cells that renew selves and have potential to be mature cells
Plasticity brain’s ability to adapt in response to experiences
Endorphins chemicals in nervous system involved in pain reduction, pleasure, and memory
Hormones chemical substances secreted by glands, promote bodily growth, metabolism and digestion
Endocrine glands internal organs that produce hormones and release into bloodstream
Melatonin regulates daily biological rhythms
Oxytocin hormone that stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth, facilitates ejection of milk during nursing & promotes attachment and trust in relationships
Adrenal hormones involved in emotion and stress
Sex hormone regulates development and functioning of reproductive organs
Cerebrum largest brain structure, in upper part, divided into 2 hemispheres, in charge of sensory, motor and cognitive processes
Created by: lfalkens
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