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Psychology Chapter 1

PSYC 0101-01

psychology The scientific study of human behavior and mental processes.
descriptive research methods scientific prodecdures that involve systematically observing behavior in order to describe the relationship among behaviors and events.
case study intensive study of a single individual or group of people
survey questionairre or interview designed to investigate the opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of a particular group
correlational study a reaserach stragegy that allows the precise calculation of how strongly related two factors are to each other
neuroscience the study of the nervous system, especially the brian
neuron highly specialized cell that communicates information in an electrical and chemcial form; a nerve cell
plasticity the brain's ability to change function and structure
functional plasticity the brain's ability to shift functions from damaged to undamaged brain areas
strutural plasticity the brain's ability to change its physical structure in response to learning, active practice, or environmental influences
Who is the father of Psychology? William Wundt
Why is W.W. the father of Psychology? he founded psychology as na experimental science. Stated "We can measure the way people think"
Who is the father of American Psychology? William James and G. Stanley Hall
Why are they the fathers of American Psychology? WJ- "Principles of Psychology" 1890 GSH- Established 1st Psychology research laboratory in the US and founded the American Psychological Association
Four reasons we study psychology? Describe, explain, predict, and control
Axons send messages
dendrites receive messages
cell body processes nutrients and provides energy for neuron to function
Parts of the nervous system Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
Central nervous system Brain and Spinal cord
Spinal cord Connects the brain to the PNS
Peripheral nervous system Somatic Nervous system and Autonomic Nervous system
Somatic Nervous System Voluntary functions and sensory information
Autonomic Nervou System Involuntary functions. Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System
Sympathetic Nervous System Arouses body to expend energy
Parasympathetic Nervous System Calms body to preserve and maintain energy
Cerebral cortex wrinkled outer portion of the forerain which contains the most sophisticated brian centers
forebrain the largest and most complex brain region, which contains centers for complex behaviors and mental processes, also called the cerebrum
corpus callosum a thick band of axons that connects the two cerebral hemisphres and acts as a communication link between them
midbrain contains structures involved in processing visual and auditory information
hindbrian region at base of brain that connects brain to spinal cord
pons helps coordinate movements on left and right sides of body
cerebellum coordinates movements, balance, and posture
temporal lobe primary receiving area for auditory information
ocipital lobe primary receiving area for visual information
parietal lobe processes somatic sensations
frontal lobe processes voluntary muscle movement and is involved in thinking, planning, and muscle control
Created by: kennacoconut
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