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Tests & Measurements

Chapter 1: Intro. to Psychological Assessment

Test A device or procedure in which a sample of an individual's behavior is obtained, evaluated, and scored using standardized procedures.
Measurement A set of rules for assigning numbers to represent objects, traits, attributes, or behaviors.
Assessment A systematic process for collecting information that is used to make inferences about the characteristics of people. Often involves multiple procedures such as tests, interviews, observations, and the review of historical documents.
Evaluation An activity that involves judging or appraising the value or worth of something.
Reliability The stability, accuracy, or consistency of the test scores.
Validity The appropriateness or accuracy of the interpretations of test scores.
Score Code or summary statement, typically numerical, which reflects performance on a test or some other sample of behavior.
Individual Differences Relatively stable differences between people in behavior, abilities, interests, preferences, beliefs, and other characteristics.
Maximum Performance Tests Achievement & Aptitude Tests, Speed & Power Tests, Objective & Subjective Maximum Performance Tests.
Selected-Response Formats Presents a question stem and a set of possible answers. Scored using objective, clearly defined rules. Ex: True/False Items, Matching Items, Multiple-Choice Items.
Constructed-Response Formats Presents a question stem without a set of possible set of answers. The test taker has no basis on which to guess the correct answer. Ex: Fill-In-The-Blank Items, Short/Brief Answer, Essay Items.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Selected-Response can be scored in a reliable manner, but subject to random guessing. Not all abilities lend themselves to these formats.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Constructed-Response not subject to random guessing and well suited for some abilities. Subject to feigning and notoriously difficult to score in a reliable manner.
Typical Response Tests measure constructs such as personality, behavior, attitudes, or interests. Ex: Objective Personality Tests, Projective Personality Tests.
Objective Personality Tests often use Likert Scale Items or True/False Items. Occasionally they will use Forced-Choice Items (e.g., Paired Statements).
Response Bias Responding in a manner that distorts the test taker’s actual characteristic. Systematically selecting answers that present one in a particular light (e.g., socially desirable; fake good; fake bad). Also referred to as a “Response Set” or dissimulation.
Projective Personality Tests The presentation and interpretation of ambiguous stimuli elicits a process in which the test taker “projects” his/her feelings, needs, and inner experiences. There is considerable debate about the usefulness of projective tests. In summary, the reliabil
Verbal Formats Sentence Completion Tests, Free Association Tasks
Projective Drawings House-Tree-Person, Draw-A-Person Test
Pictorial Techniques Inkblot Tests and Apperception Tests
Advantages & Disadvantages of Objective Personality Tests can be scored in a reliable manner, but subject to response biases. Validity scales are often developed to detect Response Bias.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Projective Personality Tests reportedly more difficult to fake, major concerns about reliability and validity.
Assumptions of Psychological Assessment 1) Psychological constructs exist. 2) Psychological constructs can be measured. 3) While we can measure constructs, our measurement is not perfect. 4) There are different ways to measure any given construct. 5) All assessment procedures have strengths an
Assumptions of Psychological Assessment 6) Multiple sources of information should be part of the assessment process. 7) Performance on tests can be generalized to non-test behaviors. 8) Assessment can provide information that helps psychologists make better decisions. 9) Assessments can be con
Why use tests? People are not very good at judging other people objectively, and most “non-test” assessment procedures involve subjective judgment.
Tests are Samples of Behavior Tests simply sample the test taker’s knowledge, skill, behavior, or characteristic. The more representative the sample, the better the test. Large samples are usually more representative than small samples.
Characteristics of Tests Standard set of questions or stimuli that the test taker responds to. Standard procedures for administration. Standard procedures for scoring.
Advantage of Standardized Test Format We can say with increased certainty that differences in test performance reflect true individual differences, not differences in the questions asked, the administration procedure, the scoring procedure, etc.
Tests versus Interviews Interviews are more flexible. The price of flexibility is reduced reliability (i.e., consistency or stability). Structured Interviews are currently being used to enhance reliability.
Applications of Psychological Assessments Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, Selection, Placement, and Classification , Self-understanding/Counseling & Guidance, Evaluation, Licensing, Program Evaluation, Scientific Research
Assessment Competencies for Professional Psychologists a) Psychologists should understand the basic mathematical and statistical concepts related to measurement. b) Psychologists should understand the basic principles of classical and modern test theory. d) Psychologists should be familiar with the wide vari
Assessment Competencies for Professional Psychologists d) Psychologists should be proficient in selecting professionally developed assessment procedures for applied and research applications. e) Psychologists should be proficient in administering, scoring, and interpreting assessments. f) Psychologists shoul
Assessment Competencies for Professional Psychologists g) Psychologists should be proficient in communicating assessment results to clients and other professionals. h)  Psychologists should understand current professional standards that govern test development, use, and interpretation. i) Psychologists shoul
Created by: kxiong
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