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AP Psych Unit 12

2023- 2024, Social Psychology

Social Psychologist studies how we think, influence and related to eachother
Attribution Theory do we attributes behaviors to traits of situation
Situation Attribution Theory nurture and enviorment
Disposition Attribution Theory nature and genes
Fundamental Attribution underestimates the situation and overestimating personal disposition
Self Serving Bias percieving oneself favorably
Actor-Observer Bias always negative, how we explain thing that happen to ourselves as external facots and to others as internal factors
Attitude feelings drive us to respond to a situation/person
attitude can affect actions
Central Route to Persuation when we use hard facts, and statistics
Peripheral Route to Persuation when we use glamours things, such as celebs or aesthetics to influence others PERFUME ADS
Foot in Door start with small request and build up to larger one
Door in Face start with large request so smaller one seems more resonable
Norm of Reporocity you do something for me, i will do something for you
role-play norms about social position how people should behave
conformity adjusting behaviors to group standard
Chameleon Affect naturals tendicy to imitate another person
Soloman Ash conformity study where he asked which line is the same length as another
Ash Affect if someone is unsure about their judgement, theyll listen to others and conform
conditions of conformity if someone is insecure, group of at least three people, no prior comintment and is it is in public
Normatively Social Influences avoid rejection and gain approval
Informational Social Influence accept others opinions - they must know more
Milgram Experiement asked why germans took part in the holocost
Milgrams Lesson ordinary people can be corrupted by evil situations
Social Facilitation improved performance in the presence of others
Social Inhibitions decreased performance with something not practiced
Social Loafing people put forth less effort in a group then on their own
Deindivuation loss of self awareness and restrain in groups
Group Polarization the enhancement of beliefs through group discussions, new channels
Groupthink desire for harmony, group overrides a realistic appraisal
sterotypes generalized beliefs about a group of people
prejudice unjustifiable negative attitude
descrimination negative behaviors about a group
Just World Phenomenom believes world is just and therefore people get what they deserve
Ingroup people we share common identify
Outgroup different from us
Scapegoat Theory outlet for anger by providing someone to blame, example is Japanese internement camp
Other race theory greater recognition of our own race when faced by other races
Aggression physical or verbal intent to hurt someone
Instrumental Aggression acts purposefully to achieve purpose or goal - no emotion drive
Frustration Aggresion Prinicple goals are blocked causing frustration and anger
Social Script not sure how to act, we take the script from social media and videogames
Proximity more likely to like someone when close to them
Mere Exposure Affect repeated expose to something breeds liking
Physical Attractiveness people who are attractive are healtheir, happier, more honest and successful
Evolutionary Psychology men-fertility, women-maturity
Golden Ration perfect face, average face
Matching Hypothesis we end up with people at the same intelligence, attractiveness and wealth
Similarity opposites don't attract, end up with same people
Reward Theory Attribution we like people whose behavior is rewarding to us
Expectancy Value weighing the potential value of a relationship against expectation of success
Reciprocal Liking more likely to like someone who likes you
Passionate Love arousal state
Companion Love affectionate compassion
self-disclosure sharing personal info
Alturism willingness to help others without personal gain
Bystandard Affect less likely to help if others are present
Diffusion of Responsibility more people share responsibility for helping, less likely to help
Social Exchange Theory maximize benefits, minimize cost
Social Responsibility Norm expectation that people will help who need help
Conflict perceiving incompatibility and goals
Social Trap people rationalize the pursuit of self interest, mutual destruction
Self Fulfilling Prophecy beliefs lead to its own doing
Sherif Camp Study in order to get people together they need a common goal
Superordinate Goal shared goals that overrides difference among people require their cooperation to achieve such
GRIT decreases international tensions in theory, doesnt actually work in real life
Created by: anisassyed
Popular Psychology sets




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