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psychology paper 3:

psychology : the role of stress in illness:

1. what was Kiecolt Glaser's research? investigated the effect of two long term chronic stressors (preparing for exams and looking after ill relatives)
2. what was the procedure for Kiecolt Glaser's 'preparing for exams' research? Kiecolt Glaser 75 medical students gave blood samples : 1 month before exam (low stress) and one day of the first exam (high stress) completing questionnaires measuring sources of stress and self reported psychological symptoms
3. what were the findings for Kiecolt Glaser's 'preparing for exams' research? activity of NK and Tk cells decreased between first and second samples showing immune response being suppressed by a chronic stressor, which was most apparent in students reporting feeling lonely and stressful significant events in their life
4. what was the procedure for Kiecolt Glaser's 'looking after ill relatives' research? Kiecolt Glaser longitudinal study comparing health of 2 groups: caregivers looking after Alzheimer's relative and a match group of non-caregivers
5. what were the findings for Kiecolt Glaser's 'looking after ill relatives' research? over 13 months caregivers showed weaker call-based immune response but no change in control caregivers also had higher depression levels (32% meeting criteria for clinical depression and 6% in control)
6. what was the procedure for acute stress research? Lampen et al (2008) looked at heart attack incidences in German football supporters during matches played during the 1996 World Cup
7. what were the findings for the acute stress research? days Germany played, cardiac emergencies increased by 2.66 times compared to a control period
8. what was the procedure for chronic stress research? Yusuf et al (2004) examined chronic stressors in INTERHEART study (investigation with 52 countries identifying major risk factors for CVDS across different cultures) comparing 15,000 people who had MI and same no. who did not
9. what were the findings for chronic stress research? several chronic stressors with a strong link to MI including workplace stress and stressful life events this MI contribution was greater than obesity and smoking stress contributes to CVDs and makes existing disorders worse
10. how can stress be protective? limitation where research shows stress can make illness less likely having immunoenhancing effects. Dharbhar subjected rats to acute stressors finding lymphocytes flooded bloodstream to prepare for physical damage so stress is not fully understood
11. real world application? Dharbhar's research into acute stressors could lead to patients being given low doses of stress hormones (adrenaline) before surgery to stimulate a faster recovery so applications benefit real people
12. methodology and research methods? many stress on illness studies are lab experiments so control confounding variables to establish a relationship but it's artificial so it has low mundane realism
13. research support? research support linking stress and CVDs where Song et al identified130,000+ people with stress related disorders having a 64% greater risk of CVD
Created by: chachink
Popular Psychology sets




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