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RMDA Final

ANOVA -Used when there are more than 2 conditions/groups -Will tell if one is different from the rest, but not which one is different
Post-hoc test -different in the means -the larger the difference, the more likely you are to find significant data
straightforward manipulations -no real deception -can have different conditions but no specify which condition participant is in
staged manipulation -involves deception -example: use an a confederate
self-report measures surveys, questionnaires
behavioral measures how a person will respond
psychological measures GSR, EMG, EEG, fMRI
ceiling effect everyone does well because task is too easy, IV may have no effect
floor effect everyone does poorly because task too hard, IV may have no effect
demand characteristics -feature of study alters participants to purpose -use of deception to hide true purpose
placebo effect expectations can lead to change in participants performance/behavior/scores/ect
expectancy effect participant answers in a way they think the researchers want the, to answer
single blind experiment only research knows which condition participant is in
double blind experiment -both researcher and participants knows which condition they are in -main PI knows, but does not interact with participants
piolet studies -small experiments done with small number of people to give researcher practice -answers any questions about study researcher may not know about
factorial designs studies down with more than one IV (or factors)
factorial designs - 2x2 design -has two IVs, each with two levels
main effects -the effect of an IV on its own -if theres no difference between the two means, then there is no main effect
interaction -the effect of one IV that depends on the level of another IV -looking to see if one bar is significantly more different than the other bars
factorial designs - IVxPV design examine effect of IV x PV
GLM Multivariate ANOVA determine if there are any significant differences between 3+ unrelated groups on DVq
GLM Multivariate ANOVA -can look at multiple variables at once -determine if there are any significant differences between 3+ groups on 2+ DVs
repeated measures GLM ANOVA used when you have the same person tested in different experimental groups (or IVs)
single-subject design -wants to know if manipulation had effect on a singular person
ABA Baseline (A) - treatment (B) - baseline (A)
multiple baseline design -change is observed under multiple circumstances -manipulation introduced at different times -determines if manipulation caused change
one-group posttest only design participants → sit next to stranger (IV) → measure time until stranger leaves (DV)
one-group pretest-posttest design -participants → DV pretest → IV → DV posttest
one-group pretest-posttest design problems -history -maturation -reactive measures -statistical regression -mortality
non-equivalent control-group design -have two groups but they are not equivalent -intervention may not be run by researcher -assessments may not be controlled -Group 1 and group 2 → event → observation for both groups
non-equivalent control-group pretest only design -Group 1 → intervention IV → observe DV -Group 2 → contrast group IV → observe DV
non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design -group 1 →observe 1 → intervention → observe 2 -group 2 → observe 1 → contrast group → observe 2
true experiments -emphasize internal validity -participants randomly assigned -control study procedure
quasi-experiments -emphasize external validity -non-equivalent groups -full control may not be possible
interrupted time series design test effect of intervention ongoing series of measurements -group 1 → M1 → M2 → M3 → intervention → M4 →...
time series design -multiple baselines -group 1 → M1 → multiple baseline → M2 → event → M3 → hyothesis
control series design -improves interrupted time series design by finding appropriate "control group" -involves finding similar populations that did not recieve particular manipulations
volunteers -better educated than most population -higher SES -more needed and social
internet -urban-suburban area -college educated -young and higher income
college students more ethnically diverse
WEIRD western, educated, rich, industrialized, democratic
exact replications -an attempt to replicate precise procedures of a study -determine whether same results are obtained
conceptual replications -the use of different procedures to replicate a research finding -the IV from previous study is manipulated in different ways
parametric tests -correlations, t-tests, ANOVA -used when data is continuous
nonparametric tests -chi-square -used when data is categorical
chi-square test data on frequencies rather than numerical
reference page APA first name, last initial., first name, last initial., (year). Article title all lowercase, *Journal Name*, *Volume #*, Page #
in-text citation (Last name & last name, year) Last name et al., (year)
Created by: axniss001
Popular Psychology sets




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