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Anxiety Disorders

Ch 5 (Trauma & OCD)

Anxiety a vague, unpleasant emotion that's experienced in anticipation of some (future) misfortune
Agoraphobia the fear of places and situations where escaping is difficult/anxiety can occur
What are the 4 categories of phobias? - animal - natural environment - situational - blood injection injury
Animal Type fear of a specific animal
Natural Environment events or situations in the natural environment (storm, hurricane, tsunami)
Situational public transport, bridges, elevators, flying
Blood Injection Type blood, injury, injections
Panic Attack a discrete period of intense fear/discomfort w/ at least four symptoms developed abruptly (sweating, trembling, chest pain, dizziness)
Panic Disorder recurrent, unexpected panic attacks
When does Acute Stress Disorder typically arise? in response to traumas similar to those involved in PTSD
Acute Stress Disorder symptoms dissociative symptoms (detachment, derealization, depersonalization)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) persistent, uncontrollable worry about most things for at least 6 months, accompanied with cognitive & physical symptoms
People with this disorder often feel tired due to chronic muscle tension & sleep loss Generalized Anxiety Disorder
What impact does panic disorder have on people diagnosed with it? afraid they have life-threatening illnesses, will die from a physical crisis, feel depressed, abuse alcohol, higher suicide attempts
What are cognitive theories of panic disorder? - they pay closer attention to body & negatively interpret symptoms -> panic & worry - anxiety sensitivity & hyperawareness of cues that could cause a panic attack
What treatments are most effective for preventing relapse in clients w/ panic disorders? cognitive-behavioral therapies
Anxiety Sensitivity belief that bodily symptoms have harmful consequences
Interoceptive Awareness heightened awareness of bodily cues that signal an incoming panic attack
How does Classical Conditioning affect phobias or anxiety? associating certain situations/cues with symptoms of a panic attack + future exposure to those situations = triggering symptoms
How does Operant Maintenance affect phobias or anxiety? preventing symptoms by avoiding situations/cues that may trigger it, which reduces anxiety but reinforces behavior
Social Anxiety Disorder becoming anxious in social situations & afraid of being rejected, judged, or humiliated in public
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) consequence of experiencing extreme stressors lasting for more than 1 month
What do people who suffer from PTSD report having after living through a traumatic event? survivor's guilt
PTSD Symptoms - reexperiencing trauma event - avoiding situations, thoughts, or memories of trauma - negative changes in thought & mood about trauma - dissociative symptoms - hyperviligance
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) chronic disorder where one experiences obsessions, compulsions, or both
Obsessions uncontrollable & unwanted persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are intrusive
Compulsions repetitive, seeable behaviors or mental acts that an individual feels they must perform- purpose is to reduce anxiety
Dissociation when someone feels disconnected from themselves and their body
Which gender is at greater risk of developing PTSD? women :(
What are the physical & psychological responses that help us fight threats or flee from them? Fight-or-flight responses
Theorists who argue that phobias can develop through observational learning say... people learn phobic behaviors by modeling the behavior of others
What hormone is used as a measure of stress? Cortisol
How do Benzos affect anxiety? provide short-term relief but have side effects & addictiveness that prevent long-term use
Excoriation recurrent picking of the skin that results in lesions and scars
Trichotillomania recurrent pulling out of hair resulting in noticeable hair loss
Body Dysmorphic Disorder excessively preoccupied with a part of the body that they believe is defective
SSRI side effects? drowsiness, constipation, loss of sexual interest, doesn't help a good amount of people w/ OCD
How does CBT help OCD? - exposure to obsession, prevention of compulsion, & confronting obsessions & compulsions
When clients with PTSD can't tolerate exposure to the traumatic experience, what form of treatment should be used? stress-inoculation therapy
Is OCD often treated with mediciations? Yes- but combined with CBT!
What are 3 effective treatments for GAD? - Benzos can reduce anxiety or help serotonin levels - CBT, having them confront fears by questioning thoughts & learning coping skills - Emotional regulation therapy
What are some factors that can increase a person's vulnerability to PTSD? - pre-existing disorders or conditions; substance abuse -> worse coping strategies + trauma = PTSD - location where trauma is frequent = more exposure to develop PTSD - lack of a strong support system = not developing beneficial coping strategies
Maladaptive Anxiety Response unrealistic fears, response is out of proportion, behavior is dangerous or leads to impairment
Does Society Anxiety Disorder occur by itself or with other disorders? Often co-occurs w/ mood disorders & other anxiety disorders
Created by: Kolohegirl
Popular Psychology sets




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