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psy 311: exam 2

physiological psychology chapters 6-12

anterior front
posterior back
dorsal above
ventral below
lateral towards the outside
medial toward the middle
proximal things are close together
distal things are far apart
afferent carrying towards
efferent carrying away
sagittal front to back
axial horizontal
coronal vertical
myelinated neurons are ______ and more _________ faster; efficient
___-__________ or gray areas are where most __________ occurs non-myelinated; processing
myelinated neurons are known as the ________ of the brain highways
two features of myelinated neurons are that they move ______ and are ____ efficient faster; more
non-myelinated neurons are the area where most __________ occurs processing
the forebrain contains which two parts of the brain? telencephalon & diencephalon
the midbrain contains what part of the brain? mesencephalon
the hindbrain contains which two parts of the brain? metencephalon & myelencephalon
which two parts of the brain are part of the brain stem? medulla and pons
the reticular activating system is important for which three functions? arousal, sleep, and conciousness
injury to the reticular activating system can cause a ____ or the inability to _____ coma; sleep
the cerebellum, or the little brain, is responsible for which two functions? coordination & memory
the inferior colliculus is responsible for ________, while the superior colliculus is responsible for ______ audition; vision
the thalamus is also known as the smart relay station
the cerebral cortex houses four brain lobes. name each brain lobe frontal, parietal, occipital, & temporal
the occipital lobe is responsible for ______ vision
the temporal lobe is responsible for _______ and ______________ hearing; identification
the parietal lobe is responsible for _______ and __________ sensory; perception
the frontal lobe is responsible for ___________ and higher functions personality
the hippocampus stores highly charged _________ ________ emotional memories
the amygdala controls your _____ and _________ mood & attitudes
the hypothalamus controls _________ behaviors. it is also responsible for controlling the _________ gland motivated; pituitary
the basal ganglia is our _____ system motor
structural is like an image, while __________ is like a video functional
a CT scan can be called either a CAT scan or as an _-___ ________ __________ x-ray computed tomography
a _________ ___________ is a contrast agent detectable with x-rays and can be injected into the bloodstream cerebral angiography
an MRI scan has the best contrast between ____ _______ of the _____ soft tissues; brain
microelectrodes are made with tips so fine that they can measure the activity of __________ _______ individual neurons
an MEG, or a _______________________ measures changes in extremely small naturally occuring ________ _____ magnetoencephalography; magnetic field
a PET scan, or ________ ________ __________, is a radioactive tracer that is biologically active is injected into the bloodstream and absorbed by _____ ______ positron emission tomography; brain tissue
an fMRI scan, or a __________ ________ ________ _______, provides a BOLD, or a _____-______-_____ _________ signal functional magnetic resonance imaging; blood-oxygen-level dependent
_______ resolution tells you the area of the brain which is being activated, while ________ resolution tells you when the activation happened spatial; temporal
the dorsal stream is the ____ while the ventral stream is the ____ where; what
are the mullerian ducts a sex organ of females or males? females
are the wolffian ducts a sex organ of females or males? males
what is the default gonads? female
the female hormone is _________ while the male hormone is _________ estradiol; testosterone
the sexually dimorphic nucleus in males increases both ________ and ___ appetite; sex
the sexually dimorphic nucleus in females is correlated with _______ __________ partner preference
the _________ has two parts, the periaqueductal gray and the lateral tegmental field brainstem
the periaqueductal gray is the part of the brain stem which helps women to do what? relax during sex
the lateral tegmental field is the part of the brainstem which activates what in men? sex (or copulation)
the ________ _______ helps recognize the state of our own bodies anterior insula
the ______-______ PFC is the command center that judges attractiveness ventro-medial
the ________ is involved in sexual behavior, aggression, and emotion amygdala
epigenetics examines how genes are activated and deactivated by _____________ factors environmental
is dna exchanged during epigenetics? no
damage to the posterior _______ ______ often causes unilateral neglect parietal cortex
what are the 3 primary senses? vision, hearing, and touch
unilateral neglect involves neglecting visual, auditory, and touch stimulation ________ of the hemisphere damaged opposite
the primary motor cortex divides the _______ and ________ lobes frontal; parietal
the extrapyramidal system has a role in ___________ the systems that control ________ stabilizing; movement
the extrapyramidal system helps to ______ action and _________ sensory information direct; interpret
what brain structure in responsible for forming a motor plan? premotor cortex
event-related potentials are created from ___ EEG's
the ____ is dependent upon the release of oxygen from hemoglobin molecules fMRI
what part of the parietal lobe is important for forming new memories based on touch secondary somatosensory cortex
what type of photoreceptor works best in low light? rods
what part of the eye holds the photorecptors rods and cones? retina
what brain structure is responsible for maintaining posture and balance? cerebellum
what characterizes parkinson's disease? dying dopamine pathway
the _____ includes the brainstem and cerebellum hindbrain
what brain structure forms new memories? hippocampus
body sensory information travels from the CNS via the spinal cord and travels to the ________ thalamus
what brain structure is important for learning and memory? hippocampus
_______ cells in the occipital cortex like to process motion complex
what photoreceptor is responsible for color vision? cones
the ___ gene determines male sexuality SRY
Created by: bellabarkley
Popular Psychology sets




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