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Research Methods 1

Operational definition based on how concepts are measured
Conceptual definition dictionary definition
Descriptive research describe patterns
Correlational research relationship between variables
Experimental research cause and effect, IV and DV
Quasi-experimental research cause and effect of naturally occurring events
Systematic empiricism systematic observations, repeatable measurement procedures
Variability measures differ from each other
Descriptive stats summary
Inferential stats draw conclusions
Variance avg deviation from mean
Total variance ignores group factors, includes all groups
Systematic variance considers group factors, difference between groups
Error variance doesn't consider group factors, includes only 1 group
Effect size ability to make impact, proportion of variance that is systematic
Meta-analysis study of studies (combines effect sizes)
Observational measures overt behavior
Self-report measures subject reports own behavior, uses interval scale
Physiological measures physical response
Converging operations combination of measures
Categorical data labels
Nominal scale categorical, categories
Ordinal scale categorical, categories in order
Continuous data numbers
Interval continuous, numbers without 0
Ratio continous, numbers with 0
Measurement error due to unrelated factors; transient states, stable states, situational factors, measure characteristics, mistakes
Observed score true score + measurement error
Transient states temporary (anxiety)
Stable states near-sightedness
Situational factors environment (online exam)
Measure characteristics multiple choice exam vs free response
Reliability consistency of measurement; inter-observer, test-retest, interitem
Inter-observer observer agreement on measure
Test-retest independent measures similar
Inter-item independent items measured similarly
Validity instrument acurately measures what it intends to (BMI vs creativity not valid); criterion, concurrent, predictive
Criterion-related validity ability to distinguish between individuals of different categories (depressed vs not depressed)
Concurrent validity symptoms and diagnosis
Predictive validity ability to accurately predict outcome`
Probability sample/simple random sample participants have equal probability of being randomly chosen
Power ability to detect effects
Stratified random sample each strata randomly sampled
Created by: karadub03
Popular Psychology sets




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