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Psych 202 exam 3

chap. 12-14

Primary Visual Pathway
Primary visual pathway retina> Optic nerve > Optic chiasm > Optic tract > dLGN > a region of the occipital cortex -Each eye receives sti. from both halves of the visual field, inverted on the retina
Receptor cells -Cells in the left half of each retina respond to sti. in the right visual field, and vice versa
Retinal Ganglion cell axons combine in the optic nerve to carry this input to the brain
Optic Chiasm Axons from the middle/medial halves of the retina cross to contralateral hemisphere -Axons from the lateral/close to the ears halves con. to the insilateral/ same side
Lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) the part of the thalamus that receives info from the optic tract and sends it to visual areas in the occipital cortex -Axons carrying info from the L visual field proceed to the right LGN -Neurons in the LGN project to the primary visual cortex
Retino-hypothalamic pathway/suprachiasmatic nucleus -Axons from the retina carry visual sensations to the hypothalamus -Synchronizes circadian rhythms, needs info about light hitting the retina, day or night
Retino-tectal pathway Superior colliculus (OPtic tectum) in the mid brain -Coordinates eye movements/muscles of the iris and lens,keeps eyes focused after sudden movement, like hitting in the head
Striate Cortex (Primary visual striate cortex) The first stop for incoming visual info -Contains a map of the contralateral visual field (left visual field to right striate cortex) contains fovea
Fovea Color/light focuses on the one object and figures out what your looking at
Striate cortex (visual processing) V1 - Each retinal ganglion cell responds to its own receptive field -LGN neurons receive info from multiple retinal ganglion cells -Striate neurons receive info from multiple LGN neurons -Integration=visual perception of orientation, movement, depth, color
Receptive field Portion of the visual field that specific ganglion cell responds to = pixle -Retinal cells respond to portion of visual field
Orientation-sensitive neurons Only respond to objects in a particular spatial placement -Simple cells or complex cells
Simple cells Orientation-sensitive neurons -Detect orientation/location, respond to a edge or a bar that has a particular width
Complex cells Orientation-sensitive neurons -Detect orientation/movement, responds best to a bar of a particular size/orientation anywhere w/in a particular area of the visual field
Binocular vision Both eyes pick up slightly diff info then the other one -Provides the most acute depth-perception -Many neurons in the visual cortex respond to visual sti. from both eyes -responds to retinal disparity
Stereopsis (Binocular vision) The process by which both eyes coordinate to perceive depth
Retinal Disparity (Binocular vision) Slightly diff. images falls on each retina -b/c of the nose in the middle, each eye/retina sees diff. pts of the image -Responded to strongly by binocular cells, indicates distance between the object/observer, allows perception of depth
Cytochrome Oxidase blobs Specialized cells grouped together in the striate cortex that receive info from color-sensitive ganglion cells -Contain wavelength-sensitive neurons, respond to color not light -central to color processing in some species, no color= problem in cones
V1 Modules/columns (striate cortex is organized into modules) Each contains the NE that analyze info from a 1 pt of visual field -input from both eyes, NE in each 1 share same ocular dominance, highly connected/mostly binocular -centered around CO blob surrounded by NE sensitive to orientation/movement/depth
Ocular dominance one eye sees better then the other (lateralization) -Amount of input from each eye
Striate cortex V1 Organizes visual info, no perception
Extrastriate cortex V2 Visual association cortex, combines info from individual modules in V1 = perception -2 streams of visual info project from V1 to V2 (dorsal/ventral stream)
Dorsal stream one of the streams project from V1 to V2, recognizes where in object is located
Ventral stream One of the streams projects from V1 to V2, recognizes what the object is
Perception in the dorsal stream -Movement: perception mediated by neurons in area V5 (medial temporal area) motion/direction of motion -where an object is relative to me, above to the side -Also location
Form perception (shape) Perception in the ventral stream, mediated by neurons in areas V2, V4 and the inferior temporal lobe -Info sent from V2>V4>inferior temporal lobe
Color perception Perception in the ventral stream, mediated by extrastriate neurons in area V4=color
Damage to V4 Color blindness only in black/white or shads of gray, wipes out color memory, you can't think about color at all no longer know what it looks like
Visual agnosia Damage to the visual association cortex -Inability to perceive or id sti., despite normal visual sensation
Achromatopsia Damage to V4/medial occipital lobe = loss of color vision -Black/white, color memory is lost you have no idea what color is
Akinetopsia Damage to V5, inability to perceive movement
Apperceptive visual agnosia Damage to visual ass. cortex & how it connects to lanauage area of the brain, varity of diff. locations damaged -inability to perceive/id common objects by sight, can still read/id the objects by another modality
Prosopagnosia Inability to id a familiar face, faces lose their meaning -Specialized face-recognition circuits are found in the fusiform face area of the visual ass. cortex -can recog. by voices not faces
Sex determination Egg+sperm carrying either X or Y chromosome (key event) -X chromosome = female, Y chromosome = male -Mother always gives X
SRY gene Gene in the Y chromosome = development of testes -Indiff. gonads make the SRY protein = testis development
Dimorphism Structures and behaviors that differ between males and females -Caused by exposure to sex hormones
Gonads Primary sex organ that produces hormones/gametes -testicles and ovaries -Produce sex-specific hormones that direct sexual development
Internal sex organs connects gonads to the outside/tubing
External sex organs external genitalia
Development of gonads -Undifferentiated through the 6th week of prenatal development -SRY gene on the Y chrom = testis -No SRY (no y/bad Y) default towards female/ovaries
Hormones in sexual development -Estronge = ovaries, Androgen/testosterone = testis
Organizational effects Prenatal development, physical on developing body/brain (determines behaviors based on sex)
Activational effects Puberty, huge surge of hormones, turn on or turn up the activities of the structures made during organizational
Mullerian ducts precursor for female system
Wolffian ducts precursors for the male system, stimulated by testicular hormones( androgens, Antimullerian hormone) -epididymis connect testes to the outside along the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles (where semen is made)
Androgens Male hormone Testosterone = masculinizing
Antimullerian Hormone Male hormone -Defeminizing, gets rid of mullerian ducts
Sensitive period If no hormones are secreted= mullerian ducts will develop = female internal reproductive organs -Fimbria, fingers that are near/surround the ovary, picks up ovium - Fallopian tube connects fimbria to uterus, upper 2/3 consider inside the body
Presence of Androgen results in the development of male external genitalia -Penis/scrotum
Absence of Androgen results in the development of female external genitalia -Labia, clitoris and lower 1/3 of the vagina
Androgen insensitivity Lack of/don't function androgen receptors in XY person -Androgens/Antimullerian hormones are present -AMH makes mullerian ducts go away (neither female/male organs will develop), external =female -PPl very girly Prevents defeminization/masulinizing
Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome Failure to produce anti-mullerian hormone in XY person, Androgen still persent -Male outside/inside normal, Mullerian ducts just never went away -Discovered when they become cancerous (develop during puberty)
Turner Syndrome Only one X chromosome is present at conception -Sperm left 23 chromosome behind, XO female -Develop like females but no puberty, gonad lines -fake puberty for emotional/social
Castration + effects removal of the gonads, usually testes -Testosterone mediates the male interest in sex = stop ejaculating w/in a few weeks & will stop mounting female -Hormones effect on NS take longer to stop, treat w/testosterone = activational effect
Cloacal exstrophy Genetic boys are born w/testes but w/o penises, neonatal sex reassignment has been rec. = raising these children as girls -Prenatal exposure to androgens
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Female exposed to androgens before birth, adrenal glands fail to produce sufficient corticosteroids = androgens -Intersex appearance, phallus (clit/penis) and skin folds(labia/scrotum), no testes, normal ovaries -High then ave homo or bi sex, male brain
Guevedoces Dominican republic Individuals -Genetic mutation that effects enzyme (5a-reductase) that converts testosterone into DHT, unable to amplify androgenic signal=phallus like large clit -Internal organs=male, phallus grow to penis during puberty act like men
Aromatization Hypothesis Testicular androgens enter the brain & are converted there into estrogens to maculinize the developing system of some rodents -aromatization: chemical reaction = testosterone to estradiol
Sex maturation Puberty begins when the hypothalamus begins to secrete GnRH -GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to release gonadotropic hormones
Gonadotropic hormones Stimulate the gonads to release sex hormones -Ovaries (estradiol, progesterone, little bit of androgen) -Testes (androgen, little estradiol)
Estradiol Sti. secondary female char. causes internal female organs to mature & get to make babies
Androgens released by adrenal glands (androtenedione) The chief sex hormone secreted by human adrenal cortex, responsible for adult pattern of body hair in men/women
Androgens Secondary sex char and behaviors develop in men
Behavioral Masculinization/Defeminization Androgen exposure during neural developments is req. for defeminization/masulinization of behavioral patterns in males -No androgens = Neural circuitry controlling female sexual behavior
Sexual Orientation Appears to be genetically influenced 52% rate of homosexuality in identical male twins, 48% female -Maybe exerted through prenatal hormone exposure
Pheromones Chemicals that carry messages between animals, some affect reproductive behavior (released in sweat, urine, genital secretions -Sensed by vomeronasal organ/olfactory epithelium, which project to the olfactory bulb
Pheromone effects Pheromones affect reproductive physiology in several ways
Lee-Boot effect attenuated estrous cycles
Whitten effect the odor of a male will begin the estrous cycle
Vandenbergh effect accelerated onset of puberty
Bruce effect Spontaneous abortion
Human pheromone effects Synchronized menstrual cycles -Shorter cycles when exposed to men -Androstadienone, Estratetraene
Androstadienone Androgenic chemical increases pos. mood in females, decreases mood in males
Estratetraene Estrogenic chemical activates sexual response-related regions in the male brain
Male sexual behavior (hormones) Male sexual behavior depends on the presence of testosterone -Rats/other animals, testosterone = male rat will mount a receptive female repeatedly
Intromission entry of the penis into the vagina
Pelvic thrusting Rhythmic movement to produce genital friction
Ejaculation release of semen
Refractory period The period following copulation during which an individual can't have sex,
Coolidge effect whereby males show con. high sexual performance given the intro of new receptive partners, old female will have to wait
Human males sexual behavior hormones Human male sexual behavior relies on testosterone -Normal = ability to get an erection, none = no erection -Testosterone production is increased by sexual activity/thoughts
Primates male sexual behavior hormones Castration results in diff. rates of decline in sexual behavior High social status: slower rate of sexual decline b/c of higher levels of testosterone then lower level status monkeys
Female rats sexual behavior Lower mammals behavior depends on the presence of estradiol/progesterone -Secretion of these hormones results in -Receptivity: willing/able to copulate (lordosis reflex presence of a male rat -Proceptivity: eagerness to copulate=ear wiggling/hopping
Female rats sexual behavior part2 Attractiveness: changes that affect the male rat Must be receptive/lordosis reflex in the presence of males (arching of the back, moving of legs, moving of tail)
Primate/human females sexual behavior ability to copulate doesn't depend on ovarian hormones -Ovarian hormones do influence on sexual interest -Doesn't matter where we are in the cycle, always receptive
Neural control of sexual behavior Males Medial Amygdala>Medial preoptic area> PAG or PGI > Spinal motor neurons
Medial Amygdala Male Sexually dimorphic 85% larger in males -Lesions disrupt sexual behavior: chemosensory, hormonal, somatosensory input from genitals Projects to MPA
MPA Male Contains sexually dimorphic nucleus larger in males Lesions of this area abolish sexual behavior -Projects to the PAG/PGi
PAG male Region of the midbrain stimulates the spinal cord sexual reflexes -Species specfic Projects to Spinal motor neurons
PGi male Located in the medulla inhibits spinal cord sexual reflexes ( no erection) -Suppressed by MPA
Spinal motor neurons Male Innervate the pelvic organs and muscles involved in copulation -what the male will do during sex
Female neural control of sexual behavior mAmyg> VMH(>PAG>mRF>spinal cord)+MPA(>PAG(>mRF> spinal cord) or PGI. spinal motor neurons
mAmyg Female Sexually dimorphic, lesions disrupt sexual behavior Receives input from chemo, hormonal, sensorysomatic -Projects to VMH & MPA
VMH females Nucleus of the hypothalamus lesions abolish lordosis, needed for sex drive if gone dies out -activated by mAmyg input + estradiol/progesterone Projects to PAG
MPA female Projects to PGI(suppressing inhibition to spinal neurons) and to PAG(projects directly to spinal motor neurons involved in clitoral arousal) a
PAG female Projects to the Medullary reticular formation that sends excitatory input to the spinal cord innervating muscles involved in copulation
Major histocompatibility complex A large/highly polymorphic family of genes that id an individuals tissues, unique body of odors that signal the individuals genotype -Women prefer men w/ diff MHC
Homeostasis Process by which critical physiological parameters (heat,water,nutrients) are maintained at optimal levels by regulatory mechanisms -Consisting of a system variable, set point, detector, correctional mechanism, negative feedback or satiety signals
System variable example. room temp.
Set point the best value for a variable
Detector monitors system variable
Correctional mechanism restores system variable back to the right set point, turns off when detector see the right set point
Negative feedback Talks to the detector and turns off the correctional mechanism, takes to long we relay more on satiety signals -the property by which some of the output of a system feeds back to reduce the effect of input signals
Ingestive behaviors Eating/drinking are correctional mechanisms -terminated by satiety signals
Satiety signals Terminate ingestive behaviors -Don't directly monitor the system variable, work faster then neg. feedback -Feeling of fulfillment/satisfaction
Intracellular compartment Fluid inside of cells, cytoplasma
Extracellular fluid compartments Intravascular fluid, interstitial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid
Intravascular fluid Extracellular fluid, what your cells follow around in -must be kept w/in precise homeostatic limits -Makes up blood volume, critical for cardiac function
Interstitial fluid extracellular fluid surrounds all our cells, must be kept at precise homeostatic limits
Hypovolemia low blood volume
Cerebrispinal fluid Extracellular fluid, surrounds the CNS
Intracellular fluid balance intracellular fluid concentration is controlled by the concentration of solutes in the surrounding interstitial fluid
Isotonic Intracellular/interstitial fluid are in balance
Hypertonic Too much salt outside, too little fluid inside the cell
Hypotonic Too little salt outside, to much fluid inside the cell
Osmosis The passive movement of molecules from one place to another. The movement force behind osmosis is the constant vibration and movement
Osmometric thirst Loss of water from intracellular compartment -A salty meal raises sodium in the blood plasma -H2O out of interstitial fluid>Interstitial fluid becomes hypertonic>draws H2O out of the cells>cells loses vol = osmometric thirst
Osomometric thirst receptors Osmoreceptors monitor cellular volume -Located in the anterior hypothalamus and organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis -Firing signals osmotic thirst
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