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Psychology Scientific study of human thought, feeling and behavior
Psychology's Roots Philosophy and Physiology
Monism--Nurture--Tabula Rasa--individuals are born with a blank slate and their environment shapes them as a person Enlightenment: John Locke
Dualism--Nature Ancient Greece: Plato and Hippocrates Enlightenment; Rene Descartes 15-16th C philosopher (I think therefore I am)
Father of Psychology who brought Psychology from a philosophy to a science in the lab Wundt: School of Structuralism--how is the brain organized. Take the pieces of the brain and put them back together again as the whole.
Introspection Wundt's term: Reporting a conscious experience--what did you see? How does it feel?
William James Began the School of Functionalism--wrote first psychology textbook
Charles Darwin Organisms change over time to adapt to their environment
Mary Whiton Calkins Student of James--although she did all work to earn her PhD, Harvard refused to award her. First female president of the APA
Margaret Floy Washburn First woman to receive her PhD from Cornell U. Second female president of the APA
G. Stanley Hall First president of the APA
Approaches to Psychology 1. Psychoanalytical 2. Behavioral 3. Cognitive 4. Humanistic 5. Sociocultural 6. Biological 7. Evolutionary 8. Social Psychology
Psychoanalytical Approach Founder: Freud: role of the unconscious--iceberg theory; id/ego/supergo/; defense mechanisms; what occurred during childhood that created mental illness?
Behavioral Approach Watson and Skinner: Watson Little Albert classical conditioning. Taken from Pavlov's experiment with dog. Skinner--behavior only stimulus and responses--operant conditioning with rats and pigeons Man has no free will. Skinner most radical behaviorist
Cognitive Approach How does the individual's thinking influence behavior? Theorists: Miller/Chomsky/Piaget
Humanistic Approach Theorists Rogers and Maslow--something in environment is blocking the person's progression up the hierarchy of needs
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 1. Physiological Needs 2. Safety Needs 3. Love and Sense of Belonging 4. Self Esteem 5. Self-Actualization
Sociocultural Approach Individual's social world--culture, religion, gender, income level create the environment in which the person lives and reacts
Biological Approach Studies biological factors that could cause certain neurological conditions
Evolutionary Approach Darwin - physiciological adaptation: Cosmides and Tooby: behavioral adaptation allows human survival
Social Psychological Approach Kurt Lewin founder: How does the group influence the individual's behavior--Missing link between psychology and sociology
Careers: Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, Counseling Psychologist Psychiatrist: MD - can prescribe meds Clinical Psychologist - works in hospitals diagnosing mental illness--cannot prescribe Counseling Psychologist - work from an office and see patients weekly to help with coping skills
Human Factors Psychologists Background in engineering. Study design of office equipment allowing people to work their best
Industrial Organizational Psychologist Work in large corporations and outsource employees to proper therapy--marriage counseling, rehab, etc.
Forensic Psychologist Work with the courts as expert witnesses, help with jury selection
Biological Psychologists How do the structures of the brain and nervous system influence behavior
Cognitive Psychologists How does thinking and perception influence behavior
Developmental Psychologists Study interaction of physical, cognitive and social emotional development over the lifespan
Educational Psychologist Research how people learn and remember information--do not work in schools, but will work with educators
School Psychologists Work with face to face experience in schools working with students and parents to improve the child's educational experience in schools
Psychometricians Strong math background and major in testing and measurement. Will develop surveys, analyze and report
Social Psychologists Sociocultural approach to psychology doing studies on the family, peer influence--research in universities
Dorothea Dix Involved in making mental hospitals fit for humans. Campaigned for better facilities and care.
Martin Seligman Positive Psychology: how thinking more positively affects your way of life: better relationships, higher goals, less depression and anxiety
Titchener Student of Wundt's who named his school the School of Structuralism
Man is born free but lives everywhere in chains! Monism: Jean Jacques Rousseau
The Social Contract Rousseau--people should make the laws that are equal and fair to everyone. Government should enforce them.
Aristotle Plato's student--Monism--the environment creates who we are
Created by: lmckay
Popular Psychology sets




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