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Habit 6: Synergize

Seven Habits of Highly Effective College Students

Valuing ________ is about more than race or gender, and enriches your life experiences. differences
_____ is a principle, a natural law in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Synergy When have you been with a team or group that really clicked? Perhaps you’ve seen actors in a play (or movie) or heard a singing group where they’re just amazing together. In such cases, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
SEE: We can create a _____ way that is ______ than your way or mine. higher, better
DO: Value _____. Go for the _____ alternative. differences, third
GET: _____ and _____ ideas. _____ relationships. new, better, great
______ is better than independence. Interdependence
If you have the Habit 6 paradigm, you believe that: You can do better in college working with _____ than working _____. others, alone
If you have the Habit 6 paradigm, you believe that: You don’t always need to have the _____ ideas. best
If you have the Habit 6 paradigm, you believe that: Other people’s _____ can make up for your _____, and vice versa. strengths, weaknesses
If you have the Habit 6 paradigm, you believe that: Working with others takes _____ but saves ____ in the long run. time, time
If you have the Habit 6 paradigm, you believe that: The best way is not “_____” or “_____” but a higher way or better way that we create together. my way, your way
Much of your college work will be done in project teams or study groups, and the ideal is to make those groups ____ . synergize
If the whole is less than the sum of its parts, we call that _____ synergy. negative If you and I are hostile to each other (thinking lose-lose), we'll come up with nothing—or worse, like the guy who wrecked his own car to keep his brother from driving it.
So in the spirit of proactivity, it’s your job to try for _____ synergy. positive When two people carry w/arms locked more than their solos' sum. And you can make it happen in teams, study groups, friendships, and families—anywhere people are trying to succeed together. Synergy starts with the paradigms in your head.
Each gives up a little but agrees on the end result until a complete win is an option. compromise
If you practice Habit 6, you _____it when someone disagrees with you. love Practicing Habit 6 will help one overcome the fact that most of us don’t like it when people disagree with us. Without loving the opportunity in a disagreement, If someone says, “I disagree with you,”, you get defensive. You avoid that person.
A great team is _____. complementary I joined a very diverse group. One member good w/operational issues, another w/numbers, and another w/sales and marketing experience. I w/ bringing food. Working together we made one very smart study group, and we all did well in school!
_____ is an old Greek word, but it describes the most exciting and interesting work you can do: creating something with others that you couldn’t have created alone. Synergy
The Six “Gains” of Diversity Aaron Thompson, professor of sociology at Eastern Kentucky University and coauthor of Diversity and the College Experience, says that diversity benefits you in six ways. It: 1. Expands global _____. awareness College is a great opportunity to get to know people from diverse groups and cultures.
The Six “Gains” of Diversity 2. Enhances social _____. development Hanging out only with people just like you is boring.
The Six “Gains” of Diversity 3. Prepares students for future career _____. success You’ll need to be comfortable with all kinds of people if you’re going to succeed on the job.
The Six “Gains” of Diversity 4. Increases your _____ base. knowledge Research shows that we learn more from people who are different from us than from people who are the same.
The Six “Gains” of Diversity 5. Promotes creative _____. thinking You’re more creative when you hear things from many different points of view.
The Six “Gains” of Diversity 6. Enhances _____. self-awareness You see the panorama of the world around you and get a better feeling for your place in it.
There is always a new and better solution to any problem, and _____ can get you there. synergy
Life is not just a choice between A and B. We always have a better way—a _______. 3rd Alternative I had no money. So had to clean toilets. Being frugal, finding books online for less, but still too much! watching a show on Netflix, a 3rd Alternative hit me: “Netflix rents movies. Why don’t we rent textbooks?”
Getting to a 3rd Alternative Step 1: Define the _____. problem Kettering: “A problem well stated is a problem half-solved.” Make sure you understand the real problem. If a professor won’t let you in a class because there’s no room. Ask, “do you mean there aren’t enough chairs? could I bring my own chair?”
Getting to a 3rd Alternative Step 2: Listen to their ____. views Listen empathically to others’ views first. Let each talk to feel “heard.” 1. Make sure everyone’s best thinking's understood 2. Make sure each feels understood. Include everyone; some people have trouble speaking up. Let them share ideas.
Getting to a 3rd Alternative Step 3: Share your _____. views Feel free to share your best thinking with others. Because you have listened to them, they might influence your views. Expand on their ideas. Make sure that you feel understood.
Getting to a 3rd Alternative Step 4: _____. Brainstorm. Now that you’ve heard everyone’s best thinking, ask “Is everybody willing to look for an even better idea—one nobody has thought of yet?” Then let each brainstorm (freely generating ideas). Don’t shut people down. Let creativity flow.
Getting to a 3rd Alternative Step 5: _____ the best idea. Choose synthesize and form a solution. Consider all the ideas shared. Build on them. Taking different ideas' parts- put together in new ways. Eventually, a superior idea/solution will come, and you’ll know when you find it because it will be exciting.
_____ is the ultimate habit—the point of all the other habits. It’s the reward, the delicious fruit of effective living. Synergy (If you doubt that, think about the synergy that happens in a happy marriage or family; it’s what happens in successful sports teams or work teams.)
Here’s what synergy gets you: Effective ______ to your problems. solutions
Here’s what synergy gets you: Less _____ for you because everybody’s contributing. work
Here’s what synergy gets you: Better _____. relationships
Here’s what synergy gets you: Fun and_____. excitement
Here’s what synergy gets you: Greater _____, and more appreciation for the wealth of _____ in the people around you. learning, diversity
_____are the answer to most conflict situations. 3rd Alternatives When you see only two alternatives—yours and the “wrong one”—your options are very limited. After all, you don’t usually go into an argument thinking you’re wrong. But instead of arguing, you can choose a different approach.
Look for synergistic 3rd Alternatives! Remember: SYNERGIZING IS NOT… ______ differences. Tolerating SYNERGIZING IS… Valuing differences.
SYNERGIZING IS NOT… Working _____. independently SYNERGIZING IS… Working interdependently.
SYNERGIZING IS NOT… Thinking you’re always _____. right SYNERGIZING IS… Staying open-minded.
SYNERGIZING IS NOT… ______ (1 + 1 = 1½). Compromising SYNERGIZING IS… Finding new and better ways (1 + 1 = 3, 10, 100, or more).
SYNERGIZING IS NOT… Aimless _____. brainstorming SYNERGIZING IS… Getting results.
Created by: STUDZZZ
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