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People to know


Wilhelm Wundt 1. The Father of modern psychology 2. The father of the first psychology laboratory
Mary Whiton Calkins 1. American psychologist who conducted research on memory, personality, and dreams 2. First woman president of the American Psychological Association 3. Student of William James.
Charles Darwin 1. Biologist who developed the theory of evolution of species 2. Argued that all living forms evolved through the successful ability to adapt in a struggle for survival.
Dorothea Dix 1. A reformer and pioneer in the movement to treat the insane as mentally ill 2. Improve conditions in jails
Sigmund Freud 1. Physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation 2. Founding father of psychoanalysis 3. Argues that human behavior is the result of the interactions among three component parts of the mind: the id, ego,
G. Stanley Hall * Issues he focused on 1. Nature v nurture 2. Child and adolescent development
William James 1. Founder of functionalism 2. Studied how humans use perception to function in our environment 3. Important theory on emotion
Ivan Pavlov the first research into learned behavior
Jean Piaget 1. Created a 4-stage theory of cognitive development, 2. Said that two basic processes work in tandem to achieve cognitive growth
Carl Rogers 1. Humanist psychologist 2. Theory that emphasized the importance of the self-actualizing tendency in shaping human personalities.
B. F. Skinner he developed the theory of operant conditioning -- the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, be they reinforcements or punishments, which make it more or less likely that the behavior will occur again.
Margaret Floy Washburn American psychologist who was the first woman to earn a doctorate in psychology in the United States; published research on mental processes in animals.
John B. Watson 1. The father of behaviorism 2. Focused not on the internal emotional and psychological conditions of people, but rather on their external and outward behaviors. 3. He believed that a person's physical responses provided the only insight into internal
Created by: Maze
Popular Psychology sets




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