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Pers Psych Ch3

free association under the right circumstances patients describe previously hidden material that seemed related to the causes/cure of their hysterical symptoms, even w/o hypnosis
topographic model 3 levels of awareness- conscious, preconscious, unconscious
conscious thoughts you are currently aware of
preconscious large body of retrievable information
unconscious material to which you have no immediate access
structural model divides personality into the id, the ego, and the superego. these 3 things compliment each other
id the selfish part of your personality. at birth there is only the id, only concerned with satisfying your personal desires (based on pleasure principle). uses wish fulfillment
ego to satisfy id impulses, but in a manner that takes into consideration the realities of the world (based on the reality principle). keeps id impulses in unconscious. moves freely through awareness. satisfy id but considers the consequences of the action.
superego represents society’s—and, in particular, the parents’—values and standards. places more restrictions on what we can/cannot do. primary weapon is guilt. aka your conscience.
pleasure principle immediate personal satisfaction regardless of physical/social limitations
wish fulfillment if the desired object is unavailable, the id will imagine what it wants
reality principle the ego's control of the pleasure-seeking activity of the id in order to meet the demands of the external world.
moral anxiety an ever-present feeling of shame and guilt—for failing to reach standards no human can meet
triebe drives or instincts, the strong internal forces that motivate human behavior
libido the life or sexual instinct
thanatos the death or aggressive instinct
sexually motivated any decision aimed at receiving pleasure
death instinct desire to die and return to the earth, most often turned outward and expressed as aggression against others. the wish to die remains unconscious.
neurotic anxiety vague feelings of anxiety sparked by the sensation that unacceptable unconscious thoughts are about to burst through the awareness barrier and express themselves in consciousness
defense mechanism techniques to deal with unwanted thoughts and desires
repression* DM-an active effort by the ego to push threatening material out of consciousness or to keep that material from ever reaching consciousness
displacement* DM-channeling our impulses to nonthreatening objects,these displaced impulses don’t lead to social rewards
projections* DM-attributing an unconscious impulse to other people instead of to ourselves
sublimation * DM-described as the only truly successful DM. to channel threatening unconscious impulses into socially acceptable actions
symbolic displacement many of our seemingly irrational fears
denial refusal to accept certain facts exist, despite evidence to the contrary
reaction formation * hiding from threatening unconscious ideas or urges by acting in a manner opposite to our unconscious desires
Intellectualization considering something in a strictly intellectual, unemotional manner
psychosexual stages of development oral anal phallic latency genital
oral stage* 0-18 mths, primary erogenous zones- mouth-lips-tongue, trauma during weaning or feeding may result in an oral fixation or personality.smoke or drink excessively as an adult
anal stage* 18 mths -3 yrs, primary erogenous zones-anal region, trauma during toilet training may result in anal personality, orderly and rigid or stubborn or generous
phallic stage* 3-6 yrs, erogenous zones-penis or clitoris, at the end of this stage children develop the oedipus complex, boys can develop castration anxiety-girls can develop penis envy
oedipus complex when a child develops sexual attraction towards the opposite sex parent
castration anxiety boys will fear that their fathers will discover their thoughts and cut off their penis. If they have seen their sisters genitals may think this has already befallen them.
penis envy a girls desire to have a penis and may develop feelings of inferiority and jealousy bc of its absence
latency stage* 6-puberty, boys and girls are largely uninterested in each other until puberty
genital stage* puberty+, erogenous zone-adult genitals, if a child progresses to this stage without leaving large amounts of libido fixated at earlier stages, normal sexual function is possible
manifest content what the dreamer sees and remembers
latent content what is really being expressed in the dream
projective tests present test takers with ambiguous stimuli and ask them to respond by identifying objects, telling a story, or perhaps drawing a picture...inkblots or vague pictures
free association strange, uncensored ideas flowing into your awareness
psychoanalysis to bring crucial unconscious material into consciousness where it can be examined in a rational manner
transference emotions associated with people from the past are displaced onto the therapist
rorschach inkblot test( most popular) -unusual answers and recurring themes are of a particular interest, especially if they are consistent with info revealed during a therapy session
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) series of ambiguous pictures (people, facial expressions are left intentionally vague) test takers are asked to tell a story about each picture, who people are, what is going on, what led up to the scene, and what the outcome is going to be.
human figure drawing test blank paper and test takers are asked to draw a picture for the psychologist; person, family, tree; indicator of psychological problems especially in children
Identification defense mechanism-associate themselves with powerful and successful individuals
Created by: kwatkins27
Popular Psychology sets




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