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Psych. Jeap. Quiz #2

This is the theory of when a cell may be excited by a red receptor and inhibited by a green receptor; or excited y a yellow receptor and inhibited by a blue receptor. Opponent Process Theory
When the brain processes and organizes sensations to give it all meaning Perception
This is the term used when we are talking about how knowledge and memory play a role in processing sensations Top-Down Processing (know Bottom Up too)
Receiving stimuli from the environment Sensation
The detection of information below the level of conscious awareness Subliminal perception
The minimum amount of stimulus energy that a person can detect Absolute threshold (know difference threshold and Weber's Law)
The field of psychology is interested in how people organize their perceptions according to patterns. Gestalt Psych.
When two lines are the same length but have the illusion of being different lengths. Muller-Lyer illusion (know both illusions from PowerPoint)
This is when I focus in on one person in a crowded room of people where there is a lot of noise. Cocktail Party effect
When your right brain tries to say the color, but your left brain insists on reading the word. Stroop effect
This is when objects that are grouped together are seen as a whole Law of Closure (know other Gestalt Laws)
This is part of the eye that detects color Cones
People (mostly men) who only have two types of receptors and who are color-blind are referred to as this. Dichromatic
Color perception is produced by 3 types of receptors that are sensitive to different wavelength ranges (is known as this) Trichromatic Theory
According to the Opponent Process Theory, if I stare at a screen with a red flag with a field of blue in the left hand corner, and then I look at a blank screen, this will be what I see in the afterimage. Green flag with a field of yellow in the left hand corner
These are cues about depth that depend on the combination of the images in the left and right eyes and the way they both work together. Binocular cues
This type of monocular cue as it allows us to know distance from out world experience on this earth. Familiar size (know three types of monocular cues)
Decision making based on uncertainty is referred to as this Signal detection Theory
When we do this, the sensations first go to the temporal lobes and then other parts of the brain, particularly the limbic system (involved in emotion in memory) Smell
This is when the sound is to your left and your left ear experiences the greatest intensity, while the right ear experiences less intensity The Sound Shadow
These are the sensory nerve endings under the skin that detect temperature changes... they provide input in order to keep the body at 98.6 Farenheit Thermoreceptors
These are the rounded bumps on your tongue that contain your taste buds. We have 10,000 taste buds. Papillae
This is the sensation that warns us when there is damage to the body Pain
Characterized by delta waves Sleep stages 3 and 4
This is considered stage 5 sleep REM
What does REM stand for? Rapid eye movement
This is characterized by sleep spindles Stage 2 sleep
This is when night terrors occur Stage 4 sleep
This is when you just cannot get to sleep Insomnia
This is the sudden urge to sleep Narcolepsy
This is when the windpipe fails to open while sleeping Sleep apnea
This always leads to death, is rare, and is caused by a genetic mutation Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI)
This can be a side effect of taking Ambien Sleep eating (also sleep driving is okay for this one)
These go up when my temperature increases; conversely, these go down when my temperature decreases Circadian rhythms
Blood sugar, blood pressure, and temperature are all related to this Circadian rhythms
Also known as simniloquy Sleep talking (know term for sleep walking)
He talked about the manifest and latent content of dreams Freud (know about these terms as well)
This is a small brain structure that uses input from the retina to synchronize its own rhythm with the daily cycle of light and dark Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Alcohol is considered this Depressant/Disease
Most common drug used in the U.S. Caffeine
This is the repeated use of psychoactive drugs for emotional reasons Psychological dependence (know difference between psychological and physical dependence, and tolerance)
This popular drug, that is now legal in some states, is considered a hallucinogen. Marijuana
Inhalants are in this class of drugs Stimulants
This drug is often confused with being a stimulant, but is actually in the category of hallucinogen Ecstacy
Ecstacy can decrease ____________ reuptake in chronic users and SSRIs are often prescribed. Serotonin
This drug was popularized in the series, "Breaking Bad" Crystal Meth
Pain medications are now considered a gateway drug for this opiate Heroine
This is an opiate that can be prescribed to you by your physician Codeine
This has no meaning concerning the response until it is paired with the unconditioned stimulus. Neutral stimulus
He is the person associated with Classical Conditioning Ivan Pavlov
This is the term used when a new stimulus is similar to the original conditioned stimulus Generalization
This produces a response based on reflexes Unconditioned stimulus
When "weakening" the conditioned response by associating the conditioned stimulus with a new unconditioned stimulus; for example, if the researchers had done this for Little Albert they would have given him the candy while showing him the rat. Counterconditioning
He was doing his research at the same time Pavlov did his Thorndike
he said, "Human behavior is neither whimsical or the outcome of free will... it follows definitive, lawful principles." B.F. skinner
This is when I ADD a POSITIVE stimulus to the environment. Ex.) I am going to give you a gold star on your paper for a good job. Positive reinforcer
This is when I REMOVE an AVERSIVE stimulus from the environment. Ex.) When my alarm goes off to wake me up in the morning. I want to remove the stimulus (because it's annoying me), and it also produces the behavior of waking me up. Negative reinfocer
This is when I ADD an AVERSIVE stimulus to the environment. Ex.) Little Johnny was spanked for being a bad boy Positive punishment
This is when I REMOVE a POSITIVE stimulus from the environment. Ex.) When I get pulled over by the police for speeding and I have to pay a fine of $250, this is removing my money from my wallet. Negative punishment
He valued empirical observation B.F. Skinner
Type of reinforcement provides reinforcement after an unpredictable NUMBER of responses (slot machine) Variable-ratio schedule
This is when your first response is rewarded but only after a certain amount of TIME goes by; Ex.) your pay check. You know that you will receive it on a certain day Fixed-interval schedule
These reinforcers can be exchanged for each other Conditioned reinforcer and primary reinforcer
This type of conditioning is INVOLUNTARY and involves reflexes. Ex.) Tank cannot control his salivation when he smells his dog food. Classical conditioning
This type of conditioning is VOLUNTARY as the consequences of the condition will determine my behavior. Ex.) In order to get a treat (the positive reinforcement) Tank will give me his paw. Operant conditioning
This theory, __________________, developed by this psychologist ____________________, said that we learn by modeling other people and their behaviors. Observational Learning; Albert Bandura
"Ah ha" moment! Insight Learning
Who developed insight learning Kohler
Term used when a person still elicits a behavior even if there is no reward at the end. Latent learning
Who developed Latent Learning Tolman (know cognitive mapping)
This is when we revert to instinctive behaviors. We often see this in animals. We train them, but sometimes they may go back to their "animal ways" Instinctive drift
This is when you eat or drink something that makes you sick and you never want that food or beverage again. Taste aversion
This is the response associated with the unconditioned stimulous Unconditioned response
This was the neutral stimulus but is now this as it produces the response Conditioned stimulus
This is the learned response to the conditioned stimulus Conditioned response
This is when a conditioned response has not completely extinguished and may come back Spontaneous recovery
The beer starts as the _______________, while the attractive woman is the __________________. Neutral stimulus; unconditioned stimulous
Once the woman and the beer are paired all I need to do is show the beer which now becomes the ______________. Drinking the beer is the ___________________. Conditioned stimulus; Conditioned response
Created by: skyler.caruso1
Popular Psychology sets




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