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This term refers to treating a mental disorder using talk and conversation between a client and a therapist to initiate change. Psychotherapy
This alternative form of therapy treats a relationship between two individuals as the "client", resulting in fair and equal treatment of both parties. Couples Therapy
When a therapist uses techniques from many different schools of psychology, they are typically referred to by this term with regards to their orientation. Eclectic
This form of therapy, which allows clients to "face their fears", is often the best form of treatment for phobias. Exposure Therapy
Sigmund Freud believed that the best way to reduce symptoms in patients was to promote this. Insight
This aspect of a drug represents the biggest down-side to the use of psychiatric medications in the treatment of mental disorders. Side Effects
This form of treatment, which has become much more humane since its first use, involves passing an electrical current through a disordered individual's brain. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
An individual suffering from schizophrenia would most likely be prescribed this class of psychiatric medication. Antipsychotics
Rather than treating a depressed bipolar patient with just an antidepressant, doctors will typically prescribe this type of drug as well, in order to prevent mania. Mood Stabilizers
Lobotomies, Hemispherectomies, and cutting the Corpus Callossum are all types of this biological intervention - an extreme measure used as a last resort. Psychosurgery
This patient has a strong, irrational fear of heights which prevents them from riding in airplanes. Phobic Disorder
This patient was beaten up in a bar fight, and now the patient seems easily agitated and complains of "flashbacks". Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
This patient is a chronic worrier, and never seems to be able to calm down, although they can't figure out why they're worried. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
This patient experiences a compulsion to binge-eat followed by another compulsion to purge afterwards. Bulimia Nervosa
This patient has frequent mood swings, ranging from mildly depressed to hypomanic. Cyclothymic Disorder (Cyclothymia)
This experiment randomly assigned a group of male students to the role of either prisoner or guard in order to see how it would affect behavior - an experiment which had to be ended early out of safety concerns. Stanford Prison Experiment
This term refers to changing your own behavior in order to better fit in with the people around you Conformity
This term refers to the tendency for individual to believe that all members of a group are alike. Stereotyping
When a person believes that the world is a just and fair place, and most people tend to get what they deserve, they may be making this error. Just-World Fallacy
According to this technique, asking for a small, easily granted favor first and then following it up with a larger request can make the larger request more likely to be granted as well. Foot-in-the-Door Technique
When a drug fits into a receptor site without activating it, it is said to be this type. Antagonist
Ivan Pavlov used this term to refer to his ability to train dogs to salivate only to specific bell tones, but not to others. Discrimination
This personality trait - one of the "Big Five" - is associated with flexibility and a desire for novel (new) experiences. Openness
This parenting style is sometimes seen as the "best" style by western civilizations - at least in terms of its typical outcomes for children of parents who use this style. Authoritative Parenting
The "Fight or Flight" response is associated with this branch of the nervous system. Sympathetic Nervous System
Created by: vinaluu45
Popular Psychology sets




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