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Health & Nutrition

Module 4: Interpersonal Harmony

Characteristics of Firstborn Children perfectionist, conscientious, critical, scholarly, and serious; the most reliable child-"little adult"; may be bossy, know-it-all, or defensive
Characteristics of Middle Children "develops a style of life of his own"; sometimes feels out of place, misunderstood, or upstaged by the older or younger siblings; do not feel special or favored by the family-might disobey to get attention; less demanding, more likable, more realistic about life, good mediators, avoid conflict, make many friends, loyal to peers, be different from older siblings
Characteristics of Youngest Children outgoing charmers, the personable manipulators, affectionate, a little absent-minded, their approach to life gets laughs-the family clown/entertainer, less responsible and more selfish (due to relaxed standards by parents with the youngest child in the family)
chivalry rules of manly behavior-credited to the time of Charlemagne (about AD 800)
gender a person's genetic identity as a male or a female (God decides your gender.)
gender role how gender is expressed in daily life--in appearance and in activities The culture distinguishes male from female in clothing style and color, hairstyle, jewelry, and the display or removal of facial hair.
complementary men and women complete each other, making up for missing elements in the other gender
monogamy a covenant of marriage between one man and one woman that likely produces children, best displays complementary roles, and is by far the best arrangement for everyone in the family as well as society-this follows God's plan for family
(1) polygamy (2) polyandry (3) polygyny (1)multiple partners (2) more than one husband (3) more than one wife
culture Every culture is outwardly distinct from each other. the generally accepted way of life of a group of people--standards for acceptable clothing, politeness, greetings, hospitality, family structure, morality, and government
socialization the process whereby a person is brought from barbaric immaturity to literacy, politeness, responsibility for one's own actions, and the performance of the requirements for citizenship
self-worth (or self-esteem) the emotional appraisal of your own value Be positive about yourself, yet realistic. Rest on the value given to you by Jesus Christ.
self-righteousness (example of extremely high self-worth) a sinful attitude of moral superiority
Why make friends? Why make friendships with others? (1) Protect you from yourself--friends challenge your ideas, help with your weaknesses, keep you from pride, tell you the truth, & motivate you to change for the better. (2) Meet your needs--with friends, you are not lonely. You share your feelings and activities with friends. (3) Meet the needs of the world--friends help you meet the needs of others so you don't focus on yourself. it challenges you to love, serve, and forgive.
family of origin family into which a child is born
nuclear family father and mother (parents) with children sharing a home
extended family relatives who do not share a home with the nuclear family Example: Grandparents
maturity the state of adulthood, being responsible for actions and unselfish in behavior Maturity is not guaranteed by achieving a certain age--it MUST BE CHOSEN. A mature person is responsible for his or her own actions and is unselfish.
sanctity of life A Christian perspective: extends from the moment a human is conceived until that person's natural death. Conception (in your mother's womb) to NATURAL death (old age/illness-- not suicide or euthanasia)
attachment disorder This disorder is commonly found in children who are adopted. misbehavior of the child, caused by insecurity and the child's need to test how strong the adoptive family's love is
flirting drawing attention to yourself and implying sexual interest in another
pornography visual, sexual stimulation--threat to respect
goodwill a person desires to bless and not harm their friendship (genuine friendship)
mentor friends older than you with more experience than you have who would love to spare you the pain they suffered if you would only learn from them
peer dependence turning away from family and community and turning toward the approval and provision of peers for meaning and direction in life
platonic relationship a mutually encouraging friendship with the opposite sex without any romance between the individuals
romance the emotional and physical attraction between a man and a woman in preparation for marriage
hero worship This is a trap! It is not true friendship. This friendship is one-sided, causes the one who wants the friendship to lower his/her standards, and causes him/her to give into peer pressure and change a certain behavior or characteristic to "fit in" or "measure up" within the group or be accepted by a certain person as a "friend."
Keeping an Opposite-Sex Relationship Platonic (not romantic) (1) Have respect for the person you may be attracted to. (2) Guard your heart--you must not let yourself fall in love with the person you are attracted to, imagining yourself married to this person, totally dedicated to the relationship, and excluding others. (3) Spend time in groups. (4) It is not a given that everyone will marry.
Loneliness when a friendship ends This is normal, but you can't dwell on it too long and feel sorry for yourself. The way to cure loneliness is to look outside yourself, turning your focus outward instead of inward and reaching out to serve someone who needs your help. "When you feel left out, reach out."
Communication Skills & Recommendations When Speaking (1) Just because something is hard to understand doesn't mean it it deep-it could be nonsense! (2) Observe social conventions- general customs and standards of behavior expected by most adults-be professional, courteous, and mature. (3) Recognize body language clues and act accordingly. Body Language: unconscious, nonverbal communication between people
Communication Skills & Recommendations When Speaking (cont.) (4) Recognize that the person you are speaking with may be nervous; therefore, try to put him/her at ease. (5) Remove jargon and use words everyone present will understand Jargon: specialized vocabulary (6) Use tact. Tact: disciplined communication to the right person at the right time, divulging only the right amount of information
Boundaries to Protect Yourself (1) Silence-say nothing especially if the person is a stranger (You don't know the person who is critical or angry with you.) (2) Say no to unreasonable demands. (3) Say stop to someone you know well. Don't allow them to behave or speak inappropriately to you. Speak up to defend yourself; however, it might not change the other person's behavior. BOUNDARIES protect you from being controlled by your emotions too.
Commandment: (1) Honor your father and mother. (2) Remember the Sabbath day. (3) You shall not commit adultery. (4) You shall have no other gods before Me. (5) You shall not lie. (6) You shall not murder. (7) You shall not steal. What Is Sacred: (1) Family (2) Time (3) Marriage (4)Worship (5) Truth (6) Life (7) Property
Created by: vblackford
Popular Psychology sets




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