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Abnormal Disorders


Abnormal Behavior anything that differs from the what the average person would do is abnormal, failure to adjust to society
Addiction dependence on a drug
Agoraphobia a fear of leaving a safe place (or person)
Alcoholism dependence on alcohol
Anhedonia lack of energy
Antisocial personality disorder involves a totally disregard for the feelings of others. These people are said to lack empathy, is correlated with biological changes, like lowered activity in the amygdala(psychopaths)
Anxiety is made up of negative emotions and feelings of tension
Anxiety Disorders GAD, phobic disorder, panic disorder, OCD*, and PTSD*
Bipolar Disorder involves two mood states: periods of depression cycled with mania
Catatonic Schizophrenia involves long periods of remaining motionless and emotionally unresponsive
Compulsions ritualistic behaviors designed to get rid of obsessions
Conversion Disorder physical disabilities without any real source
Delirium Tremens he most extreme form of alcohol withdrawal, can produce frightening hallucinations and body tremors
Delusions false beliefs that are kept despite real evidence against them
Dependent Personality Disorder have an excessive need to be taken care of
Diathesis-stress hypothesis
Disorganized Schizophrenia includes displays of random and inappropriate behavior
Dissociation involves losing one’s sense of self or of the outside world
Dissociative Amnesia refers to memory loss with no physical cause, usually in response to a traumatic event.
Dissociative Disorders DID, dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue
Dissociative Fugue people leave and later find themselves in a new place, unable to remember why or how they got there
Dissociative Identity Disorder involves the adoption of new identities, called alters, inside a person’s mind
DSM-V(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) APA lists all recognized abnormal disorders
Four D's Deviance, Distress, Dysfunction , and Danger
Generalized Anxiety Disorder characterized by intense, unfocused symptoms of WORRY, symptoms: muscle tension
Hallucinations perceptual experiences without true sensation
Histrionic Personality Disorder involves excessive dramatization and attention seeking
Hypochondriasis preoccupied about the fact that they may have a disease
La belle indifference People with conversion disorders are also usually surprisingly calm about their affliction
Major Depression Disorder involves at least a two week period of uncontrollable sadness and negative emotions symptoms: anhedonia, lack of energy, problems with sleep and appetite
Mania characterized by elation, risk-taking, impulsiveness, and high energy
Mood Disorders major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder
Obsessions uncontrollable thoughts
Obsessive compulsive disorder involves uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions) coupled with ritualistic behaviors designed to get rid of these thoughts (compulsions)
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder have an unusually strong interest in tidiness and perfection
Panic disorder involves a person experiencing an unexpected panic attack and developing anxiety about the possibility of another attack
Paranoid Schizophrenia is marked by severe delusions and hallucinations
Phobia is an extreme fear of a specific object or situation, include significant dysfunction
Post traumatic stress disorder occurs after an overwhelming trauma such as war, assault, natural disaster, or death of a loved one
Psychological dependence
Schizophrenia characterized by disordered cognitive (thought) patterns and a break from reality
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Somatoform Disorders characterized by an excessive fixation with health or body appearance ( conversion disorders and hypochondriasis )
Thomas Szasz argues that there are no such things as mental disorders, though few agree with him
Tolerance requiring greater and greater amounts of the drug to experience the same effect
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia includes the basic symptoms but does not fall neatly into one of the other three categories
Withdrawal experiencing negative physical reactions when the drug is not in your system
Created by: nailea89326
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