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Career Preparation 1

Succeeding in Life and Career - Ch. 1 Vocabulary

personality the total behavioral qualities and traits that make up an individual
self-concept a person's view of himself or herself
self-esteem the sense of worth a person attaches to himself or herself
needs basic items such as food, clothing, or shelter, that all people require for living
wants items people desire but do not need to survive
values the beliefs, feelings, and experiences a person considers to be important and desirable
peers other people in a person's own age group
standards accepted levels of achievement
perseverance quality of sticking to an action or belief even when difficult
resiliency the ability to adjust to setbacks and make changes that allow a person to survive and thrive
potential the capacity to develop, succeed, and make further advances in life
job one or more tasks, sometimes confused with a career
occupation paid employment involving a job
career a series of related occupations that show progression in a field of work
aptitude a person's natural talent
ability skill a person learns through practice
job shadowing exploring career options through observing an experienced professional at his or her job, usually for one day
cooperative education a work-based learning program that prepares students for an occupation immediately after high school through a paid job experience
internship a work based learning program that offers paid or unpaid practical work experience to learn about a job or industry
apprenticeship learning program that provides training for a trade or skill on the job under the supervision of a skilled worker
networking developing contacts with people who may be able to find you a job
resume a brief account of a person's education, work experience, and other qualifications for employment
references people who know a person well and vouch for his or her good work
portfolio an organized collection of your best and most creative work
entrepreneur a person who starts and manages his or her own business
cover message/letter a letter that introduces yourself and your resume to a potential employer
Created by: jenselau000
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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