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Intr 2 Psy Final EX9

What is learning that has taken place but is not demonstrated called? latent learning
Ivan Pavlov studied the reflexive flow of saliva in dogs. He used meat powder or other food to trigger that salivation. The saliva in the dog was triggered before the food was placed in the mouth. In this experiment... was the unconditioned stimulus. food
Food and water are examples of ... primary reinforcers
In classical conditioning, ... occurs when the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus. extinction
... is a procedure in which a neutral stimulus in no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus. higher-order conditioning
If a rat has learned to press a lever to obtain pellets of food and, all of a sudden the response permanently ceases to produce any food, then... will occur extinction
After Little Albert acquired a conditioned fear of a rat, Watson and Rayner studied how he reacted to a rabbit, cotton wool, and a Santa Claus mask. They were studying whether or not ... had occurred. stimulus generalization
Graham is a 5 year old who has a conditioned fear of furry, hairy things but fond of milk and cookies , and associates pleasant feelings with it. Psychologists pair a cat with the snack that graham enjoys until his fear goes away. This is an example of.. counterconditioning
Based on his observations of cats in puzzle boxes, Thorndike concluded... behavior is controlled by its consequences
Which of the following behaviorists is associated with operant conditioning? B.F. Skinner
After watching someone use the touch screen of a smart phone, Laura a 5 year old learns to use her finger to slide the screen on his smartphone. She acquired this behavior through... observational learning
Which of the following is a secondary reinforcer? money
Ivan Pavlov studied the reflexive flow of saliva in dogs. Foods and other triggers were used , but it was later observed that the dog's saliva triggered before the food was placed in the mouth. ...was the unconditioned response. salivation
Alex cleans his room so his mother will stop nagging him. His mother used... to get him to clean the room negative reinforcement
Professor inglot gives a student a D on a term paper that was completely inadequate. The D grade is an example of ... a secondary punisher
In operant conditioning, the tendency of a response to occur in the presence of one stimulus but not in another stimulus that differs from it on some dimension is called ... stimulus discrimination
The neutral stimulus, when paired with an unconditioned stimulus, becomes a ... in classical conditioning conditioned stimulus
Intermittent reinforcement results in slower extinction
The application of operant conditioning techniques to teach new responses or to reduce or eliminate maladaptive or problematic behavior is called... behavior modification
Joan begs her dad for a cookie but he refuses to buy her one. Joan whines and complains until he breaks down and gets her the cookie. For Joan, the cookie is a ... positive reinforcer
In the "Little Albert" study, each time the rat was presented to the boy it was accompanied by a loud noise. In this experiment, Alberts reaction of fear upon hearing the loud noise was the... unconditioned response
Karen is embarrassed when her son Max has a tantrum in the store. She screams at him to stop it or they will never come back to the store again. Max just screams louder. Why did this approach fail to control his behavior? The threat was a reinforcer
What is recommended in the chapter about Learning and Conditioning as an effective means of punishing a child? Use time-outs and loss of privileges instead of physical punishment
The concept of Latent Learning was developed by... Tolman
Observational learning can also be considered ... conditioning because they both involve reinforcement. operant
Gary trains his hamster to roll a marble. First, he reinforces the hamster when it walks towards the marble, when it touches the marble with its nose, and finally when he rolls the marble. This example illustrates... shaping
During operant learning, the tendency for an organism to revert to innate, species-specific behavior is called... indistinctive drift
Samantha jumps with fear when she feels a hand on her shoulder while walking on a deserted path across campus. What brain structure played a key role in her fearful reaction? amygdala
Casey hears a rattling sound as she hikes through the desert. Her muscles tense, her blood pressure ries, and her digestion shuts down. According to Hans Selye, what phase is she in? alarm phase
... is a state of arousal involving facial and bodily changes, brain activation, cognitive appraisals, subjective feelings, and tendencies toward action. emotion
"This class drives me crazy, but I'm better off than my friends who aren't in college." is an example of what coping strategy? social comparison
What property of some brain cells led scientists to call them mirror neurons? They fire when a person or animal observes others carrying out an action.
What is the correct order for the stages of the general adaption syndrome? alarm phase, resistance phase, and exhaustion phase
According to the concept of facial feedback, when Noah complies with instructions to smile and look happy, it is most likely that... his positive feelings will increase
... are social and cultural rules that regulate when, how, and where a person may express or suppress emotions display rules
"its too bad mt car was damaged by the tree during the hurricane, but now I can get that new car I've wanted so long." This is an example of which coping strategy? reappraising the situation
Current approaches to the psychology of stress have found that ... when you are under stress, the hypothalamus sends messages to the endocrine glands along two major pathways.
Which of the following is one of the key stress hormones released by the adrenal glands? cortisol
... is the study of the relationships among psychology, the nervous and endocrine systems, and the immune system. Psychoneuroimmunology
In addition to confession, another important way of letting go of negative emotions is ... forgiveness
Which occupation would be more likely to require emotion work as a job requirement? customer service representative
What is the key characteristic of the Type A personality that is related to heart disease? hostility
... is a general expectation about whether the results of your actions are under your own control or are beyond your control. Locus of Control
What is an effective way to reduce negative emotions? Physical exercise
Finding out what your legal resources are when you have been the victim of a crime is an example of problem-focused coping
Ingrid has a rough day at work and is feeling stressed, so her partner gives her a long hug and then they curl up on the couch and watch a movie. What hormone will likely released in Ingrid's brain that will help diminish the effects of work stress? Oxytocin
Darwin argued that facial expressions of emotion are ... innate
A person is in the ... of the general adaption syndrome when vulnerability to physical problems increases, and illnesses such a chronic hypertension develop. exhaustion phase
What is the one emotion that North American men express more freely than women? Anger
The ... of the immune system are designed to recognize foreign or harmful substances (antigens) such as flu viruses, bacteria, and tumor cells and then destroy or deactivate them. white blood cells
Realistic optimists are more likely than pessimists to do what? take care of themselves
Created by: jennahamilton
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