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Psych Ch 5-7, 12

intro to psych

Pavlov Classical conditioning
Insight Learning by making connections
Conditioned Stimulus Experiment in which the desired result is eventually elicited by an originally neutral stimulus
Positive Reinforcement Behavior will usually continue
Negative Reinforcement Behavior will usually decrease or stop
Bandura's Studies The more aggressive children saw the model being rewarded. The less aggressive children saw the model being punished.
Fixed-Ratio Payment for each task completed; "Commission LMT pay"
Variable-Ratio Slot machine
Short-term Memory Working memory
Retrograde Amnesia The events shortly prior to the accident or injury are forgotten
Proactive Interference Information in memory interferes with learning new material
Alzheimer's Disease Degenerative disease with progressive memory loss
Procedural Memories Storage of information about skills, habits, and perceptual motor tasks
Episodic Memories Storage of personally experienced events
Rote Rehearsal Process of retaining information in your memory simply by repeating it over and over
Long-term Memory Memories are stored according to meaning
Chunking Grouping information into meaningful units
Short-term Memory Retention Only as much information as can be repeated or rehearsed in 1.5 to 2 seconds
Flashbulb Memories Vivid memory of a certain event and the incidents around it even after a long time
Retrieval Cue One thought leads to another until the answer to the original question is reached
Long-term vs Short-term Memories Different parts of the brain are specialized for memory storage
Downs Syndrome Hereditary mental retardation due to an extra 21st chromosome
Phenylketonuria or PKU Hereditary mental retardation due to a failure of the liver to produce an enzyme necessary for early brain development
Fragile X Syndrome Hereditary mental retardation due to a defect in the X chromosome
Creativity Forming new ideas
Morphemes Prefixes and suffixes; the smallest meaningful units of speech
Phonemes Basic sounds that make up any language
Cognition Thinking
Syntax Rules for arranging words into sentences in the English language
Culture Influenced by BOTH language and thought
Algorithm Has a guarenteed solution
Trial and Error Getting to the solution out of a limited number of options
Heuristics Rule of thumb
Functional Fixedness Box and thumbtacs; seeing beyond the limiting view that has become custom
Brainstorming Generating new ideas
Compensatory Model Rational decisions between choices; "picking a house"
IQ Score Tests mental ability of one person against those of the same generation
Agoraphobia Fear of public places
Cognitive-Behavior Model Self-defeating expectaions that can be unlearned and overcome
Somataform Disorders Physical symptoms persist without any identifiable physical cause
Dependent Can't make decisions or choices independently
1/3 Fraction of the American population that suffers from a mental disorder at some point in their lifetime
Narcissistic Exaggerated sense of self-importance, "Never my fault"
Delusional False beliefs about reality that have no basis in fact; "I'm the King of England"
Paranoid Extremely suspicious with bizarre complex delusions; "The CIA is trying to kill me"
ADHD Childhood disorder characterized by inattentiveness, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity
Suicide in the US 11th leading cause of death
Created by: selfstudy08
Popular Psychology sets




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