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Child Abuse Exam 1

Child maltreatment the abuse and/or neglect of children. Specific definitions vary by state and purpose
Child abuse an act, generally deliberate, by a parent that results in harm or death to a child
child neglect the failure of a parent to meet the minimal physical and psychological needs of a child
infanticide the killing of an infant, particularly a newborn
tabula rasa a blank slate; a mind that has not yet been affected by experiences or impressions
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (SPCC) s nonprofit organization that was founded in 1875 to protect children and strengthen their families. Offers mental health, legal, and educational services
Juvenile Court a court established in 1899 to hear cases of dependency and juvenile delinquency
parens patriae a Latin term meaning that the State acts on behalf of a child or mentally ill person. The State is the guardian for those who cannot protect themselves
PsycINFO an electronic database produced by American Psychological Association that indexes the psychology literature
Children's Bureau a division of Administration for Children and Families that is primarily concerned with child protection, child abuse prevention, foster care, and adoption within the US
National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect a national resource for professionals that provides information regarding child maltreatment including prevalence, incidence, treatment, statistics, and status
dispositional hearing a hearing during which the judge enters their decision as to what is in the best interest of the child
retrospective design a resource design that uses data based on recollections of past events This type of design is limited because of concerns about memory degradation over time
Child Protective Services a government agency charged with protecting children and preserving families. This is the agency that responds to charges of child maltreatment. (DFS) (DSS)
longitudinal research a research design that involves repeated observations of a group of participants at regular intervals over a relatively long time
poverty a situation in which income and resources are inadequate to obtain and maintain an acceptable standard of living
socioeconomic status a measure of a person's standing within a social group based on factors such as income and education
correlational research a study in which two or more variables are measured so that the degree of relationship between them can be measured
experiment a form of scientific research in which a researcher manipulates one or more variables in order to see the effects in another variable or variables
operational definitions a precise definition of a variable in terms of observable procedures or measurements
disinhibition a loss of the ability to restrain from or to suppress behaviors or impulses
psychotic mental disorder marked by the loss of contact with reality; generally marked by delusions, hallucinations, or serious thought disturbance
intergenerational transmission the passing down of a trait or behavior from one generation to the next
attachment a strong, affectionate bond between two people. Infants typically form an attachment to their primary care giver between 6 and 12 months
domestic violence violence, abuse, or intimidation that takes place in the context of an intimate relationship
socially isolated lacking sufficient social ties or support
culture the socially transmitted behaviors, arts, beliefs, and institutions that characterize a group of people
corporal punishment physical punishment such as spanking and slapping
immunity (legal) exception from civil or criminal liability or prosecution
abrogated cancelled or annulled by official means or authority
permissive reporter a person who is allowed, but not required, to report suspected child maltreatment
informed consent the ethical requirement that participants voluntarily agree to take part in an experiment only after they have been told what their participation will entail
institutional review board a group of professionals charged with determining whether the benefits of a proposed research project outweigh the potential costs to participants
National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-A-CHILD; a phone line that is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by professional counselors who can answer questions about child maltreatment
perpetrator a person who commits an offense or crime
misdemeanor a crime that is less serious than a felony and is usually punished with a lesser penalty
malpractice professional negligence; failure to exercise the minimal degree of care expected by professional standards
therapeutic relationship the working alliance between a counselor and a patient
child physical abuse an act by a caregiver that results in a nonaccidental injury to a child
bruising injury in which capillaries are damaged, allowing blood to seep into the surrounding tissue; generally caused by striking or pressing that does not break the skin
fractures the partial or complete break of bone or cartilage
shaken baby syndrome a condition of severe internal bleeding, particularly around the brain or eyes, that is caused by violently shaking an infant or a young child
burns injuries caused by fire, heat, or acid
impetigo a contagious skin infection that is caused by blisters that erupt and cause crusts
Mongolian spot a birthmark that is a smooth, flat, bluish-gray spot that looks like a bruise
osteogenesis imperfecta a genetic disorder in which bones fracture easily
platelet aggregation disorder a medical condition that occurs when platelets do not form plugs at injury sites
folk medicine health practices that come from cultural traditions
Cao Gio a Southeast Asian practice I which practitioner massages a heated ointment or oil on an ill child's neck, spine, and ribs and then runs a coin or spoon along the child's skin with firm, downward strokes
Caida de Mollera a sunken anterior frontal (space between the bones in an infant's skull) that can be the result of severe illness, significant weight loss, or dehydration
interpersonal relationship social association, connection and involvement between two people
aggression behavior that is intended to cause harm or pain; a disposition to behave in a violent way even when not provoked
suicidal ideation thoughts about suicide; plans to end one's life; may include suicide attempts
posttraumatic stress disorder an anxiety disorder that occurs in response to experiencing extreme stress
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association that lists the criteria for diagnosing mental disorders as well as provides info on causes, age on onset, gender differences, and prognosis
dysthymia a chronic, mild depression that persists for more than 2 years
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) a mental disorder of characterized by a limited attention spa, overactivity, restlessness, and impulsivity
conduct disorder a personality disorder of childhood marked by persistent disruptive behavior and repeated violation of the rights of others and of society norms
oppositional defiant disorder a disruptive pattern of behavior in childhood that is characterized by defiance and disobedience as well as hostile behavior.
meconium dark greenish-brown material that builds up in the digestive tract before birth; excretes as fecal matter after birth
metabolite a product of metabolism
toxicology the study of poisons and drugs and their effects
postnatal occurring after birth
physical neglect the failure to meet the minimal physical needs of the child
malnourished having a medical condition caused by an improper or insufficient diet
child endangerment placing a child in a situation that is potentially harmful
emotional neglect the failure to meet a child's emotional needs
medical neglect the failure to seek medical treatment or to provide treatment that has been prescribed
American Academy of Pediatrics an organization of approximately 60,000 pediatricians dedicated to the health of all children
mental health neglect the failure to seek help for a child's severe psychological problems or to comply with recommended therapeutic procedures
educational neglect the failure to meet the legal requirements for school enrollment or attendance, or the lack of attention to special educational needs
abandonment desertion; severing ties with and failing to support one's own child
resilent being able to recover easily from difficult circumstances; the ability to bounce back and persevere; being able to adjust with misfortune; adaptable
nonorganix failure to thrive a child's failing to reach normal milestones for physical growth when the child has no known organic disease
Strange situation task a laboratory task designed to measure an infant's attachment to a caregiver
social referencing reading another person's facial expressions in order to decide on an appropriate response
secure attachment an infant's using a caregiver as a secure base from which to explore his or her surroundings
avoidant attachment an insecure attachment style in which the infants tend to avoid or ignore their caregivers
resistant attachment an insecure attachment style in which infants cling to their caregivers at times and resist closeness at others
language delays the failure to develop language skills according to the usual timetable resulting in development that is significantly below the norm for a child of a given age
somatization the expression psychological distress as physical symptoms
obsessive compulsions the persistent intrusion of unwanted thoughts accompanied by ritualistic actions
phobic anxiety worry about irrational fears
paranoid ideation abnormal suspicion that is not based on facts
psychoticism impaired contact with reality
Created by: cmfowler
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