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Intro to Psych

Chap. 1

Psychology Scientific study of behavior and mental processes and how they affect the individual's physical and mental state and the evironment. This is the study of internal processes and external behaviors.
Science Systematically observes, describes, predict, and explain behavior
Mental Process thoughts ,feelings ,& motives that we experience privately; these processes do not lend themseves to direct observation.
Evironment context in which behavior & mental processes occur
Historicism tendency to focus on psychology's past accompishments
Presentism emphasis is on current trends in the enterprise of psychology
Plato's rationalism innate knowledge discovered through reason
Aristotle's empiricism sensory experience is the chief source of knowledge
Bacon's Skepticism question, systematic observation ,& verified by others
Locke's tabula rosa born as a blank slate: life's experiences script on you
St.Augustine tension between voice of reason & passions of the heart
Structuralism Wundt & Titcher
Wundt & Titcher Discovering basic elements/structures to mental processes/ 3 dimensions of feeling(pleasure/displeasure)(tension/relaxation)(excitment/depression)
Functionalism William James
William James Functions of mind/ behavior in adapting to evironment/ mind is flexable and adaptable in response to streams of consciousness(constant change and flow of information)
Behaviorism Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Thorndike
Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Thorndike Emphasis on obserable behavior/de-emphamsis of invisible/intangible/ conditioning studies as evidence
Cognitive behaviorism/learning thought, emotion and eviroment modify behaviors
Dynamic Role of unconscious processes, conflicts, & early family issues
Humanistic people are basically good; all they need is opportunity to grow
Neuroscience CNS is the key to understanding thought, behavior, & feeings
Sociocultural Gender, ethnicity, and culture as focal points
Gender socialcutural dimension of being male or female
Ethnicity cultural heritage: national features; race; religion; language
Culture bx patterns, beliefs, etc(music, dress, diet & ceremonies)
Clinical diagnosis & treatment of psychological problems
Counseling career & vocational emphasis in general treatment setting
Experimental conduct research, usually in laboratory settings
Neuropsychology study brain related cognitive behavioral problems
School learning and academic related issues
Industrial/Organizational workplace relationship and business productivity issues
Forensic psychological issues in legal settings (e.g.,insanity defense)
Sports psychological principles in sport performance & enjoyment
Health psychological & lifestyle factors in health & health delivery settings
Cross Cultural role of culture in understanding thought, emotion ,& bx
Created by: vale7563
Popular Psychology sets




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