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Mac Test 2

States of Consciousness, Drugs, and Memory

What is an Electroencephalograph (EEG)? Medical technology that measures the electrical activity in the brain; Brain wave machine
What can a EEG be used for? People who have seizures, headaches, or brain injuries.
What are the waves that are small and fast and used when you are awake? Beta Waves
What are the large slow waves used when sleeping? Alpha Waves
What are the waves that are irregular and associated with light sleepers? Theta Waves
What are the waves that are slow and associated with deep sleep? Delta Waves
What are the two basic states of sleeping? Non-Rem (NREM) and REM
How many stages of sleep are in NREM? 4 stages
What happens in stage 1 of sleep? Light sleep, only up to 7 minutes, you can have Hypnic Jerks Brain is in Theta Waves
What are Hypnic Jerks? Sudden Muscle Contractions
What happens in stage 2 of sleep? Sleep spindles; body relaxing and processes are slowing down
What happens in stage 3 of sleep? Delta waves begin to appear
What happens in stage 4 of sleep? Go into deep sleep: Lasts an average of one house, most restful sleep, night terrors can occur, you are in all delta waves.
What is the REM stage of sleeping? Dreaming stage; all beta waves
What is the average time for the REM stage? Lasts 15 minutes the first time; each Rem after is one hour.
What happens to your body during your dreaming stage? You get Cataplexy
What is cataplexy? When your body goes temporarily paralyzed
How many dream theories are there? 3
What are the 3 dream theories? Psychodynamic, Activation synthesis, and Neurocognitive
What proposed science for the Psychodynamic Theory? Sigmund Freud
What does the Psychodynamic Theory emphasize? Internal conflicts and unconscious forces
What are the three Psychodynamic theories? Symbolic, Manifest, and Latent
What is the meaning of a symbolic dream? Images in dreams that have deeper symbolic meanings
What is the meaning of Manifest Content? Obvious, visible meaning
What is the meaning of Latent Content? Hidden symbolic meanings
What is Activation Synthesis theory? Dreams reflect changes in environment & information into dreams.
What are examples of Activation-Synthesis? Dreaming your alarm clock is going off, phone is ringing, you are eating, or urinating
What is Neurocognitive Dream Theory? Dreams reflect on events or the day
What are examples of Neurocognitive Dream Theory? An argument you had that day, or speeding ticket
What are cannabinoids? Drug that come from the Sativa Plant
What is the active ingredient in cannabinoids? THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)
Where are some examples of Cannabinoids? Marijuana, weed, Hashish (makes you hungry, sleepy, poor motor coordination)
What can Cannabinoids do to your body? Increase risk of cancer, Suppress the immune system, miscarriages, get stupider.
What are stimulates? Stimulate the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) Psychoactive drug
What is a Psychoactive drug do? Speeds you up
What is the number one Psychoactive drug? Coffee
What are other drugs for Psychoactive? Amphetamine (Aderall), Nicotine, and Cocaine
What is made in labs with dangerous mixtures of chemicals? Methamphetamine (Meth)
What are Barbiturate? Downers or Depressants Depress the activity in the Central Nervous System (put asleep your motor cortex)
What are examples of Barbiturates? Alcohol, Sedatives (sleep aids), Benzodiazepines (tranquilizers; valium, xanax)
What are tranquilizers? Drug that lowers anxiety and reduces tension (Rape drug, roofies)
What is detoxification? Withdrawl of person from alcohol
What is a cure for detoxification? AA
What do hallucinogens do? Cause hallucinations
What are hallucinations? reality ranging from seeing images or hearing sounds that are not real
What are examples of Hallucinogens? LSD, PCP "angel dust", Mushrooms, Peyote and San Pedro Cactus (mescaline) and MDMA (ecstacy)
What does ecstasy do to you? Causes dehydration, liver problems, lose serotonin brain cells (depression)
What are Opioids? Pain Killers (pure from opium)
What are examples of Opioids? Morphine, heroin, Codeine(cough syrup), Pain pills(Lortab), and Methodone
What are the 3 stages of memory? Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory, and Long-Term Memory
What does Sensory memory do? Stores an exact copy of incoming information
What are the 2 sensory memories? Visual information:Icon and Auditory Sound: Echo
Duration of Sensory Memory? Instant to 3 seconds
Capacity for Sensory Memory? 1 piece at a time (the piece you PAID ATTENTION to)
What does short term memory do? Stores small amounts of information
What is Short term memory also known as? "Working Memory"
What are the 2 rehearsals in Short Term memory? Maintenance and Elaborative
What is MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL? Repeating information silently to prolong its presence in STM Ex. Dancing/ Learning Music/ Learning Names
What is ELABORATIVE REHEARSAL? Linking new information with existing memories and knowledge in LTM Ex. Learning math, How to cook
What is the Duration of Short Term Memory? 30 seconds
Capacity of Short Term Memory? "Magical Number seven plus or minus 2" Created by George Miller
What does the average person have? 7 PIECES
What did George say to do? CHUNK IT
What is chunking? Organizing information into meaningful chunks
What is Long Term memory? Storage (function and type)
What are the 3 Categories of LTM Episodic, Procedural, and Semantic
What is Episodic LTM? Memory of an episode or event Ex. Wedding, Prom, Child Birth
What is Procedural LTM? Memories involving a procedure or action ex. swimming, writing
What is semantic LTM? Memories for Facts, data basics, knowledge
What is the duration of LTM? Unlimited
What is the Capacity for LTM? Unlimited
What is Retrieval? Remembering
What is recognition? Retrieval with the help of a cue.
WHAT IS A CUE? Object or event that triggers a memory Ex. Smell, Photo
What is recall? Retrieval without a cue (easier to remember end and beginning)
What are explicit memory? past experiences that are consciously brought to mind
What is an Implicit Memory? memory not known to exist; unconsciously retrieved
What is state-dependent learning? when memory retrieval is influenced by bodily state at the time of learning
What are the 3 special memory abilities? Flashbulb memory, Photographic Memory, and Eidetic memory
What is flashbulb memory? Memory created during times of person tragedy, accident, or other emotional significant events
What is Photographic memory? Persistent mental images
What is Eidetic memory? Occurs when a person (usually a child) has a visual icon clear enough to be retained for atlas 30 second
Who studied how, why, and what we forgot? Herman Ebbinghaus
What is CURVE OF FORGETTING? Graph that shows the amount of memory information remembered after varying lengths of time ex. BUP TIV RIJ
REPRESSION? unconsciously pushing painful, embarrassing, or threatening memories out of consciousness
SUPRESSION? Consciously putting something painful or threatening out of mind or trying to keep it from entering awareness
What is interference? interruption that impairs retrieval
What is retroactive interference? Forgetting all your old memory (long term memory)
What is Anterograde interference? Forgetting all your new memory (short term memory)
What is amnesia? Loss of memory
What is hippocampus? Structure that passes information from the short term memory to the long term memory
WHEN DOES SHORT TERM MEMORY GO TO LONG TERM MEMORY? if you rehearse it over and over
Created by: marygardner
Popular Psychology sets




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