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psychology chapter 6


explicit memory memory that clearly and distinctly expresses (explicates) specific information
episodic memory memories of events experienced by a person or that take place in the person's presence
semantic memory general knowledge, as opposed to episodic memory
implicit memory memory that suggested (implied)but not plainly expressed ,as illustrated in the things that people do but not state clearly
priming the activation of specific associations in memory, often as a result of repetition and without making a conscious effort to access the memory
retrospective memory memory for past events,activities, and learning experiences, as shown by explicit(episodic and semantic) and implicit memories
prospective memory memory to preform an act in the future, as at a certain time or when a certain event occurs
encoding modifying information so that it can be placed in memory; the first stage of information processing
storage the maintenance of information over time; the second stage of information processing
maintenance rehearsal mental repetition of information to keep in memory
elaborative rehearsal the kind of coding in which new information is related to information that is already known
retrieval the location of stored information and it's return to consciousness;the third stage of information processing
memory the processes by which information is encoded,stored,and retrieved
sensory memory the type of stage of memory first encountered by a stimulus;sensory memory holds impressions briefly, but long enough so that series of perceptions are psychologically continuous
memory trace an assumed change in the nervous system that reflects the impression made by a stimulus
icon a mental representation of a visual stimulus that is held briefly in sensory memory
iconic memory the sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of visual stimuli
eidetic imagery the maintenance of detailed visual memories over several minutes
echo a mental representation of an auditory stimulus (sound) that is held briefly in sensory memory
echoic memory the sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of auditory stimuli
short-term memory the type or stage of memory that can hold information for up to a minute or so after the trace of the stimulus decays
working memory another term for short-term memory
serial- position effect the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items in a series
chunk a stimulus or group of stimuli hat are perceived as a discreet piece of information
displace in memory theory,to cause information to be lost from short-term memory by adding new information
echoic memory the sensory register that briefly holds mental representations of auditory stimuli
short-term memory the type or stage of memory that can hold information for up to a minute or so after the trace of the stimulus decays
working memory another term for short-term memory
serial- position effect the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items in a series
chunk a stimulus or group of stimuli hat are perceived as a discreet piece of information
displace in memory theory,to cause information to be lost from short-term memory by adding new information
Long-term memory the type or stage of memory capable of relatively permanent storage
repression in Freud's psycho-dynamic theory,the ejection of anxiety- evoking ideas from conscious awareness
schema a way of mentally representing the world, such as a belief or an expectation,that can influence perception of persons,objects, and situations
tip of the tongue(tot) phenomenon the feeling that information is stored in memory although it can-not be readily retrieved
context -dependent memory information that is better retrieved in the context in which it was encoded and stored,or learned
state - dependent memory information that is better retrieved in the physiological or emotional state in which it was encoded and stored,or learned
nonsense syllables meaningless sets of two consonants with a vowel sandwiched in between which are used to study memory
paired associates nonsense syllables presented in pairs used to test recall
method of savings a measure of retention in which the number of repetitions initially required to learn a list and the amount of time required to relearn a list after a given amount of time is calculated.
savings the difference between the number of repetitions of need learn a list and the number required to relearn the list after a given amount of time.
interference theory The view that we may forget saved material because other material may interfere with it. (limited space, some is lost)
retroactive theory the interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously (short term memory blocks long term memory)
proactive theory Interference by old learning with the ability to retrieve new material (long-term memory blocks short term memory)
dissociative amnesia Loss of memory of personal information thought to come from psychological conflict or trauma
infantile amnesia Inability to recall events before the age of 3 (also called childhood amnesia)
hippocampus A structure of the limbic system critical to the formation of new memories
anterograde amnesia failure to remember events that occurred after a physical trauma because of a physical trauma (forget the rescue after a car accident)
retrograde amnesia failure to remember events that occurred before a physical trauma because of a physical trauma (forget where you were going before a car accident)
engram an assumed electrical circuit in the brain that corresponds to a memory trace or an assumed chemical change that accompanies learning. From the Greek: en=in and gram=recording
long term potentiation (LTP) enhanced efficiency and synaptic transmission that follows brief rapid stimulation
misinformation effect the shaping or bogus or slanted memories by presenting misinformation (as in using leading questions)
Created by: indi723
Popular Psychology sets




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