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Abnormal Psychology

Chapter 4 Vocabulary

Anxiety a fundamental human emotion that produces bodily reactions to prepare us for "fight or flight"; a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension
Fear an intense emotion experienced in response to a threatening situation
Anxiety Disorder fear or anxiety symptoms that interfere with an individual's day to day functioning
Etiology Model model developed to explain the cause of the disorder
Amygdala brain structure associated with the processing, expression and memory of emotions, especially anger and fear
Hippocampus the part of the brain involved in forming, organizing, and storing memories
Prefrontal Cortex the part of the brain involved in abstract thought and complex thinking, personality characteristics, and social functioning
Neurotransmitter any group of chemicals that help transmit messages between neurons
Serotonin a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, and appetite
Alleles the gene pair responsible for a specific trait
Polymorphic Variation a common DNA mutation of a gene
Predisposition a susceptibility to certain symptoms or disorders
Behavioral Inhibition shyness
Anxiety Sensitivity trait involving fear of physiological changes within the body
Phobia a strong, persistent, and unwarranted fear of a specific object or situation
Social Anxiety Disorder an intense fear of being scrutinized in one or more social or performance situations
Comorbid existing simultaneously with another condition
Specific Phobia an extreme fear of a specific object (such as snakes) or situation (such as being in an enclosed place)
remit diminish or disappear
Agoraphobia an intense fear of being in public places where escape or help may not be readily available
Panic Attack episode of intense fear accompanied by symptoms such as a pounding heart, trembling, shortness of breath, and fear of losing control or dying
Exposure Therapy treatment that involves gradually introducing the client to increasingly difficult encounters with a feared situation
Systematic Desensitization exposure strategy that uses muscle relaxation to reduce the anxiety associated with specific and social phobias
Cognitive Restructuring cognitive strategy that attempts to alter unrealistic thoughts that are believed to be responsible for phobias
Modeling Therapy procedure involving observation of a non-phobic individual successfully coping with the phobic object or situation used to treat certain phobias
Panic Disorder disorder involving recurrent, unexpected panic attacks with apprehension over future attacks or behavioral changes to avoid attacks
Concordance Rate degree of similarity between twins or family members with respect to a trait or disorder
GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter involved in inducing sleep and relaxation
Interoceptive Conditioning the production of fear and panic by the perception of bodily changes due to frequent pairing of changes in internal bodily sensations with fear responses
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) condition characterized by persistent, high levels of anxiety and excessive worry over many life circumstances
Schema mental framework for organizing and interpreting information
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) condition characterized by intrusive, repetitive anxiety-producing thoughts or a strong need to perform acts or dwell on thoughts to reduce anxiety
Obsession intrusive, repetitive thought or image that produces anxiety
Compulsion the need to perform acts or dwell on thoughts to reduce anxiety
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) condition involving a preoccupation with a perceived physical defect or excessive concern over a slight physical defect; often accompanied by frequently checking appearance, applying makeup to mask "flaws", and comparing appearance to those of others
Delusion a firmly held false belief
Muscle Dysphoria belief that one's body is too small or insufficiently muscular
Trichotillomania recurrent and compulsive hair pulling that results in hair loss and causes significant distress
Skin-Picking Disorder distressing and recurrent compulsive picking of the skin resulting in skin lesions
Endophenotype measurable characteristics that give clues regarding the specific genes involved in a disorder
Orbitofrontal Cortex brain region associated with planning and decision making
Caudate Nuclei brain region that regulates transmission of impulses warning that something is not right
Flooding a technique that involves inducing a high anxiety level through continued actual or imagined exposure to a fear-arousing situation
Response Prevention treatment in which an individual with OCD is prevented from performing a compulsive behavior
Created by: jparham1
Popular Psychology sets




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