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UNC ASRM 680 Qual

680 Qualitative Term Exam

When the researcher becomes the primary participant of the research in the process of writing and studying personal experience. auto-ethnography
A preference for a given perspective based on a prejudiced orientation. bias
An in-depth examination of a single instance to study a phenomena. case study
The researcher analyzes the data for themes, aggregating information into large clusters of ideas and providing details that support the themes. thematic analysis
A generalization about an aspect that enables a researcher to draw inferences about the future. theory
The complete and literal description of the incident or entity being investigated. thick description
Organizing information into categories, preparing for further analysis. coding
The degree to which the results of a qualitative study could be confirmed (like replicated) by others. confirmability
Meaning is constructued through interaction between the human and the world. constructionism (constructivism)
A theoretical perspective that promotes social action while seeking to understand gender inequality. feminism
A methodology that generates a theory to explain a process. grounded theory
A lengthy interview; often consisting of multiple interviews with a small number of people. in-depth interview
Individuals construct reality through their own lived experience. interpretivism
A list of questions you intend to ask in an interview. interview guide
Investigates the why and how of decision making, not just what, where, and when, to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior; data analysis does not use statistical techniques. qualitative research
It is the process of sorting, arranging, coding and in other ways looking for patterns in data for the purpose of coming up with findings. (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003, p.258) -- Key words: sort, arrange, code, patterns, data. analysis
This is the focus of attention for the ethonographer as he or she determines what people make and use, such as clothes and tools (cultural artifacts) (Spradley, 1980). --Key words: cultural, make and use, ethonographer's attention. artifact
It outlines the research process and the evolution of codes, categories, and theory (Miles & Huberman, 1984) including chronological narrative entries of research activities (such as pre-entry conceptualizations, entry into the field, interviews, group ac audit trail
(one of four criteria for trustworthiness) The process of the inquiry and the inquirers responsibility for ensuring that the process was logical, traceable, and documented. dependability
A record relevant to a particular study i.e. interview transcripts, audio recordings, and photographs. document
An emic account is culture-specific and indenginous to the culture not derived from the observer i.e. , how a particular group name their experience. emic
When the research not only observes the culture-sharing group but also becomes a participant in the culture setting. participant observation
Asking a colleague to comment on the findings as they emerge to check for plausibility. peer check
Concept that all written and spoken accounts are not just about something but are also doing something; important consideration in self-reflection and biases. reflexivity
The study and description of the essence of lived and conscious experiences of persons, not explanations or analyses (Creswell, p. 58). phenomenology
Truth and meaning are discovered through scientific inquiry – in objective, experimental, non-biased ways, using manipulation and observation – to test hypotheses and look for cause and effect. positivism
Uses scientific method of inquiry but takes more of a probabilistic rather than deterministic approach, acknowledges that we can disprove hypotheses, and believes in multiple perspectives rather than a single reality. post-positivism
The study of the nature of knowledge and justification; (the theoretical perspective). epistemology
A particular kind of qualitative inquiry (with an emphasis on field study) that describes and interprets cultural behavior. ethnography
From an outside, 'experience-distant' perspective; (etic terms were developed by the social inquirer in order to describe and compare sociocultural systems;) had often been used as cultural category; is distinct from "emic." etic
Checking informally with participants for accuracy during data collection; frequently done in participant observation studies. member check
Technique for physically obtaining data to be analyzed, such as: observation, interview, focus group, and artifacts. method
The study of the principles underlying the conduct of scientific inquiry; the overall research design or approach the researcher is taking, for example: grounded theory. methodology
A theory of research that sought to discover the universal truths. Key Word examples – universal truths. modernism
A theory of research that rejects the ability to discover absolute forms of knowledge. Key Word examples – defies universal definition, day to day experiences. post-modernism
Paradigm is the worldview, whole framework of beliefs, values, and methods within which research takes place. Key Word examples – Worldview, values, beliefs. paradigm
The researcher's experience in collecting data. researcher experience
A literature review builds a knowledge-base of important ideas and concepts of a particular topic. review of literature
Data saturation occurs when the researcher is no longer hearing or seeing new information of his/her research topic. saturation
A verbatim conversion of conversation into written text transcription
The use of several methods, sources, or investigators to confirm emerging data triangulation
The process of determining whether or not a study is dependable based on such things as triangulation, member check, researcher's stance, and/or prolonged engagement in the field trustworthiness
A background of beliefs, practices, influences, and meanings that can never be articulated. For example, culture, form of life, language, and tradition context
An informal, unstructured method of inquiry into the interviewee's subjective experience, including feelings & emotions conversational interview
Reconsiders the "givens" (concepts, understandings, cultural categories, that are taken for granted) by critiquing and revealing shortcomings and contradictions with the goal of reform critical inquiry
Created by: lavington
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