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CD Unit 4 Terms

Echols CD Unit 4 Terms

Attention span the length of time a person can concentrate on any one thing
Cause and effect the idea that one action results in another action or condition
Colic acute abdominal pain caused by abnormal conditions in the bowels
Cradle cap a skin condition in infants in which the scalp develops patches of yellow, crusty scales
Crib death See "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome"
Developmental delays parts of the development that are slower than the average
Diaper rash patches of rough, irritated skin in the diaper area
Failure to thrive a condition in which the baby does not grow and develop properly
Hand-eye coordination the ability to move hands and fingers precisely in relation to what is seen
Large motor skills the use and control of the large muscles of the back, legs, shoulders and arms
Neurons nerve cells
Object permanence the concept in which an infant learns that people or things exist even when they are gone from site
Perception the ability to learn from the senses
Personality the characteristics that make a person unique
Primary teeth teeth which will begin being replaced at about the age of six
Repetition learning by doing the same task or skill over and over
Sensory-motor skills skills that are developed through the interaction of the senses and the environment; sensory information is organized and processed in order to produce the appropriate motor skill
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) when seemingly healthy children between the ages of two weeks and six months suddenly die in their sleep. Also known as "Crib Death"
Stranger anxiety a baby's fear of unfamiliar people
Teething when a baby begins cutting his or her primary teeth
Temperament a person's style of reacting to the world and relating to others
Weaning the process of changing from drinking from a bottle or the breast to a cup
Physical Development development of gross and fine motor skills; developing control over the body
Social Development Ability to interact with others, including helping themselves and self-control
Emotional Development The emergence of experience, expression, understanding, and regulation of emotions
Intellectual Development The ability to learn and solve problems
Head to Foot Lifting the head, gaining muscle control of arms and hands, picking up objects, then able to walk to the objects, this is what pattern of physical development
Near to Far Growth of the trunk outwards, wave arms, grab with palm, pick up with thumbs and fingers, this is what pattern of physical development
Simple to Complex Talking, writing, reading, or lifting head, sit up, crawl, walk, then run, this is what pattern of physical development
Personality Development of this is linked to a persons emotions
Easy-going What is the personality or temperament of an infant who doesn't cry much and goes with the flow of things
Slow to Warm Up What is the personality or temperament of an infant who seems to be clingy at first and then will be extremely happy and relaxed
Difficult What is the personality or temperament of an infant who seems to cry all the time and seems to be distressed a lot
Growth An increase in size and weight
Development An increase in physical, intellectual, emotional, and social skills as well as moral awareness
Triple Does the weight of a newborn double, triple, or quadruple during the first year
Rooting Reflex the baby turns head, opens mouth, and begins sucking when the cheek is stroked
Moro Reflex the baby extends the legs, arms, and fingers, arches the back, and throws the head back when moved suddenly or when a loud noise occurs
Babinski Reflex the automatic response that causes the newborn's toes to extend upward and outward when the outside sole of the foot is stroked
Grasping Reflex the grasping of an object when it is placed in a newborns hand
Stepping Reflex the automatic response in which a baby makes stepping motions when held in an upright position when the sole of the foot touches a surface
Four how many sensorimotor stages are there
Created by: echols
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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