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Psychology ch. 10-12

drive theories based on the idea of homeostatis, not engaging in certain activities causes you to feel tension (biological)
incentive theories there is an external goal that motivates just for the external rewards
weight set point theory body always tries to go back to a certain weight
Masters and Johnson Husband and wife team who studied human sexuality
refractory period men can't have orgasm for a period of time
parental investment theory refers to what each sex has to invest in terms of time, energy, survival, and risk to produce and nurture offspring
sexual orientation person's preference for emotional and sexual relationships with individuals of same sex, other sex, or both sexes
development the sequence of age-related changes that occur from conception to death
zygote one celled organism (formed from sperm and egg)
on the 7th day the zygote implants on the uterine wall
highly vulnerable period most seceptable to impairments during this stage
age of vitality earliest a baby could be born
teratogens any external agent that could effect baby
fetal alcohol syndrome the problems associated with mother's alcohol cosumption
motor development progression of muscular coordination required for physical activity
maturation genes dictate motor development
attachment close environmental bond between infant and caregiver (usually mother)
separation anxiety emotional distress in child when caregiver is not present
Mary Ainsworth most famous name in attachment
secure attachment cry and protest when mom left, comfort when she came back
anxious-ambivalent inconsistent
avoidant would not cry, would not seek out contact
sensorimotor stage birth to age 2
object permanence the awareness objects still exist "peek-a-boo"
preoperational stage age 2-7
concrete operational stage age 7-11
conservation the realization the qualities are still the same if shape changes
formal operational stage 11-adulthood
empty nest when children leave house
personality individuals unique collection of relativity consistent behavioral traits in other words, our personality tends to be distinctive yet stable across most situation
Created by: kaelanvogt
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