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Teach 1--Unit 1

The Teaching Profession

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) A national organization of teachers that is primarily concerned with improving educational conditions and protecting teachers' rights.
National Education Association (NEA) The largest organization of educators, the NEA is concerned with the overall improvement of education and of the conditions of educators. It is organized at the national, state, and local levels.
abstract thinking Thinking about ideas and concepts and connecting feelings with thoughts (for example, justice or love).
collaborative learning Learning that takes place when students work in groups to discuss and solve problems together.
concrete thinking Thinking about things that are actually experienced.
curriculum The courses taught in a school, what is taught in each course, and how the courses are sequenced.
extracurricular activities Activities that take place before or after school.
nonsectarian Not based on, or affiliated with, any religion.
paraprofessional A person who has less education or experience but works under the supervision of a more highly educated professional.
postsecondary education Education that takes place after high school
school-based curriculum A curriculum developed by the teachers and staff of a school or school district for use in their own classrooms.
self-contained classrooms Refers to an arrangement in which the same teacher and group of students remain in one classroom for most of the day, with one teacher teaching most or all subjects.
technical schools Postsecondary schools that are designed to teach the specific skills needed to begin working in a trade
Educational Level Requirement: Elementary Teacher Bachelor
Educational Level Requirement: Assistant Principal Master
Educational Level Requirement: College President Doctorate
Educational Level Requirement: Child Care Directors Technical Diploma
Educational Level Requirement: Child Care Workers Technical Certificate
Educational Level Requirement:Coaches Bachelor
Educational Level Requirement: College Professors Doctorate
Educational Level Requirement: University Professors Doctorate
Educational Level Requirement: Guidance Counselors Master
Educational Level Requirement:Preschool Teacher Associate
PAGE an independent, professional education association for teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals and other school personnel in Georgia.
GAE non-profit association, is the most experienced and effective professional organization for teachers, administrators, and associated educational personnel within Georgia's public schools. Is an affiliate of the National Education Association.
Characteristics of an effective teacher Caring, Kindness, Tolerance, Commitment, Patient, self directed
Degree earned at a junior/community college Associate
What are available post secondary options? Technical school, community college, 4 year college/university,
Benefits teachers receive health insurance, paid vacation, retirement plan, paid holidays
Describe high school teachers certified, specialized in subject area, extra duties,
Subjects in great demand science and math
Additional responsibilities of high school teachers monitor study hall, tutoring, coach, club advisors
corporate trainer People who design, conduct, and supervise programs to improve the skills of a company’s employees.
Created by: cthebaud
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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