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Final Review

LSHS Introduction to Human Services Final Review

List the principles of development orderly, gradual, interrelated, and varies among individuals
Your physical characteristics are determined mostly by what? Nature - your genetics/heredity
Describe Trust vs Mistrust infant learn to develop trust relationships w/caregivers
Describe Autonomy vs. Shame young children begin to see themselves as separate from caregivers w/o feelings of embarrassment or uncertainty
Describe Initiative vs Guilt Young children begin to be productive for themselves with no feelings of remorse or blame
Describe Industry vs Inferiority children develop a sense of self-confidence by displaying skills without feelings of inadequacy
Describe Identity vs Role Confusion adolescents experiment with different roles to form a sense of self
Describe Intimacy vs Isolation young adulthood where people establish intimate relationships without compromising sense of self.
Describe Generativity vs Stagnation Adults begin to either leave legacies of themselves to next generation or live solely for themselves
Describe Integrity vs Despair final stage in which people either come to terms with their life or fall into despair over failings and missed goals
Emotional connection between an infant and caregiver is defined as.... Attachment
A part of a personality that reflects how a person interacts with the environment is defined as... Temperament
fretfulness that occurs when around unfamiliar people (peaks in infants about 9-12 mos) is defined as... Stranger Anxiety
distress infants experience when their caregiver/parent leaves them in the care of a stranger is defined as... Separation Anxiety
Temper tantrums are ____________ for the toddler age and can happen in public or private. (Normal or Abnormal) Normal
Toddlers are involved in what type of play? Parallel Play
List the 3 different parenting styles Democratic, Authoritarian, and Permissive
Describe the democratic parenting style offer support while setting clear limits
Describe the authoritarian parenting style more controlling & corrective--tend to be strict & expect obedience with no discussion
Describe the permissive parenting style let children control the decisions
What is power of assertion? Using physical means to punish or deny children - also known as corporal punishment NOTE: This is not considered an effective/appropriate technique
What is the importance of play for children in the early childhood stage? Learning friendship skills and how to interact socially
Who teaches children about gender roles (both directly and indirectly)? Parents, through words and actions
What roles do peers play in middle childhood? Peer relationships become more important. Girls play with girls, boys play with boys. Fitting in is important and new social skills allow closer friendships
List the 3 different styles of attachment in early adulthood Secure attachment, avoidant attachment, and anxious attachment
Describe secure attachment see relationships positively-can establish relationships smoothly & naturally
Describe Avoidant Attachment avoid getting too close-avoid commitment
Describe anxious attachment possessive, demanding-tend to lack trust in relationships
List the 5 types of love Friendly love, affectionate love, romantic love, consummate love, and infatuation
Describe friendly love care, consideration and intimacy felt for another-base of many types of relationships
Describe affectionate love romantic ways of expressing love
Describe romantic love combo of friendly & affectionate=feelings of security, care, appreciation
Describe consummate love affectionate love + desire to commit through good times/bad times
Describe infatuation obsession with someone based on appearance or ability
What is meant by the term "sandwich generation" When adults are caring for needs of both their aging parents and their own children at the same time.
Define Culture the beliefs, behaviors, and patterns passed from one generation to the next
Define Ethnicity nationality, race, religion, and language rooted in cultural heritage
Define Spirituality a sense of connectedness to a sacred other
What is controlled by the frontal lobe of the brain? voluntary movement, thinking, personality, and intentionality or purpose
What is controlled by the parietal lobe of the brain? for spatial location, attention, and motor control
What is controlled by the occipital lobe of the brain? for vision
What is controlled by the temporal lobe of the brain? for hearing, language processing, and memory
Describe the sensorimotor stage Stage of cognitive development that begins with reflexes and ends with the use of symbols
Describe the preoperational stage Stage of cognitive development in which young children are beginning to use more rational thought processes
Describe the concrete operational stage Stage of cognitive development in which children think logically based on past experiences
Describe the formal operational stage Stage of cognitive development in which adolescents think in more abstract terms
Describe preconventional morality Stage of moral development in which people make decisions based on whether or not they will be punished or rewarded
Describe conventional morality Stage of moral development in which people’s moral decisions are motivated by laws and how they might be perceived
Describe postconventional morality Stage of moral development in which adults begin to care about the local community, environment, and society as a whole
Describe a nuclear family structure parents and 1 or more kids
Describe a childless family structure married couple, no kids
Describe a single parent family structure 1 parent, 1 or more kids
Describe a blended family structure (step families), 2 families (with 1 or more kids from a previous relationship) form a new family
Describe an extended family structure a member of the extended family moves in (grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins)
Describe a foster family structure a child lives with a family on a temporary basis
Created by: ashley.hillier
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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