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Pyschology terms

Exam 1: Chapter 1-2

psychology the scientific study of mental processes and behavior.
empirical evidence evidence that proves this idea actually exists (factual evidence)
critical thinking process of objectively evaluating, comparing, analyzing, and synthesizing information.
hypothesis tentative belief about the relationship that is shared between 2 or more variables.
pseudoscience does not operate under the standards of scientific investigation.
dualism focuses on needing both the mind and body.
aphasia language disorder impacted lesions on the left side of the brain.
step 1 to the scientific method develop research questions/review literature
step 2 to the scientific method develop an operational hypothesis
step 3 to the scientific method devise a study (research method)/collect data
step 4 to the scientific method examine data and research conclusion
step 5 to the scientific method report findings of study by publishing findings
step 6 to scientific method build a theory
Paul Broca says that with aphasia they were unable to speak fluently but could comprehend language (expressive language)
Carl Wernicke deals with receptive language in regards to aphasia
Sigmund Freud founder of psychoanalysis; deals with states of consciousness
Ivan Pavlov russian. showed that animals learn some things through association
John B. Watson Founder of Behaviorism
humanistic perspective the idea that humans are good in nature
Abraham Maslow Leader in the humanistic psychology movement
Jean Piaget Developmental and cognitive psychologist known for his studies of children's thought processes
cognitive perspective if a person maintains the correct way to process perception and emotion
psychodynamic perspective consciousness being defined as a state
social perspective measures levels of social behavior and how people learn socially
biological perspective the nervous system is designed to help us interact to our environment
cultural perspective the idea that our culture influences the way we are
evolutionary perspective people evolve over time; the idea that people change to fit the environment they're on
random assignment assigning participants to experimental and control groups by chance, thus minimizing preexisting differences among those assigned to different groups
goals of scientific psychology to describe, explain, predict, control, and to change behavior and mental processes
clinical psychology largest area of psychology, phD needed, anawork with both kids and adults
school psychology work with children and families and work in school
developmental psychology study the lifespan of a person
forensic psychology work with police officers to estimate the behaviors and personalities in crime scenes
research attempt to systematically and with the support of data the answer to a question, the resolution to a problem, or greater understanding of a phenomenon
theoretical framework systematic way of organizing and explaining observation
standardized procedure procedures that is the same for all subjects except where variation is introduced to test a hypothesis
generalizability sample that is representative of the population
objective measure the proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes
dependent variable the research variable that is influenced by the independent variable. in psychology, the behavior or mental process where the impact of the independent variable is measured
independent variable the research variable that a researcher actively manipulates, and if the hypothesis is correct, will cause a change in the dependent variable
variables something that can be changed
continuous variable characteristics that continue, such as intelligence, temperament, rate recovery
categorical variable a variable comprised of groupings, classifications, or categories
internal validity the extent to which a study methodologically is appropriate
external validity the extent to which the findings of the study can be generalized to situations outside the laboratory
measurements the process rules for assigning numbers to observations to represent quantities of attribute
quantitative answer questions about data that can be measured in order to explain and predict
qualitative a categorical measurement expressed not in terms of numbers, but rather by means of natural language description
inter-rater reliability
Created by: danat214
Popular Psychology sets




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