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why is childhood an important time of life? brain develops connections between nerve cells that allow it to think and control the body in curtain ways.
what characterizes babies relationship with adults? babies depend on adults for everything
when did society's view of childhood change? twentieth century, child labor laws, attitude changes when the only job they had was to play
behaviors ways of acting or responding
caregivers parents and others who take care of children
child development the study of how children master new skills.
adolescence the stage of life between childhood and adulthood
development tasks each stage of life has particular challenges, meeting those challenges-mastering those skills-prepares a person for the next stage
environment the people, places, and things that surround and influence a person.
heredity the passing on of certain characteristics from earlier generations.(ex. blood type, eye color, ect.)
neurons at birth the brain has billions of nerve cells
self-esteem how you value yourself
sequence development follows a step-by-step pattern
intellectual brain,thinking
moral know from right or wrong
physical muscles (large,small)
social interacting with people
emotional feelings
Sigmund Freud he believed that personality develops through a series of stages.( the idea that early experiences affect adult life )
Erik Erickson he thought that each stage includes a unique psychological crisis. parents must be aware of child's needs at a particular stage and be sensitive to the child's needs at that stage.
Maria Montessori she stressed that children learn using their senses and that they learn best by pursuing their interests
B.F Skinner he argues that when a child`s action repeatedly brings positive effects, it will be repeated and learned. when negative results repeatedly occur, the child will eventually stop the action
Jean Piaget the first to study children in a scientific way, focused on how children learned.
Robert coles he studied children's moral development, he stresses the important role that parents and other caregivers play by the examples they set.
stages of life childhood, adolescence, young adult, middle life, late life
task of adolescence finding your identity, becoming independent, planning for your life`s work
why is it helpful if caregivers are confident? children feel more comfortable with people who care for them with confidence
would you assume two-year-olds and four-year-olds act the same when frustrated? why or why not? no, because their mentalities are different and the brain development has grown
name 5 different things that changed from past to present work, play, education, dress, health
name one thing that has stayed the same parental love
Created by: lexyangelique
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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