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*BLHS Learning

Learning A relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience
Classical Conditioning Learning that takes place when two or more stimuli are presented together. EX: Every time someone flushes a toilet in the apartment building, the shower becomes very hot and causes the person to jump back. Over time, the person begins to jump back auto
Stimulus A change in the environment that elicit a response EX: anything that can trigger a physical or behavioral change.
acquisition learning a new behavior. refers to the initial stage of conditioning in which the new response is established and gradually strengthened
delayed conditioning ideal training in classical conditioning where the CS precedes UCS and briefly overlaps
trace conditioning is classical conditioning, the CS is presented first, removed, then the UCS is presented
generalization in classical conditioning, CRs elicited by stimuli that resemble the CS used in training. In operant conditioning, the occurrence of responding when a stimulus similar to the discriminative stimulus is present
backward conditioning in classical conditioning, presenting the unconditioned stimulus before the conditioned stimulus
Aversive Conditioning a form of behavior therapy in which the client is trained to associate physical or psychological discomfort with behaviors, thoughts, or situations the client wants to stop.
discrimination in classical conditoning, the ability to tell the difference between the cS and stimuli similar to it that do not signal a UCs.
higher-order conditioning classical conditioning in which a well learned CS is paired with a NS to produce a CR to the NS
Operant Conditioning An active learner performs certain voluntary behaviors and the consequences of the behavior determine the likelihood of its reoccurence. EX:Zachary gets into so much trouble in one afternoon (he pour out all his sister’s perfume, climbs out the window
Instrumental Learning Learning that occurs when a response is weakened or strengthened by its consequences. EX: A lion in a circus learns to stand up on a chair and jump through a hoop to receive a food treat.
Law and Effect Thorndike's observation that behaviors followed by rewards are strengthened and behaviors followed by punishment are weakened
positive reinforcement behavior emitted receives a reward, thus increasing the probability of that behavior
premack principle a high probability response can serve as a reward for a low probability behavior, thus increasing it
negative reinforcement a consequence of behavior that increases the frequency of a response that takes away something aversive
punishment after a behavior is emitted in operant conditioning, and aversive stimulus or consequence that is given to decrease the behavior it follows
omission training after behavior is emitted, a reward is taken away from the learner, thus decreasing the probability of recurrence of original behavior
avoidance behavior behavior that results in the removal of an ongoing event, or prevents a future event from occuring
learned helplessness the feeling of futility and passice resignation that results form inability to avoid repeated acersice events
primary reinforcer important automatic and unlearned rewards, like food and drink
secondary reinforcer stimuli we learn to see as important because they are connected to primary reinforcers
generalized reinforcer secondary reinforcers that are associated with a wide cariety of other reinforcers, such as money, which is almost guaranteed to be motivating
token economy a program used in institutions in which a persons acceptable behavior is reinforced with tokens that can be exchanged for special pribeleges or good.
continuous reinforcement The schedule of reinforcement where each behavior emitted by the organism is rewarded.
fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is presented after a set number of responses have been made since the previous reinforcement.
Created by: jordan08
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