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Chapter 6 Lecture - Piaget

Piaget: Claim 1 Preschoolers CAN think SYMBOLLICALLY
Piaget: Claim 1 Evidence 6 Stages of Play
6 Stages of Play - Sensorimotor Play -12 months -exploring + manipulating objects
6 Stages of Play - Constructive Play -1-2 yrs -Use toys to build things ex) use a shovel to dig a hole
6 Stages of Play - First Pretend Play -18-24 months -Last Stage of sensorimotor. Use toys for actual purpose
6 Stages of Play - Substitute Pretend Play -2-3yrs -Object stands for something else other than actual purpose ex) banana as a phone
6 Stages of Play - Sociodramatic Play -3-5 yrs -Play takes on roles + responsibilites ex) "house" -emergence of imaginary friends
6 Stages of Play - Rule Governed Play -5-6yrs -Play follows social rules and norms. (a girl = mom) -They understand symbols
Piaget: Claim 2 Preschooler CANNOT think LOGICALLY
Piaget: Claim 2 - Evidence Conservation tasks - measure understanding that matter does not change despite changing outside properties
Piaget: Claim 2 - Counter Evidence -Most preschoolers pass conservation tests around 5 -Underestimated preschoolers logical thinking -Continuous development not stages -Lanuage barriers with preschoolers demonstrating understanding
Claim 2 Conclusion --Claim not supported. Preschoolers preformance varies across conservation tasks
Piaget - Claim 3 Preschoolers ARE Egocentric
Piaget - Claim 3 - Evidence -3D mountain perspective taking task revealed 3-5 yr olds lacked perspective taking skills. 5-6 yr olds can perspective take = not egocentric -Appearance/reality tasks.sponge that looks like a rock example. 4/5 yr olds admit it looks like a rock. not 3yr
Piaget - Claim 3 - Counter Evidence -2/3 yr olds adapt speech when talking to a baby (Banduras obs learning) -4/5 yr olds master appearence reality tasks and false belief tasks (a string in a candy box)
Piaget - Claim 3 - Conclusion Claim not supported. Fixed Stages are the problem
Created by: zeenat
Popular Psychology sets




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