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Psy final

Neuron The long, thin cells of neve tissue along which messages travel to and from the brain
Dendrite The brachlike extensions of a neuron that receives impulses from other neurons, muscles, or sense organs and conducts them toward the cell body
Axon Single, threadlike structure within the neuron that extends from and carries signals away from the cell body to neighboring neurons, organs, or muscles
Neurotransmitters Chemicals released by neurons, which determine the rate at which other neurons fire
Cell body Portion of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus but does not incorporate the dendrites or axon
Synapse Gap that exists between the axon terminals of the sending neuron and the dendrites of the receiving neuron
Nature vs. Nurture The question is our personality inborn or does it develop through certain things that simply occur naturally regardless of environmental influences
Twin studies Study using twins to determine if our personality is inherited through genetics or through nurture–environment and disease and its treatment
Olfactory sense Sense that transmits information about odors from the nose to the brain
Audition sense Sense that results in the perception of sound
Major theories of Psychology
Generalization Classical conditioning,tendency for a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response that is similar the the conditioned response
Extinction gradual disapearance of a conditioned response because the reinforcement is withheld
Spontaneous recovery Reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response after some time has passed
Ethics in experiments Methods of conduct or standards for proper and responsible behavior in experimentation
Dopamine Neurotransmitter involved in learning, emotional arousal, and movement
Psychology Study of emotinal and behavioral characteristics of an individual or group
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory which suggests five interdependent levels of basic human needs
Naturalistic observation research method -psychologist observes subject in natural setting and without manipulation or control on the part of the observer
Survey Research method-information is obtained by asking many individuals a fixed set of questions about their attitudes or behavior
Obsession Recurring thought or image that seems to be beyond control
Compulsion Irresistible urge to repeat an act or engage in ritualistic behavior such hand washing
Intrinsic Engage in activities because they are personally rewarding or fulfill our beliefs and expectations
Extrinsic Certain activities or behaviors that either reduce biological needs or help a person obtain external incentives
Independent variable In an experiment, the factor that the resercher deliberately controls or manipulates to test its effect on another factor
dependent varialbe In an experiment, the factor that is being measured that may or may not chage when the independent varialbe is changed
Control group In an experiment, a group that is treated in the same way as the experimental group except that the experimental treatment is not applied
Experimental group The group of participants to which an independent variable is applied
Conversion disorder A somatoform disorder characterized by changing emotional difficulties into a loss of a specific voluntary body function
Hypochondriasis A somatoform disorder characterized by being preoccupied with imaginary aliments
Stages of sleep Stage 1-pulse slows,muscles relax,uneven breathing
Absolute threshold
Seasonal affective disorder
Cerebral cortex
Corpus Callosum
Created by: sudokken
Popular Psychology sets




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