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ch 1 notes

What is psychology? studies behavior & mental processes using scientific method as its foundation
What are fields of Psych? subdivisions of psych that are concentrated areas of study
How many fields of psych are there?/what are the names? 7,Developmental,neuroscience & physiological psych,experimental,personality,clinical,social,Industrial/Organizational psych,
what is Developmental psych? study of human growth from the prenatal period through old age
what is neuroscience & physiological psych? investigates the biological basis of human behavior
What is experimental psych? branch of psych that conducts research & experimental methods to study psychological issues such as learning,memory,sensation,motivation, & emotion
What is personality psych? studies the differences among individuals, including traits such as anxiety,sociability,self-esteem,& aggressiveness
What is clinical psych? therapists that are interested in diagnosis,cause,& treatment of psychological disorders
What is social psych? these people study how people influence one another via relationships with others,groups,and society as a whole. It includes their origins & their effects on the individual.
What is industrial/organizational psych? (IO on ap test),found in businesses & large practical issues like selecting & training staff...improving efficiency of workers,..etc
What is a Psychologist? therapist with P.H.D. in psych,CAN'T prescribe medication
What is a PSYCHIATRIST? therapist with M.D, ....CAN prescribe medication
How many psychological theories are there? 7,Biological,Psychoanalytic,behaviorism,cognitive,humanism,sociocultural,evolutionary
What is the biological psych theory? pre determined,through genetics,focus on the brain,& nervous system(spinal cord,etc)behavior & mental processes can be understood through the human anatomy/physiology
What is the psychoanalytic theory?,and who discovered this? Sigmund Frued,he found that children(early childhood) have unconscious mental processes & desires such as ID,EGO,REPRESSION,etc. & that we push back the thoughts into the UNconscious(un=not)(hidden motives)
What is the behaviorism theory?& who discovered this? That all behaviors are learned though actions, rewards,& consequences. John watson(little albert),desensitization,conditioning,& stimulus w/response Burrhus Fredric Skinner was known for operant conditioning via thorndikes laws of effect
What is the cognitive theory? through many mental plans/reasoning all on thought..."cognition"=mental processes
What is the humanism theory?Who discovered this? Emphasizes uniquness of each person through FREE CHOICE/FREE WILL,people set GOALS in life,Abraham Maslow through the hierarchy of needs(via self-actualization/image)
What is the sociocultural theory? Through standing subgroups of the human race & how they affect behaviors differently/the way the environment affects me.
What is the evolutionary theory?Who discovered this? "Survival of the Fittest"(Charles Darwin),cognition & behavior are needed for survival,it's an ADAPTIVE value.
How many research methods are there?List them 5 main ones:Natualistic Observation,Case Study,Hawthorne Effect,survey,correlational,theory,hypothesis
What is naturalistic observation? Study of behavior in a natural context & NOT in an IMPOSED one,spontaneous,hard not to impose,observer bias
What is a case study? Intensive analysis of a single individual or small group, uses many methods such as: interviews,observation,test scores,can't draw general conclusions about human behavior,observer bias also
What is the Hawthorne Effect?Who discovered this? Behavior will change if your being imposed on(watched/pressured),Elton Mayo & Fritz Roethlisberger
What is a survey?What is a downside to them? Predetermined questions asked to a selected group of people:lots of subjects,low cost,simple data analysis(typically) are positives,downside: dishonesty and surveys aren't returned
What is a correlational research method?Whats good/bad about it? Allows predictions,statistical measure on how two things vary together,doesn't show cause & effect,or tell why
What is a theory research method? Explanation that organizes & predicts observable behaviors/thought,very broad
What is a hypothesis? A specific testable prediction based on a theory
what is experimental research? manipulates a variable while controlling others to show cause & effect,only method that shows cause & effect
What is a population? Group that results apply too
What are subjects? Those Studied
What is the independent variable? The one manipulated or changed
What is the dependent variable? The one measured,gives me data
What is a sample? Group of subjects selected to represent the population
What is a random sample? Each human of the population has equal chance for selection(allows for sameness)
What is a Representative sample? the same,degree of resemblance to the population of interest
Define operational defines variable in terms of measurement and procedure allows for it to be replicated by others
what is experimental group? subject to change, volunteers that do a experimental procedure
What is a control group? NOT subject to change, this groups abilities are cross checked with the experimental group
What is a placebo? a chemically inactive substance, its a fake medicine used in scientific studies as the control
What is a double blind? testing method in which neither patient nor doctor know what medication or procedure is being used. Helps prevent experimenter bias & taken into account is the placebo effect. Subjects are distributed using random assignment
what is a confounding/extraneuous variable? variables that i would oversee in an experiment or study,other differences in the group that i can't control
Define confederate an actor in an experiment
Who is Stanley Milgram?What did he do? An american social psychologist from Yale,he created the shock generator experiment(on obedience)focusing on conflict between obedience to authority & personal conscience. Ordinary people will listen to authority even if it means killing someone
What were Stanley Milgrams conclusions? 65% of the people went to the highest level of shock,all participants went to at least 300voltage
What is +psychology? Doing good without recognition,altruisim(unselfish),leadership,traits that lead to societies flourishing
Define Structualism?Who discovered this? Wundt & Tirchener,Wundt created 1st psych lab,the study of immediate experience(perception)through attention(wundt)or objective introspection(tirchener)ex:breaking atoms
What is Gestalt psych? study of the perception of whole patterns, founded in Germany of 1912
What is humanisim? emphasis on human potential
Cognitive Revolution humans are more than recipients of life's lessons
who is William James?What did he create? He was the 1st american born psych to study how perception is used to function in the environment(CONTINOUS FLOW)
What are the APA's ethical guidelines? informed on nature of research(learning,memory,etc).informed consent documented(i agree). risks/dangers/confidentiality explained in advance. can't be deceived(well maybe a little)about the aspects of the study.deception of goals can be used when necesary
Created by: BarackObama13
Popular Psychology sets




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