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Food & Festivities

AP Mandarin Per. 8 Vocab Sheet

中餐 chinese food, lunch
西餐 western food
素菜 vegetarian food
葷菜 dish with meat
青菜 vegetables
牛肉 beef
豬肉 pork
羊肉 lamb
烤鴨 roasted duck
家常豆腐 home-style tofu
糖醋魚 sweet and sour fish
米飯 rice
餃子 dumpling
麵包 bread
麵條 noodle
比薩餅 pizza
通心粉 macaroni
三明治 sandwich
糖果 candy
醬油 soy sauce
味精 msg
味道 taste, flavor
good smell
not much flavor
清淡 light flavored
old, rough
好吃 tasty
難吃 tastes bad
牛奶 milk
飲料 beverage
礦泉水 spring water
氣水 soda
綠茶 green tea
紅茶 black tea
冰茶 iced tea
檸檬茶 lemon iced tea
白酒 white wine
葡萄酒 grape wine
啤酒 beer
香檳酒 champagne
果汁 juice
蘋果汁 apple juice
橙汁 orange juice
飯館 restaurant
服務員 server, waiter
位子 seat
桌子 table
菜單 menus
預定 reservation
鮮花 fresh flower
點菜 order dish
上菜 serve food
主食 main course
甜點 dessert
小費 tip
習俗 tradition, culture
特色 unique character
喜慶 festive
祝願 to wish
氣氛 atmosphere
春節 Spring Festival
除夕 New Year Eve
鞭炮 firecracker
拜年 New Year greeting
壓歲錢 New Year money
紅包 red bag
團圓飯 family dinner reunion
年糕 rice cake
元宵節 Lantern festival
元宵 sweet rice ball
花燈 lantern
燈謎 riddle
端午節 Dragonboat Festival
粽子 rice wrapped in a leaf
龍舟 dragon boat
中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival
月餅 moon cake
賞月 admire moon
想念 miss
故鄉 homeland
闔家團圓 whole family gathering
聯歡 have a get-together
晚會 Night festival
剪紙 paper cut
年畫 year painting
舞獅 Lion dance
舞龍 Dragon dance
聖誕節 Christmas
基督教 Christianity
平安夜 Christmas Eve
禮拜 week, Christian ceremony
歡樂 happiness
禮物 gift
感恩節 Thanksgiving
古老 ancient
豐盛 feast
美味佳肴 gourmet food
火雞 turkey
南瓜餅 pumpkin pie
萬聖節 Halloween
服飾 costumes
五顏六色 colorful
千奇百怪 strange and wonderful
面具 mask
糖果 candy
情人節 Valentine's Day
巧克力 chocolate
Created by: squakie
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