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Tech/Society 1

Impact of Tech in Society, first test

"If the water moving onward in a great river, reaches a point where there is a perpendicular jog, of a hundred feet in descent, in the bottom of the river,---it is plain the water will have a violent and continuous plunge at that point." NOT: John Muir, David Attenborough, Rachel Carson, Mark Russell
"My right to life implies your duty not to violate my life." This is an example of: C. The logical correlation of rights and duties especially as seen in the major religions of the world
"Science Finds--Industry Applies--Man Conforms." This was the slogan: B. of the 1933 Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago
"The products and services provided by the earth's ecosystem are increasingly scarce, and natural capital is fast becoming the limiting factor while umanmade capital is increasingly abundant." This is the conviction of: A. Lester Brown
“Blood on the roadsides, blood in the fields, blood on the doorsteps, blood, blood, blood!” This report in the New York World referred to: B. inflamed coverage of the rebellion against Spanish rule in Cuba.
“Everything can be done faster and better." This was the philosophy of: A. Ford
“Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous.” This is the recommendation of: D. Tina Seelvig
“We belong to the Earth.” These words were attributed to the person listed below by a screenwriter: C. Sealth
“We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” This is a proverb attributed to: A. Mahatma Gandhi
A colleague conjectured that Rachel Carson’s religion was: D. Everything about the miracle of nature.
A distinctive of Robert White-Stevens’ public interviews was: C. wearing his laboratory apron.
A famous contemporary scientist, she has made great contributions to primate research. B. Jane Goodall
A former United States Secretary of Commerce was previously the governor of the State of: A. Washington
A fundamental human right that Rachel Carson believed in was: B. a healthy environment
A Luddite is a person who is/was D. opposed to technological change
A main theme of Rachel Carson was: C. the balance of nature
A major concern of most environmentalists is consideration of water as: E. none of the above: a natural resource, a means of transportation, a means of obtaining electric power, all of the above
A shanty town in Brazil is known as a: B. favela
A significant factor in the growth and spread of the internet was: D. CERN declining to attempt to copyright technology underlying the internet
A significant personality characteristic of Rachel Carson was: C. Didn't compromise very easily.
A strong concern of Barbour is the provision in a value system for this kind of justice. B. distributive
A system based on the application of knowledge, manifested in physical objects and organizational forms for the attainment of specific goals is known as: C. technology
A theme of Pigeon Impossible was: C. unintended consequences
Ability to read the words “according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions” (Psalm 51) could be used in the medieval times: B. to claim clergy privilege and escape execution.
Above all others, this political philosophy involves minimum government regulation in all areas of life. D. libertarian
Abraham Maslow feels there are five levels of need; which of these needs must be satisfied before the others? D. survival
According to cost-benefit analysis, which of the following issues are important according to Barbour? D. Both A & B: A. Distributive Justice, Discounting Future, Environmental Values B. Human Values, Institutional Biases, the Role of the Expert
According to Dr. Rogers, technology could be defined as: B. anything that humans use that is not naturally provided in nature.
According to one estimate, more than D. 10 million copies of 40,000 different book titles were produced during the 50 years following Gutenberg’s invention.
According to the film Edens Lost and Found, the declining fish population in the Pacific Northwest area of the U.S.A. is due to: D. A, B, and C: A. excessive commercial fishing B. destruction of fish habitat C. hydroelectric dams
According to this person, the goal of science was the conquest of nature since "knowledge is power." D. Bacon
According to Volti the development of technology is a: B. cumulative process
According to Volti, this group of people disrupt normal activities and procedures by vigorously pushing new ways of doing things. C. entrepreneurs
Agriculture among Native Americans in what is now North Dakota: C. involved fields of corn that were of moderate size.
Albert Speer claimed that this group or movement was the first to use technology as an implement to multiply crime. A. Nazi
An early electronic television camera was called a/an: A. iconoscope
An example of a “hard choice” in ethics would be: D. “blowing the whiste” on oneself
An issue of concern for television as a medium is the effect of TV violence on young viewers. Volti reports that experimental studies: A. Are nearly unanimous in finding a connection between seeing violence and subsequently engaging in aggressive acts
Approximately how far can ships go up the Amazon? D. 1,000 miles
Aristotle and Kant argued that: C. humans have no direct duty to animals
Armstrong found this man to be both friend and adversary: B. Sarnoff
As mentioned in class, Professor Rogers’ basic human rights include all of the following except: D. healthcare.
As pointed out by Lester Brown, modernization of this world power could have serious worldwide consequences due to the predicted ecological consequences: D. China
As suggested in class, Americans often have problems with mainstream science because: B. mainstream scientists have often attacked popular religious views
As with many other technological innovations, printing originated in (the): C. Orient
Asle Gronna made the front page of a major city newspaper for: B. being an anti-war North Dakota U.S. Senator.
At NDSU, ENGR 312 is classified as a general education course in the category or categories listed below: D. A and C: A. social science C. global perspectives
At the time of the development of the discipline known as Scientific Management, A. management and labor in the U.S. were engaged in serious disputes
Attenborough referred to them as the glories of the deltas from the tropics to the Arctic. E. birds.
Attenborough refers to these as the “teeth” of a river: D. sand and gravel.
Baird, Rosing, and Farnsworth: D. Were early experimenters in television.
Barbour argues that current technical progress in television with the growth of cable TV and satellite TV acts to: C. decrease the free access to information which is essential to democracy
Barbour argues that science cannot provide a self-sufficient basis for deriving ethical principles, C. but science can help humans make decisions about ethical dilemmas
Barbour argues that the concept of the rights of future generations fits nicely in a culture that has a Judeo-Christian heritage due its: B. strong emphasis on the importance of family and community
Barbour claims that this person's work was essential in preparing the way for the new field of ecology: A. Darwin
Barbour discussed the first two chapters of Genesis. The main thrust of his discussion was to point out: D. Both B and C: B. The biblical roots of some views of the environment C. Some positive statements about the environment found in Genesis
Barbour discusses sci., tech, religion, philosophy, and politics. He attempts to integrate ideas from these areas. He believes that this particular area can be a source of individual and social transformation" that can have important implications: C. religion
(Barbour distributive justice)people should be treated equally; they are fundamentally equal. However, in many respects people are unequal, and they can be unequally treated. Which of the following is not/are not allowed by Barbour? C. rewards for special virtues or distinctive characteristics
Barbour faults utilitarianism for: E. B and C: B. focusing only on the rights and needs of humans while not considering other living things C. inadequately dealing with the rights of future generations
Barbour holds that: D. Science, philosophy, and religion can make important contributions to the defense of environmental values.
Barbour is concerned about technology’s influence on leisure. He feels that C. technology has brought us more leisure time but has done little to help us use that leisure time constructively.
Barbour maintains that: C. equality is a more compelling value in the distribution of resources to meet basic human needs than in the distribution of other goods and services.
Barbour points out that a certain virtue is important to science, but that is not primarily the result of the personal virtue of the scientist, but rather of the institutional structure of science. This virtue is: A. Honesty
Barbour reports that this is both a product and an instrument of social power: C. technology
Barbour reports that: A. about 250,000 children die each week worldwide from hunger and easily preventable diseases.
Barbour says that this discipline or subject can help remind us of the importance of taking into account both the good of society and the rights of individuals: A. philosophy
Barbour says that this discipline or subject has a key role in motivating people to take action appropriate for the good of society. B. religion
Barbour sees honesty as a characteristic trait of scientists that depends heavily on: A. the organizational structure of the institution in which the scientists work and the requirement for the reproducibility of scientific results
Barbour shares these thoughts (the adequacy of information alone): Where is the life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? These are the words of: D. T.S. Eliott
Barbour states that defenders of technology point out four kinds of benefits from technology. These are (or some of these are): D. A and C: A. Higher living standards and oppotunity for choice C. More leisure and improved communications
Barbour understands the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures to teach the following: A. God is on the side of the poor and works for the liberation of the oppressed.
Based on news reports in late 1990’s, Rogers estimates that the average rate of Amazon burning is about: B. 6 acres per minute
Brown claims that a good measure of a city’s quality of life is: D. the ratio of the number of parks to the number of parking lots
Brown describes three isolated civilizations which in the past declined or disappeared due to use of natural resources that was not sustainable. The three include: E. Easter Island and Mayan civilizations.
Brown reports that this city is among the U.S. leaders in the excessive consumption of gasoline due to traffic congestion: E. Seattle
By “silent spring”, Rachel Carson was suggesting: D. a spring silent of bird songs
C.S. Lewis stated that: D. “What we call Man’s power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument.”
Charles Susskind believed that C. technology has within it the seeds of methods to improve human life.
Christians have extreme attitudes toward technology: they are optimistic about technology or they are critics of technology. Many Christians would advocate redirection or transformation of technology to serve genuine human need. Among them is (are): D. A, B, and C: A. H. Richard Niebuhr. B. Roger Shinn C. Egbert Schuurman
Commercial television was first introduced in the U.S.A. in: C. 1935-1944
Commonly community leaders exercise an option to install a traffic signal according to the approach sometimes called: C. line-drawing problems
Critics of biocentric ethics say that such a philosophy creates a problem of: B. subordination of human rights to environmental needs
David Attenborough is: C. a TV and film producer who specializes in environmental issues.
DDT was used in World War II: B. to kill body lice
Direct electronic voting is a proposed system in which citizens vote on proposed legislation: B. at home
Dr. Rudolph Diesel originally designed his engine to use this type of fuel: B. Peanut oil
Each medium of communication engenders a distinctive way of looking at the world. Simply put, "the medium is the message." This is the view of: A. Marshall McLuhan
Early in the 20th century, the development of the radio industry in the United States: A. Was carefully arranged by federal government maneuvers that gave RCA a virtual monopoly.
Eco-economy is new word that deals with the idea that: B. the economy is part of the environment
Education through television via satellite in India was provided by a satellite owned by this country: B. U.S.A.
Edwin Armstrong fought a prolonged patent battle over the feedback circuit with this inventor: D. Lee de Forest
Emphasis on the “balance of nature” was an objective of B. Rachel Carson
Engineering and technology can be faulted for: D. the breaching of the New Orleans levees in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Ethics (or professional conduct) in the Hebrew Scriptures D. includes but is not necessarily limited to B and C: B. deals with treatment of foreigners C. deals with honest measurements and measurement standards
Farnsworth and Zworykin are known for their: C. legal disputes in the early development of television
February 12 th is the date of this President’s birth, this many years ago: B. Lincoln, 201 years
Feminists have held that there is a connection between the exploitation of women and B. the exploitation of nature
Fleming, Lodge, and Deforest played significant roles in the development of: C. radio
Fleming's inventions were based in part on earlier work by another inventor. He was: D. Edison
Followers of the following religion/philosophy benefitted especially from the expansion of the printed word. B. Protestantism
Followers of this political philosophy advocate the least amount of government help to the poor: D. Libertarianism
Frederick Winslow Taylor is one of the early founders of: B.scientific management
Fresh water from the Amazon extends about how far out into the Atlantic Ocean? C. 100 miles
Genesis Chapter One suggests the following attitude toward nature: A. domination
Genesis the first chapter deals with: D. A and B: A. the Creator’s opinion of the creation B. the role of humans as announced by the Creator
Hangul was an important invention in this country although it was not widely used: B. Korea
He argues that the gap between those who are “information-rich” and those who are "information-poor” is a concern of social justice since information is a source of power: D. Ian Barbour
He designed much of the practical circuitry used in radios: C. Armstrong
He envisioned computers in a communications network of interconnected consciousness and defended the remodeling of the human organism by gene manipulation. B. Teilharde de Chardin
He felt that the real threat to humans was the existing great hoards of insects: A. Robert White-Stevens
He held that technology is self-perpetuating, all-pervasive, and inescapable. Any opposition to it would be simply absorbed as we became addicted to its products. D. Jacques Ellul
He is commonly said to be the inventor of radio by those unfamiliar with the history of radio science. C. Guglielmo Marconi
He is known for his pioneering work in radio theory: B. Maxwell
He used James Clerk Maxwell's theories of electromagnetic radiation to make a working laboratory demonstration of radio: B. Heinrich Hertz
He was Rachel Carson's adopted son: D. Roger Christie
He was the first American President to allow television cameras in his press conferences: D. Kennedy
He was the first to detect radio waves using a piece of wire with small balls at each end bent into a near-circle: B. Heinrich Hertz
He was the inventor of the diode (used in early radio technology): B. John Ambrose Fleming
He was the inventor of the triode, used in a radio amplifier. C. Lee de Forest
He’s been attacked for his views on formulating principles of a social order by both those on the political left and those on the political right: A. John Rawls
Hebrew teaching on ethics as reported in Leviticus probably dates from this period: A. 2000 - 100 BCE [BC]
Henry Ford felt that Americans could deal with the problems of cities by: A. leaving the city
How does a “right” compare to a “duty”? C. A right is something that a human can claim or owns whereas a duty is something that a human is compelled to do on the basis of moral, philosophical, or religious principles.
Hydroelectric dams, destruction of habitat, and commercial fishing are blamed for the loss of: E. 76 to 99% of the Pacific Northwest wild salmon population.
Ian Barbour believes that economic growth must be accompanied by: C. Justice and participation of the citizens
Ian Barbour examines several aspects of the history of and current status of human civilization. He is careful to avoid any discussion of: E. none of the above: A. politics B. science C. economics D. religion
In 1939, NBC’s television schedule provided A. 0 to 5 hours of programming per week
In 1998 there were about C. 235 million television sets in the United States
In a short essay, Lincoln demonstrated a strong interest is this landmark or place: B. Niagara Falls
In debate, an "ad hominem" argument is one in which the debater: A. Attacks the person who presents an issue rather than dealing logically with the issue itself.
In discussing professional conduct, the term legality refers to: D. getting people to obey the law.
In Genesis, after every creative act, the Creator pronounces each creation: B. good
In his discussion of ethics and technology, Barbour reports that: C. As late as 1940, seven European nations with 200 million citizens controlled 700 million people in their empires.
In his essay on Niagara Falls, Lincoln viewed the Falls as, among other things: C. A witness to the history of the human race
In his Independence Hall speech, Lincoln: C. Expressed his willingness to die for his principles
In his treatment of technology as a threat, Barbour notes five problematic characteristics of industrial technology, some of which are: E. A and C: A. Impersonality and manipulation C. Uncontrollability and uniformity in a mass society
In Hugh Aitken’s study of the early days of radio, he concluded that the efforts of these individuals were crucial to radio’s success: C. “translators”
In Lincoln’s famous Independence Hall speech, he stated that if the country could not be saved without sacrificing a key principle of the American republic, he would D. rather be assassinated
In Lincoln’s Lyceum speech, he spoke of the natural beauties of the United States and the virtues of the American political system. Lincoln felt that it was the responsibility of the American citizenry to: B. transmit the land and the political system to all future generations of Americans
In modern presidential elections, campaigns like those of Kerry or Bush spent about how much on television advertising? E. $200 to $400 million dollars
In our study of newspaper headlines in history, we observed the failure in the 1940’s of a large bridge in this city: C. Tacoma, WA
In Pigeon Impossible, the intercontinental ballistic missile’s assigned target was: A. Moscow
In Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, the scientist Thomas Jakes was interviewed. He felt that the most important thing for the public was: D. to receive authentic information
In Rogers’ lecture on professional conduct, the two ideas emphasized the most were the importance of: E. Both C and D C. An individual’s technical competence and personal ethics D. Business policies and codes of ethics
In the 1970’s, interest in the environment grew largely because of the general public’s concern about: C. health
In the 1972 Olympic Games, C. Palestinian activists killed 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team
In the 1980's Ramayana was an immensely popular television subject in: B. India
In the 2008 election campaign for President Obama, Volti reports that that about this amount of money was spent on television advertising in the period June 3 rd to Oct. 6 th: D. $100,000,000-200,000,000
In the 20 th century in the shanty towns of Brazil, this appliance was likely to be purchased by the vast majority of people before any other appliance was purchased: D. television set
In the ancient past, limited technical resources made this an important human activity in a civilized society. D. memorization
In The Blue Planet, it was stated that the rain forest of the world was being burned at what rate? D. 1 acre per second
In The Blue Planet, you take a simulated flight along which well-known land form? C. San Andreas Fault
In the Kennedy/Nixon campaigns, what form of the media played the biggest part in the outcome of the election? B. television
In the nineteenth century the news-gathering power of the telegraph was increased by: C. the trans-Atlantic cable
In the Pacific Northwest the biggest users of biodiesel are: B. government fleets
In the Preface of his book, Barbour makes this claim: D. Fossil fuels put huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, threatening worldwide disruption from global warming.
In the Preface of his book, Barbour makes this claim: A. A billion people are malnourished.
In the Third World, this technology is having the greatest current impact in terms of improving people’s lives: B. cell phones
In the United States, a large group of these people began to experiment with radio by broadcasting news, weather, and music over radio before the age of commercial radio: B. Amateur radio operators
In the video Sweet Fresh Water, the river ecosystems functioned as: portraying the beauty of the Amazon River Basin and the river systems; a source of life for animals of every size and temperament to grow in and adapt to; water as a living, breathing entity instead of a commodity used for tech purposes.
In this country television was used as a shrine from which a holy story could be told. C. India
In this tradition, nature is to be contemplated and appreciated rather than mastered. B. Zen
Jacob Bronowski proposed that values inherent in scientific inquiry A. can be extended as basic ideals for society
John Ambrose Fleming was an early technical advisor to this company: A. Marconi’s Wireless Telegraphy Company
John Baird is know for E. devised an early a television system.
Judge George Boldt ruled: A. in favor of Pacific Northwest Native American fishing rights
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