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PA Quiz #2

Is pain normal? Yes
Where does pain originate from? Pain is an output from the brain
What are the components of pain? Contextual and learned information
How is pain perceived? 1) Cognitive value and response priority 2) Past experience 3) Sensory, emotional, motor, & cultural 4) Protection from further injury
What are the 2 best predictors of someone going into a chronic pain state? Happiness and home and at work
What source of pain is transmitted via A delta and C fibers to dorsal horn and to brain? Peripheral Nociceptive
What source of pain creates abnormal impulse generator sites (AIGS)? Peripheral Neurogenic
What is the source of pain when the nerve is stripped of myelin? Peripheral Neurogenic
What source creates abnormal pain states? Central pain
Pain provoked by stimulus that does not typically cause pain: Allodynia
Heightened response to a pain stimulus: Hyperalgesia
Pain that lasts longer than 6 months: Chronic Pain
A patient with chronic pain will exhibit what symptoms? Fatigued, depressed, fatigues easily
What source of pain is RSD or Complex Regional Pain Syndromes? Sympathetic Nervous system
What are the afferent types of pain? Interoceptors, Exteroceptors, Propioceptors, & Large Aδ & Large C
What type of afferent pain receptors are: internal, always sensing what's going on inside the body (ie: bp, blood oxygen, gases, etc)? Interoceptors
What type of afferent pain receptors are: anything that receives and respons to some sort of stimulus that originates outside of the body (ie: ears, eyes, nose, skin, etc)? Exteroceptors
What type of afferent pain receptors are: both intero- and extero-receptors (muscles, tendons, joints); give info to the CNS about movement, positon of limbs, the trun, the head and neck, etc; and is used when eyes are closed? Propioceptors
What type of afferent pain receptors are: fast and first interpetation of pain; respon more to stimuli such as cold and pressure; mylenated; reason why you "react" to pain? Large Aδ
What type of afferent pain receptors are: Slower and secondary; Somatic nervous system; pain generated months later; unmylenated; responds to stimuli strong intensity; chronic pain or neuropathy; react to thermal, mechanical & chemical stimuli Large C
Diameter = 0.2-1.5 um; velocity = no more than 2 m/sec Large C
Diameter = 1-5 um; velocity = 2-30 m/sec Large Aδ
Sensation is perceived as sharp, pricking for a short duration: A delta
Sensitive to very intense mechanical and temperature: C Fibers
Temperature ranges from less than 59 deg F to greater than 123 deg. F C Fibers
What are the non-nociceptive afferents? Mechanoreceptors, Proprioceptors, & thermoreceptors
The mechanorecptor that: found in dermis; sensitive to light touch; unmylenated nerve endings: Meissner's corpuscles
The mechanoreceptor that: detects deep pressure; rough & smooth textures: Pacinian Corpuscles
The mechanoreceptor that: responds to pressure and texture: Merke's discs
THe mechanoreceptor that: deeper in ski tissues; act as thermoreceptors: Ruffini ending
Where to propioreceptors exist? Joint capsules, muscles, tendons
Sense change in temperature in the skin, joint capsules, and ligaments: Thermoreceptors
These are always scanning the system, making sure everything is running as it should: Homeostatic Receptors
Where do afferents enter the spine? Dorsal portion of the spinal nerve
Where does 2 point discrimination and propioception enter the spine? Medial portion of the dorsal root
Where do pain signals enter the spine? Lateral horn
Where do nocicpetion enter the spine? Lateral portion of the dorsal root
The PRIMARY nociceptive pathway: Spinothalamic tract
What type of pain is associated with the spinothalamic tract? Discriminative pain (type of pain & location of pain)
In the spinothalamic tract where does temperature come from? Lateral spinothalamic tract
In the spionothalamic tract where does crude touch come from? Anterior/Ventral spionothalamic tract
In the spinothalamic tract where does pressure come from? Anterior/Ventral spionothalamic tract
What is acute pain? Sharp, localized, rapid onset, short duration, warning of tissue damage
What is referred pain? Pain at a site remote from the source of pathology, usually visceral
What is persistent pain? Recurrent or episodic pain, accompany reinjury, chronic condition
Assessment scales should include: Severity, location, quality, non-verbal cues, mode, duration, provocative and relieving factors
Why should we assess sensation? Determine location of loss, follow nerve damage, before using modalities, SAFETY
Where are ALL sensory neuron cell bodies? In the dorsal root ganglia
What receptors respond to tonic activity? Pacinian Corpuscles
Nerve fiber that fires in response to damaging or potentially damaging stimuli? Nocicpetors
When do cold fibers being to fire to cold? below 20 deg. C and above 45 deg C
It is common to lose _____ and ______ sense together. Vibration, position
Propioceptors involve: Muscle spindle, GTO, FNE, & Pacinian corpuscle
What type of test is: place a familiar object in the hand and have the patient tell you what it is Stereoaugnosis
What type of test is: being able to tell where the pressure is being applied Tactile Location
What type of test is: Place 2 objects of different weights in their hands and the pt identifies which one is heavier. Barioaugnosis
What type of test is: recognizing a letter or design on any part of the body but especially in the hand Graphesthesia
What type of test is:being able to recognize different textures Texture
Created by: katem_35
Popular Science sets




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