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Gyn 7 (Breast D/Os)


What is the complication of gonorrhea or chlamydia that infects the capsule of the liver? Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
What type of heart murmur fits the following description: diastolic murmur heard best in the left lower sternum that increases with inspiration tricuspid stenosis
What type of heart murmur fits the following description: late diastolic murmur with an opening snap (no change with inspiration) mitral stenosis
What type of heart murmur fits the following description: systolic murmur heard best in the second right interspace aortic stenosis
What type of heart murmur fits the following description: systolic murmur heard best in the second left interspace pulmonic stenosis
What type of heart murmur fits the following description: late systolic murmur best heard at the apex mitral prolapse
What type of heart murmur fits the following description: holosystolic murmur that is louder with inspiration at the left lower sternum tircuspid regurg
What type of heart murmur fits the following description: holosystolic murmur heard at the apex and radiates to the axilla mitral regurg
What is the first-line treatment for pediculosis capitis? permethrin
What is the first-line treatement for pediculosis pubis? permethrin
A 34 y/o woman presents with a smooth, mobile breast mass. On FNA, it is found to contain clear, non-bloody fluid. What is the dx and management? fibrocystic breast changes, give reassurance and f/u in 1 month
Wht is the most likely cause of bloody nipple discharge? intraductal papilloma
What is the mcc of breast mass in the pt younger than 25 yrs? What is the tx? Fibroadenoma. Tx=monitor, sugical excision or cryoablation
What is the mc site for breast CA? upper outer quadrant
What findings are suspicious on a mammogram? Hyperdense regions, calcifications, spiculations
Why are core biopsies typically preferred over FNAs? FNAs carry a 20% chance of false-negative results
What is the tx for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast? lumpectomy, with or without radiation
Once you have ruled out invasive CA, what is the management of LCIS? Why is drug therapy so effective? Observation, +/- tamoxifen or raloxifen. Optional b/l mastectomy. It's so effective b/c LCIS is ER+/PR+
Which type of breast disease matches the following description: mc breast CA invasive ductal carcinoma
Which type of breast disease matches the following description: often presents with serous or bloody nipple discharge introductal papilloma
Which type of breast disease matches the following description: mc mass in patients 35-50 fibrocystic changes of the breast
Which type of breast disease matches the following description: mc tumor in teen and young women fibroadenoma
Which type of breast disease matches the following description: breast mass accompanied by redness, pain, and warmth inflammatory carcinoma
Suspicious lesion on mammogram are those with ________ regions or ____________. hyperdense, calcifications
Most breast abscesses are related to _________. breastfeeding
Breast abscesses are more common among which population of people? (Hint: related to a substance) Smokers
What are the most common abx used for the tx of breast abscess? dicloxacillin, cephalexin, amoxicillin, clavulinic acid, bactrim, metronidazole.
T/F Mothers with a breast abscess should stop breast feeding while they are getting treated? False. They should continue to breastfeed or pump and dump
_____% of all cases of breast cancers occur in males. BRCA____(1/2) is most commonly associated with male breast CA. BRAC2
Which type of breast disease is associated with the following description: Presents as eczematous type lesion on the nipple. There may be cracking or weeping of fluid from the nipple. Paget's disease of breast.
What is the tx for ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS)? lumpectomy and possible radiation therapy.
What is the tx for lobular carcinoma in situ(LCIS)? treated with close observation and tamoxifex or raloxifen. Prophy b/l mastectomy can be performed in women with LCIS who do not desire lifelong observation.
When should a lumpectomy + radiation be performed for invasive carcinoma of the breast? for early focal cancers
When should a mastectomy be performed for invasive carcinoma of the breast? for multifocal lesions or pts with prior breast radiation. Radiation is performed for tumors >5cm
Why should a sentinel lymph node biopsy be performed in patients with invasive carcinoma of the breast? to look for spread to axillary nodes; positive sentinal nodes biopsy indicates need for axillary node dissection at time of tumor resection.
When is systemic therapy indicated for pts with invasive carcinoma of the breast? for all node positive cancers, tumors >1cm and tumors with aggressive histology.
Created by: shelybel
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