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ch48 lab procedures

Chapter 48 Laboratory Procedures

anticoagulant substance that prevents the blood from forming a clot
blood chemistry analyzer machine that runs blood samples that measure routine blood chemistries and electrolytes
blood plasma blood sample that is frozen and then centrifuged to obtain plasma
blood serum liquid portion of the whole blood sample
blood smear blood film placed on a slide that is used to look at the morphology of the blood cells
budding yeast bacteria that are in the shape of a budding flower
buffy coat the layers within a hematocrit or PCV that form a tiny area of visible white composed of white blood cells and platelets
capillary action the action of blood draining into the tube through gravity
catherterized a long thin, rubber or plastic sterile tube inserted into the bladder through the external urinary opening to collect a urine sample
centrifuge veterinary tool used to spin lab samples at a high rate of speed and force used to separate or concentrate materials suspended in liquid form
centrifuge tube glass or plastic tube that holds samples within a centrifuge
chem strip long thin plastic strip separated by individual square pads containing chemically treated paper
cocci round shaped bacteria
commerical serologic test kit commonly used test kit in a veterinary facility to provide quick and accurate results of common viruses and diseases
complete blood cell count CBC, blood test
conical pointed shaped end
Coplin jar glass container that holds chemicals for use in staining slide samples
coverslip thin piece of glass that fits over the sample on a slide
culture and sensitivity test that determines if a bacterial issue is occuring and what type of bacteria is causing the health issue and what antibiotic should be used in treating the problem
cystocentesis surgical puncture into the bladder using a needle to collect a urine sample
decant process of pouring the urine out of the tube and allowing only the sediment on the bottom to remain in the tube
diaphragm mechanism part of the microscope that allows the slide sample to be moved both up and down and side to side to view the entire sample
dip stick long thin plastic strip separated by individual square pads containing chemically treated paper
electrolytes determine the balance of elements in the body, specifically potassium, sodium, and chloride
erythrocytes red blood cells
eye piece the portion of a microscope that you look through
feathered edge the ataggered area at the end of the slide where the vet or vet tech reads and interprets the blood slide
fecal floatation technique done to sample the fecal material to determine if any parasite eggs are within the sample by placing feces within a liquid
fecal sample used to diagnose internal parasites and the presence of blood within the stool sample
fecal smear preparation by placing a small amount of the fecal sample onto a microscope slide
flocculent contains large amounts of particles called sediment suspended in the urine and appearing cloudy
focus knob the portion of the microscope that allows better visualization of a sample
formalin chemical used to preserve tissue samples
Gram negative bacteria that stains red
Gram positive bacteria that stains purple
Gram stain tests are evaluated to determine presence of bacteria and type of bacteria in a sample
gross examination visible observation of feces
hematocrit measurement of the percentage of red blood cells in whole or unclotted blood
hematology the study of blood
hemolysis the rupture of red blood cells causing a pink coloration to develop in the plasma or serum
in house testing lab samples analyzed within the vet facility
lens objective microscope viewer that offers a variety of different powers
medium gel where organism growth may occur
microhematocrit measurement of the percentage of red blood cells in whole or unclotted blood
microhematocrit tube thin, small, glass tubes that hold blood within a centrifuge
midstream urine collected shortly after the urination begins and just prior to the process ending
morphology the cell structure, shape, color and appearance in numbers
necropsy procedure done by examining the body of a deceased animal to determine the cause of death
oil immersion the use of specialized oil substance that is placed over a sample in order to view the contents
packed cell volume measurement of the percentage of red blood cells in whole or unclotted blood
panel individual blood test
plasma protein measures the ratio of protein within the blood and helps vets determine the hydration status and inflammation occurrence in patients
reagent chemicals are used to run each individual test in a kit
reagent strip chemical test strip used to analyze urine or blood on a long thin plastic strip sepearated by individual square pads containing a chemically treated paper
reference lab lab samples analyzed outside of the facility in a commercial lab
refractometer tools used to measure the weight of a liquid and determine a liquids pH level
rods oblong bacteria shape
rotors wheels in a centrifuge that spin at a variety of speeds depending on the sample type
SNAP test a serologic test
specific gravity the weight of liquid
stage part of the microscope that is the flat section under the lens
total protein measures the ration of protein within the blood and helps vets determine the hydration status and inflammation, also called plasma protein
urinalysis break down of urine components to determine a diagnosis
vacutainer tube tube used to place blood samples in for future sampling
voided urine sample collected as the animal is urinating
whole blood blood sample placed in a lavendar top tube to prevent clotting
Created by: tromanczak
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