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Heme Onc 4 Leuk D/O

Leukocyte Disorders and Hypersensitivity

What drugs are known for causing elevated prolactin levels? Antipsychotics (phenothiazine, risperidone, haliperidol), methyldopa, verapamil
What substances are known to cause hemolysis in pts with G6PD deficiency? Sulfonamides, anti-malarials (primoquine, INH), ASA, nitrofurantoin, dapsone, fava beans
What would you expect with eosinophilic casts found in the urine? AIN
What is the next step in the mgmt of a pt with febrile neutropenia due to chemo? Admit, culture, broad-spectrum abx (cefepime or ceftazidine)
Which type of infection will cause an eosinophilia? Parasitic
Which immunoglobulin class is a/w eosinophilia? IgE
What is the tx for anaphylaxis? ABCs, stop inciting agent, epinephrine IM or IV, H1/H2 blockers, bronchodilators, steroids, and IVF
WHich type of hypersensitivity?: IgE Ab attach to mast cells causing mast cell degranulation and histamine release Type I
WHich type of hypersensitivity?: IgM and IgG anti-cell Ab which activate the complement cascade inducing cell death Type II
WHich type of hypersensitivity?: IgM and IgG immune complexes which get deposited in the tissues thereby activating the complement cascade Type III
WHich type of hypersensitivity?: T cell and macrophage-mediated Type IV
Why is type IV hypersensitivity called delayed type? delayed type because it requires secretion of lymphokines to induce macrophages to destroy surrounding tissue
Which type of hypersensitivity?: allergic rhinitis 1
Which type of hypersensitivity?: transplant rejection 4
Which type of hypersensitivity?: Arthus rxn 3
Which type of hypersensitivity?: drug induced or immune hemolytic anemia 2
Which type of hypersensitivity?: anaphylaxis 1
Which type of hypersensitivity?: asthma 1
Which type of hypersensitivity?: hemolytic disease of the newborn 2
Which type of hypersensitivity?: glomerulonephritis 3
Which type of hypersensitivity?: allergic contact dermatitis 4
Which type of hypersensitivity?: PPD testing 4
Which type of hypersensitivity?: serum sickness 3
Tx for type 1 hypersensitivity? Antihistamines, bronchodilators, steroids, and leukotriene inhibitors
Tx for type 2 hypersensitivity? Anti-inflammatories, immunosuppressants, plasmapheresis
Tx for type 3 hypersensitivity? anti-inflammatories
Tx for type 4 hypersensitivity? corticosteroids or immunosuppressants
Goodpasture glomerulonephritis results from auto-Ab targeting the glomerular basement membrane. Which hypersensitivity rxn is this, and how can it be treated? Type 2. Tx with anti-inflammatories, immunosuppressants/steroids, and plasmapheresis if necessary
A pt presents with red marks on her ear lobes and her left wrist, and is ultimately dx with nickel allergy. What type of hypersensitivity is this? type 4 delayed
WHat is the most important medication in the tx of anaphylaxis? Epinephrine
What is the ddx for eosinophilia? DNAAACP: Drugs, Neoplasms, Allergy/Asthma, Adrenal insufficiency (Addison's), AIN, Collagen vasc dz, Parasites
Created by: sarah3148
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