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Test1_Chapter 6B


Obsessions 1. Recurrent intrusive thoughts 2. Not excessive worry 3. Attempt to suppress these thoughts 4. Product of ones own mind
Compulsions 1. Repetitive purposeful behaviour in response to obsession 2. designed to prevent/neutralize discomfort
Fear Circuitry amygdala, hippocampus, medial prefontal cortex Involved in Anxiety Disorders
Frontal Striatal Circuity involved in OCD. Orbitofrontal cortex, caudate nuclei, thalamus
OCD Recognition that obsessions or compulsions are unreasonable. Distress and interference 1 hour a day Various other exclusion criteria
OCD differs from Schizophrenia in that the thoughts/impulses are recognized to be a product of ones own mind. <recognition that seperates them from delusion
OCD onset late teens, early 20's
OCD Biology runs in families, linked to epilepsy/trauma, associated with movement disorders (tourettes), VARIATIONS in GLUTAMATE and 5HT genes
Three types of OCD Preoccupations/bodily sensations disorders Impulsive disorders Neurological disorders
OCD Neurochemical model Serotonin (depressives symptoms, lack of certainty), Dopamine (Obsessions and compulsions), Norepinephrine (involved in anxiety, stress response)
OCD behavioural model Learning Aspects: -Trigger fears -Generalization -Avoidance learning response substitution -Development of rituals -Prevention of new learning
Symbolic undoing Experience-- Guilt-- Symbolic substitution-- Undoing act-- Compulsive act
OCD family factors highly verbal, etiquette important, social isolation and withdrawal, emphasis on cleanliness, instrumental morality
OCD cognitive model Over importance of thoughts and need to control thoughts, oversetimation of threat and lack of tolerance for uncertainty. Excessive responsibility, perfectionism, lack of tolerance for emotional discomfort.
SSRI's for OCD treatment (40% non responders)- 60% moderate improvement at best. Frequent relapse
Surgery for OCD treatment Cingulotomy or capsuotomy, Infrequent (last resort), 25-30% experience improvement
ERP (exposure response prevention) for OCD treatment 1. Expose to fear stimuli---> 2. Prevent response---> 3. Wait for anxiety to reduce ---> 4. notice the anxiety reduction. Most effective treatment, 70-80% maintain gains, benefits persists 6 years.
Created by: jhrobins99
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