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Caudill Old People

Old people for the Pioneers Competition

A Greek philosopher who studied nature and developed an early classification system for living things. He suggested that living things could be categorized by 5 "elements": earth, air, water, fire, and aether. Aristotle 384-322 B.C.
A leading doctor of the time, this man first figured out that the heart was responsible for blood flow. He exhumed dead bodies and animals to look at them. William Harvey 1500s
This person developed an early compound microscope and was able to examine a piece of cork. He first named cells in it. They were actually cell walls Robert Hooke 1600s
This person made a single lens microscope that observed "little animals (bacteria and protists). He was not inventor of the microscope. He saw blood cells, bacteria, and sperm cells. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek 1600s
An Italian doctor who challenged the idea of abiogenesis (spontaneous generation) at the macroscopic level. He conducted a series of experiments with old meat in containers and mesh coverings. Francesco Redi 1600s
Swedish botanist who developed a binomial system for naming organisms. Everything was given two names. (Genus, species) example is Homo sapiens. ON computer it is always in italics. Carolus Linnaeus 1700s
This man created the first vaccine for small pox by observing milkmaids getting cowpox. He hypothesized that getting that disease makes you immune to small pox. Edward Jenner late 1700s
This person first came up with the idea that all plants are composed of cells. Schleiden 1800s
This persons work demonstrated that all animals are composed of cells. Schwann 1800s
This person demonstrated that all cells come from other existing cells. Virchow 1800s
These people helped support the cell theory with the ideas that all plants and animals are composed of cells, and all cells come from other existing cells. Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow 1800s
A French scientist who conducted experiments to challenge the idea of abiogenesis at the microscopic level. He developed a special S shaped flask that allowed his experiment to work the way that you know already. Louis Pasteur mid-1800s
This person was a surgeon who observed that infection was killing most of his patients. He cleaned stuff and that made everything safer. A mouthwash is named after him. Joseph Lister mid-1800s
This person was given the title the "Father of Modern Genetics" because of his work with inheritance in peas in a monastery garden. His ideas were accepted long after his death. Gregor Mendel mid-1800s
These people worked on the idea of natural selection after taking a trip to the Galapagos Islands. Finally they published their work but one of them had more connections and more background. This idea brought in much controversy. Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace mid-1800s
This physiologist worked with the idea of classical conditioning in dogs. He used the ringing of a bell in association with food to train them. Ivan Pavlov 1849-1936
This person was a bacteriologist who discovered penicillin (the first antibiotic medicine) when a mold accidentally infected his bacteria plates. Alexander Fleming 1928
An American Doctor who worked with the development of stored blood and blood banks during WWII. He protested against racial segregation of blood. Charles Drew 1940s
This person developed vaccine for polio by injecting the body with an inactivated polio virus which created a protective immunity against disease. Jonas Salk 1955
This Australian zoologist studied animal behavior. He is well known for his studies of instinctual behaviors in geese. In particular, he found that during a critical time of development, goslings instinctively imprint upon and follow their mother goose. Konrad Lorenz 1900s
This person conducted several experiments with X-ray crystallography that bombarded molecules with millions of X-rays and taking measurements of patterns. Maurice Wilkins 1950s
This person worked in Maurice Wilkin's lab and conducted experiments that showed the DNA molecule to be a helix. She shared her data with Watson and Crick Rosalind Franklin 1950s
These 2 graduate students in England made a model of the DNA molecule with the help of many. They proved it to be a double helix, which explained how it could hold information, be stable, and make proteins. Their model was made of metal pieces. James Watson and Francis Crick
These anthropologists/archaeologists discovered ancient hominid fossils in Eastern Africa. They asserted Darwin's theory of evolution and found human evidence of our human past in Africa. Mary & Louis Leaky 1959
These 2 scientists tried to simulate Earth's early conditions and were able to synthesize of 20 different amino acids from these nonliving ingredients. They suggest a possibility of abiogenesis in nature. Miller and Urey 1960s
An American writer, marine biologist, and conservationist that authored the controversial book "Silent Spring" in 1962 warning about the dangers of pesticides in our environment. She exposed the danger of DDT magnifications in the bald eagle. Rachel Carson 1907-1964
This British anthropologist was legendary for her studies of wild chimpanzees. Her work was originally supported by Louis Leake and continues to be one of the longest uninterrupted observational field studies of any wild animal in its natural surroundings Jane Goodall (born in 1934-present)
Created by: anujthakkar423
Popular Science sets




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