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FN Ch 5

Evidence-Based Practice

Bias Personal opinion
Clinical guidelines National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC) database supported by Agency for Healcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) containing sustematically developed stmts about a plan of care for a specific set of clinical circumstances involving a specific pt pop
Confidentiality guarantees that any info provided will not be reported in any manner and will not be accessible to ppl outside the hc or research team
Empirical data data produced by an observation or study
Evidence-based practice (EBP) a provlem-solving approach to clinical practice that integrates the conscientious use of best evidence in combination with a clinician's expertise, and patient preferences and values in making decisions about patient care
Experimental Study RCT - tightly controls conditions to eliminate bias and ensure findings can be generalizable to similar groups of subjects
Generalizable rendering nonspecific; covering a large group of subjects
Hypotheses predictions made about the relationship or difference between study variables
Inductive reasoning developing generalizations or theories from specific observations or interviews; general group characteristics derived from specific observation
Informed Consent means subjects 1)given full and complete info re purpose of study, procedures, data collex, potential hard & benefits, and alt methods of txt 2) capable of fully understanding implications of txt 3)voluntarily consent or decline
Nursing research a way to i.d. new knowledge, improve professional education and practice, and use resources effectively...knowledge provides a scientific basis for nursing practice & validates nursing interventions
Peer-reviewed an article reviewed by a panel of experts familiar with the topic or subject matter of the evidence article before it was published
Performance improvement (PI) process of an org analyzing and evaluating current performance & uses results to develop focused improvement actions
PICOT question EBP clinical question format; (P) Pt pop of interest; (I) Intervention of interest; (C) Comparison of interest; (O) Outcome; (T) Time
Qualitative nursing research study of phenomena that are difficult to quantify or categorize (i.e. pt's perceptions of illness)
Quality improvement (QI) an approach to the continuous study and improvement of the processes of providing hc svcs to meet the needs of pts and others and inform health care policy
Quantitative nursing research study of nursing phenomena that offers a precise measurement and quantification; focus on numerical data, statistical analysis, and controls to eliminate bias
Reliable dependable; accurate or honest
Research process An orderly series of steps that allows for questions to be answered; builds knowledge for use in similar situations
Scientific method foundation of research and the most reliable and objective of all methods of gaining knowledge; systematic, step-by-step process that provides support that the findings from a study are valid, reliable, and generalizable to subjects similar
Valid sound; just; well-founded in reason
Variables concepts, characteristics, or traits that vary within or among subjects
Evaluation research form of quantitative research that determines how well a program, practice, procedure, or policy is working
Created by: JaeLaw23
Popular Nursing sets




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