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Pulm 4 (Neoplasms)


What heart defect is associated with the following disorder: chromosome 22q11 deletion DiGeorge syndrome (associated with truncus arteriosis and tetralogy)
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder: down syndrome endocardial cushion defects
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder: congenital rubella PDA or Pulm artery stenosis
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder: turner syndrome coarctation of the aorta
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder: marfan syndrome aortic regurg
What is the tx of cardiogenic shock? Dobutamine
What heart defect is associated with the following disorder: What is the next step in the management of a positive PPD? CXR
What is the next step in the w/u of a pt with a solitary nodule? compare new CXR to prior CXR
Which type of lung CA is associated with the following paraneoplastic syndrome: elevated ACTH-->glucocorticoid excess-->cushing syndrome Small cell
Which type of lung CA is associated with the following paraneoplastic syndrome: elevated PTH related peptide-->hypercalcemia squamous cell
Which type of lung CA is associated with the following paraneoplastic syndrome: elevated ADH-->SIADH-->hyponatremia small cell
Which type of lung CA is associated with the following paraneoplastic syndrome: antibodies to presynaptic Ca2+ channels-->Lambert-eaton syndrome small cell
A smoker has rapid onset JVD, facial swelling, and altered mental status. What is the tx? SVC syndrome. The tx is steroirds and endovascular stent, +/- emergency radiation(if acute airway obstruction, but this is not routine).
What is the initial tx of a localized non-small cell lung cancer? surgical resection
A patient presents with chronic sinusitis, hemoptysis and hematuria. What is the tx? Wegener's granulomatosis. Tx is steroids and cyclophosphamide
A pt with lung dz is found to have anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies. What is the tx? Goodpastures. Tx is plasmapheresis, steroids, and immuosuppressants
What are the classic radiologic findings in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis? reticular or honey comb pattern on CXR.
What is the tx for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis? steroids, Azothioprine or cyclophosphamide, N-acetylcysteine.
Which type of pneumoconiosis matches the following description: progressive fibrosis coal workers dz and silicosis
Which type of pneumoconiosis matches the following description: increased risk of TB silicosis
Which type of pneumoconiosis matches the following description: associated with working with electronics; causes increased cancer risk berylliosis
Which type of pneumoconiosis matches the following description: malignant mesothelioma and bronchogenic carcinoma asbestosis
What is the mc type of lung CA see in nonsmokers? adenocarcinoma
Which characteristics favor a begnin lung lesion? <35 yrs, no change from prior films, central uniform lesion with smooth margins, <2cm, no evidence of lymphadenopathy
Which characteristics favor a cancerous lung lesion? smoker, >45yrs, new or progressing lesion, no calcifictions or irregular calcifications, >2cm, irregular margins
what is the next step after finding a benign lung lesions in a pt on CT? follow with chest xray in 3-6 months
What is the next step after finding a cancerous lung lesion in a pt on CT? PET scan, biopsy, or immediate resection depending on clinical likelihood of malignancy.
What are the mc sites for lung cancer metz? BLAB: bone, liver, adrenals, brain
A patient with sarcoidosis may have what unique lab findings? increased ACE
Created by: shelybel
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