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Test1_Chapter 6

Biophysical and Psychosocial - Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation - Chapter 6

adaptation : a change or alteration designed to assist in adapting to a new situation or environment
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) : a hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that stimulates the secretion of cortisol and other hormones by the adrenal cortex
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) : a hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland that constricts blood vessels, elevates blood pressure, and reduces the excretion of urine
catecholamines : any of the group of amines (such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, or dopamine) that serve as neurotransmitters
coping : the cognitive and behavioral strategies used to manage the stressors that tax a person’s resources
dysplasia : bizarre cell growth resulting in cells that differ in size, shape, or arrangement from other cells of the same tissue type
glucocorticoids : the group of steroid hormones, such as cortisol, that are produced by the adrenal cortex; they are involved in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism and have anti-inflammatory properties
gluconeogenesis : the formation of glucose by the liver from noncarbohydrate sources, such as amino acids and the glycerol portion of fats
guided imagery : the mindful use of a word, phrase, or visual image to achieve relaxation or direct attention away from uncomfortable sensations or situations
homeostasis : a steady state within the body; the stability of the internal environment
hyperplasia : an increase in the number of new cells of a tissue
hypoxia : inadequate supply of oxygen to the cell
inflammation : a localized, protective reaction of tissue to injury, irritation, or infection, manifested by pain, redness, heat, swelling, and sometimes loss of function
metaplasia : a cell transformation in which there is conversion of one type of mature cell into another type of cell
negative feedback : feedback that decreases the output of a system
positive feedback : feedback that increases the output of a system
steady state : a stable condition that does not change over time, or when change in one direction is balanced by change in an opposite direction
stress : a disruptive condition that occurs in response to adverse influences from the internal or external environments
Created by: jhrobins99
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